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Kings and queens of england from alfred

871-901 Alfred

901-25 Edward the Elder

925-40 Athelstan

940-6 Edmund

946-55 Edred

Saxon Line

955-9 Edwy

959-75 Edgar

975-8 Edward the Martyr

978-1016 Ethelred II the Unready

1016 Edmund Ironside

Danish Line

1016-35 Canute

1035-40 Harold Harefool

1040-2 Hardicanute

Saxon Line

1042-66 Edward the Confessor

1066 Harold Godwinson

House of Normandy

1066-87 William the Conqueror

1087-1100 William II (Rufus)

1100-35 Henry I

1135-54 Stephen

House of Plantagenet

1154-89 Henry II

1189-99 Richard I

1199-1216 John

1216-72 Henry 111

1272-1307 Edward I

1307-27 Edward II

1327-77 Edward III

1377-99 Richard II

House of Lancaster

1599-1413 Henry IV

1413-1422 Henry V

1422-61 Henry VI

House of York

1461-83 Edward IV

1483 Edward V

1483-5 Richard III

House of Tudor

1485-1509 Henry VII

1509-47 Henry VIII

1547-53 Edward VI

1553-8 Mary

1558-1603 Elizabeth I

House of Stuart

1603-25 James I

1625-49 Charles I


in exile Charles II


1685-8 James II

1689-94 William III and Mary II

1694-1702 William 111 (alone)

1702-14 Anne

House of Hanover

1714-27 George I

1727-60 George II

1760-1820 George 111

1820-30 George IV

1830-7 William IV

1837-1901 Victoria

House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

1901-10 Edward VII

House of Windsor

1910-36 George V

1936 Edward VIII

1936-52 George VI

1952— Elizabeth II

British prime ministers and governments

Name Party Date

Spencer Perceval Tory 1809

Earl of Liverpool Tory 1812

George Canning Tory 1827

Viscount Goderich Tory 1827

Duke of Wellington Tory 1828

Earl Grey Whig 1830

Viscount Melbourne Whig 1834

Sir Robert Peel Tory 1834

Viscount Melbourne Whig 1835

Sir Robert Peel Tory 1841

Lord John Russell Whig 1846

Earl of Derby Tory 1852

Earl of Aberdeen Peelite 1852

Viscount Palmerston Liberal 1855

Earl of Derby Conservative 1858

Viscount Palmerston Liberal 1859

Earl Russell Liberal 1865

Earl of Derby Conservative 1866

Benjamin Disraeli Conservative 1868

W.E.Gladstone Liberal 1868

Benjamin Disraeli Conservative 1874

W.E.Gladstone Liberal 1880

Marquess of Salisbury Conservative 1885

W.E.Gladstone Liberal 1886

Marquess of Salisbury Conservative 1886

W.E.Gladstone Liberal 1892

Earl of Rosebery Liberal 1894

Marquess of Salisbury Conservative 1895

A. J. Balfour Conservative 1902

Sir H. Campbell-Banner Liberal 1905

H. H. Asquith Liberal 1908

H.H.Asquith Coalition 1915

D.Lloyd-George Coalition 1916

A. Bonar Law Conservative 1922

Stanley Baldwin Conservative 1923

J. Ramsay MacDonald Labour 1924

Stanley Baldwin Conservative 1924

J. Ramsay MacDonald Labour 1929

J. Ramsay MacDonald Coilition 1931

Stanley Baldwin Coalition 1935

Neville Chamberlain Coalition 1937

Winston S. Churchill Coalition 1940

Winston S. Churchill Conservative 1945

Clement R. Attlee Labour 1945

Sir Winston Churchill Conservative 1951

Sir Anthony Eden Conservative 1955

Harold Macmillan Conservative 1957

Sir Alec Douglas-Home Conservative 1963

Harold Wilson Labour 1964

Edward Heath Conservative 1970

Harold Wilson Labour 1974

James Callaghan Labour 1975

Margaret Thatcher Conservative 1979

Margaret Thatcher Conservative 1983

Margaret Thatcher Conservative 1987

John Major Conservative 1990

Anthony Blair Labour 1997


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