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3 курс 1 семестр МС 2012-13 (методична розробка...doc
1.54 Mб

I. Give English equivalents of the following:

підвищення ціни; середній рівень цін; отримати великий прибуток; стабільні ціни; відрізняти явище інфляції від підвищення цін на окремі товари; мати сенс; купувати речі на перепродаж; темп інфляції; виробництво йде на спад.

ІI. Fill in the blanks with: average level of prices; nominal income; price increases; relative price; income; a deflation; real income

1. Most people associate inflation with ... on goods and services. 2. Inflation is an increase in the ..., not a change in any specific price. 3. A decline in average prices - ... - occurs when price decreases on some goods and services outweigh price increases on all others. 4. ... is the price of one good in comparison with the price of other goods. 5. ... is the amount of money you receive in a particular time period; it is measured in current hryvnias. 6. ... is the purchasing power of that money as measured by the quantity of goods and services your hryvnias will buy. 7. Money illusion is the use of nominal money rather than real money to measure changes in one's ... or wealth.

ІІІ. Answer the questions:

1. What is inflation? 2. What is deflation? 3. What do we call the price of one good in comparison with the price of other goods? 4. What is the influence of price changes on your nominal and real income? 5. What are the two basic lessons about inflation? 6. What is money illusion? 7. What is the most common measure of inflation? 8. How can we calculate the inflation rate? 9. What do we call the absence of significant changes in the average price level? 10. What happens when the demand for goods and services increases faster than production?

ІV. Translate into English:

1. Явище інфляції треба відрізняти від підвищення цін на окремі товари. 2. Впродовж останнього місяця інфляція на споживчі товари зросла на 5 відсотків. 3. Відносна ціна - це ціна одного товару в порівнянні з ціною інших товарів. 4. Інфляція найчастіше має місце в країнах із нестабільною економікою. 5. Номінальний доход - це кількість грошей, які ви отримуєте за певний період. 6. Він досліджує проблеми інфляції у цій країні вже протягом двох років. 7. Не всі ціни підвищуються однаково під час інфляції: деякі зростають дуже швидко, інші - помірно, а деякі зовсім не змінюються. 8. Темп інфляції - це щорічний середній темп підвищення рівня цін.

Grammar: Passive Tenses – Revision (2)

1 Choose the correct answers. Explain your choice:

1. He knew why he was chosen / had been chosen. 2. He was shocked / had been shocked by his boss's attitude. 3. We are just sent / have just been sent new information. 4. Everything will be done / will have been done by the end of the week. 5. He is interviewed / is being interviewed now. 6. My application is still considered / is still being considered by the managers. 7. The letters has just been brought / have just been brought. 8. He explained that a new job was offered / had been offered to him in May. 9. She was never made / has never been made such an exciting proposal. 10. My computer is repaired / is being repaired now. 11. This cheque was signed / has been signed by the manager an hour ago. 12. Negotiations will have been held / will be held in Kyiv next week. 13. Prices for oil had been increased / have been increased again. 14. Our company was founded / has been founded in 1990. 15. Extra payments are given / are being given to employees with initiative once a month.