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3. Прочитайте текст и определите, какие высказывания соответствуют или не соответствуют его содержанию. Если Вы не согласны с мнением автора текста, выскажите свое мнение: create a caring classroom

                  1. (By Jane Bluestein) Part в

The Need for Power, Structure, and Positivity

We all need a combination of structure (limits) and autonomy (power and control) in our lives. Much of the defiance, rebelliousness, and acting out I see in the classroom reflects our students’ struggle to survive. When teachers use their authority to set limits and offer choices, and follow through consistently and immediately when limits have been violated, this win-win approach can reduce conflict and increase commitment and cooperation.

  • I sometimes allow and encourage students to make decisions about their learning (what, where, with whom, how, or how much).

  • I sometimes allow students to create, design, or renegotiate assignments to make them personally meaningful.

  • I motivate through access to positive outcomes, rather than avoidance or fear of negative outcomes. I emphasize the positive consequences of cooperation.

  • I consciously anticipate what students, teachers, and parents will need in various situations in order to prevent problems from occurring.

  • I follow through immediately, avoiding warnings and threats.

  • I make students and their parents aware of changes in behavior or performance that could affect grades or promotion.

  • I utilize parents, administration, and staff for feedback and support (not for punishing students).

Need for Recognition, Attention, and Emotional Safety

Are your students unable to function effectively when they get angry, frustrated, or sad? Have you ever had a student explode after holding in feelings about an upsetting experience? In an emotionally safe environment, teachers stay on top of the emotional energy in the classroom. They listen to (or refer) students in need and support kids in their ability to solve their problems peacefully.

  • I attempt to meet students’ needs for attention in positive, constructive, and proactive ways.

  • I reinforce positive behavior with positive outcomes.

  • I communicate with parents, regularly and frequently, about what their children are doing well.

  • I respect students’ affective needs and am committed to listening and supporting their feelings and problem-solving skills in positive ways.

  • I respect confidentiality to the degree that doing so will not put anyone in danger.

  • I immediately respond to incidents involving any form of bulling, harassment, or threat to safety.

Each goal statement has immense implications for how we structure our classrooms, our relationships, and our priorities. One hopes this checklist will challenge us all to collaborate in new ways and avail ourselves of resources, disciplines, technologies, and strategies we may previously have not considered, or which may not have been available to us in the past. So many people in the education community stand to benefit when we keep the big picture in mind, working our way through the smaller goals to inaugurate a dramatic and positive change.

(from Scholastic Instructor, September 2002, p. 37)

  1. Students’ bad behavior is a sign of struggle for survival.

  2. Using authority in classroom can increase commitment and cooperation.

  3. Sometimes students can make decisions about their education.

  4. Preventing problems is impossible that’s why teachers shouldn’t try to anticipate them.

  5. Warnings and threats are necessary in class.

  6. Changes in behavior can help students to get promotion.

  7. Parents’ feedback and support is necessary for students and teachers.

  8. Students can function effectively when they angry or sad.

  9. Only parents have to protect their children from bulling and harassment.

10. Most of teachers stand to benefit when they keep the big picture in mind, working their way through the smaller goals.