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Part 4. "Two sides of the Alps"

Make sure you know these words:

meadow, mature, torture, vindication, controversial, flounder


Ex.1.  Group the vocabulary below under the right heading. Some words can be put under two headings. Explain their meaning. What words can be referred to art vocabulary?




unique, stability, tender, meadow, gown, claim, vision, delight, protect, coexist, destroy, throne, rival, loss, mature, rare, climax, torture, vindication, betray, cupid, pagan, carnival, emphasis, despair, rescue, utter, misery, hatred, wonder, crown, sensitive, craftsman, carpenter, sophisticated, apparent, studio, brush, bullish, servant, the Inquisition, controversial, liberty, harvest, flounder, restoration

Ex.2.  Comprehension questions.

1.  Where are the Alps situated? What countries do the Alps divide?

2.  Who was the Father of Venetian Painting?

3 .  Why is "Madonna of the Meadow" so powerful and dramatic? How many symbols mentioned in the film can you remember? What do the white bird and the snake in the background of the painting symbolize?

4.  Tell the myth about Bacchus and Ariadne.

5.  In Northern Europe artists were struggling for recognition, weren’t they? Why?

6.  What is the main mission of an artist according to Albrecht Durer and his self-portrait?

7.  What monarch granted political asylum for Hans Holbein the Younger?

Ex.3.  Match the paintings with the artists.


Albrecht Durer

Paolo Veronese

Giovanni Bellini


Hans Holbein the Younger

Pieter Brueghel the Elder

“Portrait of Henry VIII”

“Hunters in the Snow”

“The Flaying of Marsyas”

“The Tempest”

“The Feast in the House of Levi”

“Madonna of the Meadow”

“Christ among the Doctors”

Ex.4.  Read the idioms below and guess what they mean. Make up your own sentences with them.

the power that be

from head to foot/toe

Ex.5.  What are the titles of these paintings? Who created them?

They are so different, and at the same time both of them are powerful and take our breath away. What feelings and emotions does the left-hand painting excite? How many ages of an artist can you find in the right-hand masterpiece? What are they?

Ex.6.  Fill in the blanks with a suitable word given in the box.

favor, restoration, vision, court, fortune, tortures, gentleman

1.  Paolo Veronese had his own … of painting religious scenes. 2.  Durer wants to show that an artist is a … even if his father keeps a shop. 3.  Holbein came to London and found … at the … of King Henry VIII. 4.  In Northern Europe artists were treated as … . 5.  Many young painters leave their homes to seek their … abroad. 6.  This picture is sure to need … . 7.The Inquisition is remarkable for its cruelty, intolerance and … .

Ex.7.  Topics for discussion:

1.  Titian. Three images of an artist.

2.  Giovanni Bellini and his works of art.

3.  Albrecht Durer. His contribution to painting.

4 .  Henry III, his political and psychological portrait. Anne Boleyn.

5.  The problem of light and shade in painting.

6.  Describe "Madonna and Saints" by Giorgione.

-  Is it a real world or a magical one?

-  What does the throne here symbolize?

-  Speak about the background of the painting.