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Grammar: Passive Tenses – Revision (1)

1 Choose the best way to continue each sentence:

1 He lives in a small house.

a. Somebody built it about forty years ago. b. It was built about forty years ago.

2 English is worth learning.

a. People speak it in a lot of countries. b. It is spoken in a lot of countries.

3 He got a sports car, but he didn't like it.

a. So he sold it again. b. So it was sold again.

4 My niece is an artist.

a. She’s just painted another picture. b. Another picture has just been painted by her.

5 The new Virginia Meyer film is marvellous.

a. They are showing it at our local cinema. b. It is being shown at our local cinema.

2 Write passive sentences:

1 Chinese ……………… (speak) in Singapore. 2 The Taj Mahal ……………… (build) around 1640. 3 The new hospital ……….………… (open) next year. 4 She ………………… (interview) now. 5 I realised I ……………..… (follow). 6 ………………… (you invite) to Andy's party? 7 He found that all his money ………………… (steal). 8 These computers ……………… (make) in Korea. 9 Passengers ………

(ask) not to speak to the driver. 10 Sorry about the noise the road ……………… (mend). 11 The village church ………………… (burn down) last year. 12 A Roman pavement ……………… (just find) under Oxford Street.

• With a passive, we can use by + noun if we need to say who does the action:

This house was built in 1486 by Sir John Latton.

3 Make the sentences passive. Use by ... only if it is necessary to say who does / did the action:

1 Shakespeare wrote 'Hamlet'. ……………………………………………………………………

2 They have arrested her for shoplifting. ……………………………………………………………………

3 They are repairing your car now. ……………………………………………………………………

4 People in Chile speak Spanish. ……………………………………………………………………

5 Has anybody asked Peter? ……………………………………………………………………

6 My mother made this ring. ……………………………………………………………………

7 Electricity drives this car. ……………………………………………………………………

8 Somebody will tell you where to go. ……………………………………………………………………

9 A drunken motorist knocked her down. …………………………………………………………………

10 Liverpool beat Manchester 3-0 yesterday. ………………………………………………………………

11 The Chinese invented paper. ……………………………………………………………………

12 You need hops to make beer. ……………………………………………………………………

13 They don't sell stamps in bookshops. ……………………………………………………………………

14 The directors are still considering your application. ……………………………………………………

27 Inflation

inflation - інфляція

deflation - дефляція

relative price - відносна ціна

nominal income - номінальний дохід

real income - реальний дохід

money illusion - грошова ілюзія

Consumer Price Index - індекс споживчих цін

inflation rate - темп інфляції

price stability - стабільність цін

demand-pull inflation - інфляція, спричинена попитом

cost-push inflation - інфляція, спричинена вартістю

Most people associate inflation with price increases on specific goods and services. Inflation is an increase in the average level of prices, not a change in any specific price.

We first determine the average price of all output (the average price level), then look for changes in that average. A rise in the average price is referred to as inflation.

The average price level may fall and rise. A decline in average prices - a deflation - occurs when price decreases on some goods and services outweigh price increases on all others. Relative price is the price of one good in comparison with the price of other goods.

Because inflation and deflation are measured in terms of average price levels, it is possible for individual prices to rise or fall continuously without changing the average price level. Nominal income is the amount of money you receive in a particular time period; it is measured in current hryvnias. Real income, by contrast, is the purchasing power of that money, as measured by the quantity of goods and services your hryvnias will buy. If the number of hryvnias you receive every year is always the same, your nominal income doesn't change - but your real income will rise or fall with price changes.

There are two basic lessons about inflation to be learned:

- Not all prices rise at the same rate during an inflation. Some prices increase very rapidly, others only modestly, and still others not at all.

- Not everyone suffers equally from inflation. Those people who consume the goods and services that are rising faster in price bear a greater burden of inflation; their real incomes fall more.

Money illusion is the use of nominal hryvnias rather than real hryvnias to measure changes in one's income or wealth.

The most common measure of inflation is the Consumer Price Index, a mechanism for measuring changes in the average price of consumer goods and services.

Inflation Rate is the annual rate of increase in the average price level.

Price stability is the absence of significant changes in the average price level; officially defined as a rate of inflation of less than 3 percent.

Demand-pull inflation is an increase in the price level because of excessive aggregate demand. If the demand for goods and services rises faster than production, there simply won't be enough goods and services to go around. Cost-push inflation is an increase in the price level because of an increase in the cost of production. In 1979 the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) sharply increased the price of oil. For domestic producers, this action meant a significant increase in the cost of producing goods and services. They had to raise prices and the result was a cost-push inflation.