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Part 5. "Revolution"

Make sure you know these words:

immortalize, stare, tug, adore, contemporary, prime, compassion, guillotine

Task 5

Ex.1.  Group the vocabulary below under the right heading. Some words can be put under two headings. Explain their meaning. What words can be referred to art vocabulary?




revolution, pastoral, idyll, naughty, patron, darken, wrinkle, ankle, quintessential, immortalize, persuade, bench, suspiciously, stare, fertility, cornsheaf, enchantment, sensuality, flitter, tug, machinery, adore, contemporary, statesman, boyhood, paradox, propagandist, politician, rid, monster, poor, prime, canvas, compassion, guillotine, sketch, female, sacrifice, capture, indignation, familiar, separate, countryside, complicated, waste, monarchy, execution, enthusiastic, alien, avoid, glitter, threat, challenge, determine

Ex.2.  Comprehension questions.

1.  What was the difference between the British aristocracy and the French one?

2 .  Look at "Mr and Mrs Andrews" by Gainsborough. Make a psychological sketch of the couple.

3.  Why was Jacques-Louis David called as "the revolutionary spirit of France"? Who was Marat?

4.  What did Ingres proclaim in his paintings?

5.  Who is the best loved painter for British people?

6.  Try to compare Constable and Turner’s vision of their epoch.

7.  Speak about so called "Black paintings" and Francisco Goya in particular.

Ex.3.  Match the paintings with the artists.









"The Bather of Valpincon"

"The Fighting Temeraire tugged to her last berth to be broken up"

"The Death of Marat"

"The Hay Wain"

"House of Cards"

"The Pilgrimage to Cytheria"

"Mr and Mrs Andrews"

"Charles IV of Spain and his family"

Ex.4.  Mark the sentences as True (T) or False (F).

1.  Stubbs was far more interested in the beauty of horses than in the vanity of his human patrons.

2.  “Mr and Mrs Andrews” is one of the most tragic masterpieces.

3.  The French art was unlike to the British one.

4.  Rococo is an 18th century style, which developed as Baroque artists gave up their symmetry and became increasingly more ornate, florid, and playful.

5.  Ingres thinks that medieval superstition only is suitable for a new society.

6.  Goya was the greatest romantic painter of the age. He glorified the blackness of a human soul.

E x.5.  Look at the famous portrait "Jane, Countess of Harrington" by Reynolds. Describe it paying attention to the following points:

1.  The general effect.

2.  The contents of the painting (Place, time and setting. The accessories, the dress etc.).

3.  The composition and colouring.

4.  Interpretation (mythology, the artist’s appeal, idea etc.)

Ex.6.  Read the description below and guess the painting.

"It shows the head of a small black dog gazing upwards. The dog itself is almost lost in the vastness of the rest of the image, which is empty except for a dark sloping area near the bottom of the picture: an unidentifiable mass which conceals the animal's body…"

Ex.7.  Topics for discussion:

1.  Thomas Gainsborough, Joshua Reynolds, George Stubbs. The features of British painting.

2.  The French revolution and fanatical painting. David as the best representative of the age.

3.  Chardin’s sadness and enchantment in his "The Pilgrimage to Cytheria".

4.  Ingres as a masterly classical artist.

5.  Watteau "House of Cards" as a great metaphor of our life.

6.  Constable’s love for British countryside.

7.  Joseph Mallord William Turner.

8.  “Black Paintings” and Francisco Goya.