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3 курс 1 семестр МС 2012-13 (методична розробка...doc
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3 Choose the correct word from the box to complete the gaps. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

authority, executive, skills, payroll(2), supervisor, workforce, colleagues, blue-collar / white-collar workers

1 The new salary structure only affects .... 2 Health and safety regulations state that all... must wear a uniform. 3 Many of his ... are more qualified than he is. 4 The ... has been reduced by half in the last five years. 5 If you have any problems please talk to your .... 6 She has been on the ... for nearly 20 years. 7 I have no ... to change decisions taken by management. 8 She has excellent advertising .... 9 She is an ... with a bank. 10 The company has over 1000 people on its ....

4 Fill in the missing prepositions: (to (4), on (2), in (5), as, at, of, by)

1 The company's owner granted each manager authority to spend up ... $ 10,000 ...travel. 2 We hired him and put him ... the payroll. 3 The workforce ... this area is well-educated. 4 My colleagues ... the office agree ... this proposal. 5 Most blue-collar workers ... the USA do not belong ... unions. 6 He got a white-collar job ... a computer programmer. 7 She is the boss ... the publishing company. 8 She has years ... experience ... marketing. 9 Large corporations try to develop their human resources ... giving educational programs. 10 She is senior ... the others ... the company because she has worked here the longest.

5 Complete the sentences using these often confused words: employer - employee

1 The company has 1200 ..... 2 She asked her ….. for a pay rise. 3 The steel works used to be the largest ….. in the town. 4 She is an ….. of this company. 5 My ….. is United Chemical. 6 All the company's ….. are encouraged to take part in training courses. 7 Philips is an equal opportunities ….. 8 I'll have a word with my ….. about leaving early this afternoon. 9 We cannot afford to lose skilled …..10 There

are plenty of seasonal ..... in the tourists industry.

GRAMMAR: Past Perfect Simple (2)

had + V3 (Ved)

We use the Past Perfect Simple:

*to talk about an action or event in the past that happened before another action in the past. The second action in the past is in the Past Simple:

He had abandoned his business by the time I arrived in this city.

*to talk about an action or event in the past that happened before a definite time in the past:

I had never been to London until this year.

*to give a reason for a past event or action: He didn't come because he had missed the train.

1 Make sentences from the chart:





  1. I couldn't answer the questions

  2. I was hungry

  3. My mother was worried

  4. I was late

  5. I was pleased

  6. I was nervous during the flight

  7. My father was furious

  8. I was tired

because I



crashed his car.

passed my driving test.

got stuck in a traffic jam.

flown in a plane before.

slept badly.

revised for the exam.

been in touch for a long time.

eaten all day.