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Banking in the Digital Age

We live in the age of (электронных банковских операций). More and more funds each year move through (электронные системы платежей) (EFTS), computerized systems for conducting financial transactions over electronic links. Millions of businesses and consumers now pay bills and receive payments electronically. One of the original forms of electronic banking is the (автоматическая кассовая машина). It is an electronic terminal that permits people with plastic cards to perform simple banking transactions 24 hours a day by inserting an electronic card into the machine without the aid of a human teller. (Сетевые системы) enable ATM users to (получать доступ к..) their bank accounts in distant states and even throughout the world.

Cash is dying. Money today is a plastic charge card. For example, (кредитные карты) are plastic cards that allow the customer to buy now and repay the loaned amount later. Practically, it has become difficult to buy an airplane ticket or rent a car without a credit card.

Most banks now offer customers (дебетовые карты) – also called check cards – which allow customers to pay for their purchases directly from their checking or savings account. Customers are required to enter their (личные идентификационные номера) and can often get cash back. (Банкоматы) are located in most shopping centers and consumers enjoy the convenience of this feature.

With the growth of the Internet, banking activities may now be carried out on a computer at home or at work, or through (беспроводные устройства) such as (сотовые телефоны). (Онлайновые банковские операции) allows people to make sophisticated banking transactions, buy and sell stocks and bonds, and purchase products and airline tickets without ever leaving home or speaking to another human being. The computer and advanced telecommunications technology have revolutionized world commerce.

5. Translate the following groups of words into Russian:

1. to intermediate between savers and borrowers; 2. insurance companies, pension funds, and finance companies; 3. to regulate the supply of money; 4. to influence exchange rates; 5. the bank cash reserves; 6. to receive money for safe-keeping; 7. a wide range of checking and savings deposit accounts; 8. home mortgage loans; 9. to rent safe deposit boxes; 10. commercial and industrial loans; 11. to meet day-to-day cash needs; 12. secured and unsecured loans; 13. to repay the loan; 14. to arrange a revolving line of credit; 15. to extend installment credit; 16. the principal and the interest; 17. real estate loans; 18. the prime interest rate; 19. electronic funds transfer systems; 20. to insert a plastic card into cash dispenser; 21. ATM users; 22. to make sophisticated banking transactions; 23. foreign exchange department.

IV. Brush up your grammar

A. Grammar Folio:

The Sequence of Tenses Reported Speech

Структурно, косвенная речь (Reported Speech) представляет собой сложное предложение, состоящее из главного и придаточного предло­жений. Если глагол-сказуемое главного предложения (вводящий глагол) стоит в настоящем времени (e.g. I say, he says, she asks, etc.), то глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения может стоять в любом, нужном по смыслу времени.

he works in the bank

He says that he worked in the bank

he will work in the bank

Если вводящий глагол стоит в прошедшем времени (e.g. I said, he asked, etc.), то в придаточном предложении происходит замена временных форм по сравнению с временными формами в прямой речи.

Таблица изменения временных форм в соответствии

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]