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Согласование времен

(Sequence of Tenses)

Правило согласования времен заключается в следующем: если в сложноподчиненном предложении с придаточным дополнительным сказуемое в главном предложении стоит в прошедшем времени, то и сказуемое в придаточном предложении должно стоять в одном из прошедших времен. В русском языке такой зависимости не существует.

При этом выбор конкретной видо-временной формы определяется тем, происходит ли действие в придаточном предложении одновременно с главным, предшествует ему либо будет происходить в будущем. Например:

Таблица 10

He said (that)

Он сказал, что

he worked

(was working)

he had worked

(had been working)

he would work

(would be working)



будет работать

В ряде случаев правило согласования времен не соблюдается. Например, в придаточных дополнительных предложениях, которые выражают общеизвестный факт или истину.

He said that the 22nd of December is the shortest day of the year.


Ex. 1. Read and translate the sentences.

1. He said he studied at the University. 2. He knew she worked for this firm. 3. She

said she had lived there in 1990. 4. She knew he had never been to France. 5. He said he would make a report at the conference. 6. I knew his name was Peter. 7. I knew he had left Moscow. 8. I knew he was learning English. 9. I knew he would soon return to Moscow. 10. Tim said that he was planning to buy a new car. 11. John said that he was the best person for his job. 12. Jim said that he went to Majorca every Easter. 13. She alleged that the police forced her to confess. 14. The Prime Minister said that the government had made the right decision. 15. Angela told me years ago that her father owned a supermarket.

Ex. 2. Translate into English.

1. Он сказал, что вернется скоро. 2. Я знал, что он живет в Лондоне. 3. Я знал,

что она жила в Сан-Франциско. 4. Я был рад, что он получил от нее письмо. 5. Я думал, что они пригласят нас. 6. Я был уверен, что он работает в милиции. 7. Мне сказали, что они вчера вернулись в Москву.

Ex. 3. Translate into Russian paying attention to tenses.

I had a really funny evening yesterday, Mary. I got talking to this boy in the pub, very nice-looking he was, and I could see he fancied me. He said he had never met anybody like me before, and he felt I had a very unusual kind of beauty. Oh, yes? I said.

Then he asked me if I wanted a lift home, so I said no, I was hungry, so we went out for a curry.

I asked him what he did for a living, and he said he was doing some undercover work for the CIA at the moment. Нe said he could not give me his address because he moved around all the time. So I asked him why he thought I wanted his address. Then he asked if he would have my phone number. He said he would call me today to fix for me to America with him. So I asked him why he wanted to take me to Аmeriса, and he said he thought he was falling in love with me. I knew he was lying but it was kind of fun. Anyway, I told him I had got a boyfriend already, but he said that didn't matter. We were meant for each other, he said, and nobody was going to stand in our way, because our lives were written in the stars.

Then he borrowed $ 20 from me to pay the bill because he said he had left his wallet at home, and he went off to the toilet, and I never saw him again.


К неличным формам глагола относятся: инфинитив (to ask - спрашивать), герундий (reading - читать, чтение), причастия I, II (asking - спрашивающий, asked - спрошенный). Данные формы совмещают в себе признаки двух частей речи: инфинитив – глагола и существительного, герундий – существительного и глагола, причастие – прилагательного и глагола. Данные формы выражают действие без указания лица, числа, времени и наклонения. Поэтому в предложении не бывают сказуемым, а лишь значимой его частью; имеют формы залога (активного и пассивного) и видо-временные формы (неопределенные, длительные, совершенные, совершенные длительные), которые указывают лишь на то, как протекало действие по отношению к действию, выраженному сказуемым.

  • Неопределенная форма глагола (Infinitive),

инфинитивные конструкции и обороты

Таблица 11




to write

to be written


to be writing


to have written

to have been written

Perfect Progressive

to have been writing

Функции инфинитива в предложении

Таблица 12




1. Подлежащее

2. Часть составного глагольного cказуемого

3. Дополнение

4. Определение

5. Обстоятельство

To walk is useful.

Our aim is to master English.

He likes to dance.

Here is the article to be translated.

I came to help you.

Ходить пешком полезно.

Наша цель – овладеть английским.

Он любит танцевать.

Вот статья, которую нужно перевести.

Я пришел, чтобы помочь вам.


Ex. 1. Read and translate the following sentences.

1. To learn two foreign languages simultaneously is difficult. 2. How to solve this problem is not clear. 3. The article is easy to understand. 4. This is the only thing for you to do. 5. I was happy to have been offered this job. 6. It’s useless to discuss the question. 7. It was impossible to save him. 8. To live means to create. 9. He was the first to come here. 10. They began to discuss the question. 11. To drive a car was not difficult for her. 12. I don’t like to be interrupted. 13. Give me something to eat.

Ex. 2. Translate the sentences into Russian. State the function of the infinitive.

1. His duty is to make sure that the place of work is safe. (Часть сказуемого)

2. He could not refuse to fulfill demands of court.

3. He has just finished to read the sentence.

4. I expect him to be acquitted.

5. Please telephone him to send this message.

6. I would like to see this witness again.

7. This is the place to see.

Ex. 3. Translate the sentences into Russian.

State the function of the infinitive.

1. It is impossible to explain what he meant.

2. It takes him nearly an hour to get to work.

3. Can you give me some work to do?

4. The lawyers advice was to talk as little as possible.

5. President was the first to confirm this information.

6. The young scientist found it difficult to speak in public.

7. His desire was to make a career in police.

8. The student was clever enough to solve any mathematical problem.

9. To make mistakes is easy.

Инфинитивные конструкции

Сложное дополнение (Complex Object)

Сложное дополнение представляет собой сочетание существительного в общем падеже или личного местоимения в объектном падеже (me, him, her, us, you, them) с инфинитивом смыслового глагола.

We wanted him to take part in this Мы хотели, чтобы он принял участие

investigation. в этом расследовании.

На русский язык сложное дополнение переводится придаточным дополнительным предложением, подлежащим которого является существительное или местоимение, а сказуемым - инфинитив английского предложения.

Сложное дополнение часто употребляется после глаголов, выражающих:

1) желание, требование, просьбу:

to want – хотеть to request – просить

to wish – желать to require – требовать

to command – приказывать to demand – требовать

should (would) like – хотелось бы

We wanted him to take part in the Мы хотели, чтобы он принял участие

investigation. в этом расследовании.

2) мнение, суждение, предложение:

to assume – предполагать

to believe – предполагать, считать

to think – думать, считать

to consider – считать

to expect – ожидать, полагать

to find – находить, признавать

to know – знать

to suppose – полагать

to show – показывать

to prove – доказывать

They consider this case to be a very Они считают, что это дело

difficult one. очень трудное.

3) чувственное восприятие:

to see – видеть to feel – чувствовать

to hear – слышать to watch – смотреть, наблюдать

to observe – наблюдать, соблюдать

После глаголов последней группы инфинитив стоит без частицы to.

The man saw the criminal try to escape, Мужчина увидел, что преступник

but failed. хотел скрыться, но ему не удалось.


Ex. 1. Translate the sentences into Russian, pay attention to Complex Object.

1. His friends know him to be a good investigator. 2. We expected everything to be ready for the trial. 3. The expert proved both crimes to have been committed by the same person. 4. The investigator wanted the victim to describe the robber. 5. Witnesses proved the property to be stolen. 6. The court found the suspect to be guilty. 7. The alibi of the accused proved to be a lie. 8. We heard the experienced investigator interrogate a criminal. 9. We expected the victim of the crime not to be alive.

Ex. 2. Translate into English, observe Complex Object.

1. The detective saw the suspect cross the building.

2. The man thought the investigator to ask him questions about the details of the


3. The investigator expected the witness to give him useful information.

4. The citizen know the ordinary police officer to be an honest public servant who

want to be respected in the community.

5. They do not expect the President to cut taxes promised.

6. We consider him to be a real genius.

7. He heard them discuss their plans.

8. I heard him mentioned my name.

Сложное подлежащее (Complex Subject)

Сложное подлежащее состоит из существительного в общем падеже или личного местоимения в именительном падеже и неопределенной формы глагола, стоящей после сказуемого.

Criminality is considered to be social Считается, что преступность


phenomenon. общественное явление.

Сложное подлежащее переводится на русский язык сложноподчиненным предложением. Подлежащим придаточного предложения является та часть сложного подлежащего, которая стоит до сказуемого, а сказуемым – неопределенная форма глагола, которая переводится глаголом в соответствующей личной форме. Главное предложение при этом представляет собой неопределенно-личный оборот (говорят, считают, известно, и т.д.), за которым следует придаточное с союзом что.

Сложное подлежащее употребляется:

1) когда сказуемое выражено следующими глаголами в страдательном залоге:

to know (знать), to consider (считать), to say (говорить), to state (заявлять), to think (думать), to expect (ожидать), to report (сообщать), to suppose (предполагать) и др.

This man is known to be a very Известно, что этот мужчина является

experienced judge. очень опытным судьей.

2) когда сказуемое выражено глаголами в действительном залоге:

to seem (казаться), to prove (оказываться), to happen (оказываться, случаться), to appear (казаться).

He seems to investigate a very Кажется, он расследует очень

serious case now. серьезное дело сейчас.

3) когда сказуемое выражено прилагательными:

likely (вероятный), unlikely (маловероятный), certain (несомненный), sure (верный) в сочетании с глаголом to be.

This case is likely to be heard Вероятно, это дело будет слушаться

tomorrow. завтра.


Ex. 1. Read and translate the sentences into Russian; observe Complex Subject.

1. Sutherland is known to be the first to call public attention to the problem of white-

collar criminality. 2. Bribery is certain to be one of the forms of white-collar criminality. 3. Two thirds of surgeons in New York City are reported to split fees. 4. Fee-splitting proves to be a usual phenomenon in the medical practice in all states. 5. This man is said to have stolen a large sum of money. 6. This criminal seems not to be sentenced to prison. 7. He is unlikely to find out the manipulations at the stock exchange. 8. This new investigator happens not to know his collegues. 9. Criminality is expected to raise next year.

Ex. 2. Translate into English; observe Complex Subject.

1. He may prove to be a good specialist.

2. They were said to read English newspapers.

3. The first modern polygraph or lie-detector is considered to have been constructed

in 1921 by John A Larson, a medical student of the University of California

working with a member of the local police department.

4. The crime rate proved to be increasing.

5. The expedition is reported to be moving north.

6. The president is believed to be in London now.

7. Charles Spencer Chaplin is known to make more people laugh than any other

human being in the history of the world.

8. He is sure to win the competitions.

9. These students don’t work hard. Therefore they are not likely to succeed.

10. They are certain to inform us about their plans.

Обстоятельство цели, выраженное

инфинитивным комплексом с предлогом for

Инфинитивный комплекс с предлогом for, может выполнять функции обстоятельства цели. При переводе на русский язык вводится союзом чтобы (для того чтобы).

For the crime to be solved it must be Для того, чтобы раскрыть

cafefully investigated преступление, его надо тщательно


Ex. 1. Read and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. For the crime to be prevented many preventive measures should be undertaken. 2.

In 1948 the Criminal Justice Act was adopted for the corporal punishment to be abolished for all crimes. 3. For the judge to impose a just punishment he must study the case in all the details. 4. For the offender to be discharged there is the condition that for a named period no further offence shall be committed. 5. For the suspect to be justified the investigator found out many reasonable facts.

И н ф и н и т и в ц е л и.

Одной из трудностей для перевода является инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели, e.g. To do this job you are to know much. – Чтобы выполнить эту работу, вы должны много знать. Или: You are to know much to do this job. – Вы должны много знать, чтобы выполнить эту работу.

Признаками данной функции инфинитива являются:

а) местоположение инфинитива в начале или в конце предложения (т.е. на месте обстоятельства), а также наличие другого слова, выполняющего функцию подлежащего в предложении;

б) иногда наличие союзов in order (чтобы) или so that (так, чтобы), e.g. In order to do this job you are to know much. — Для того, чтобы...; с целью выполнения...

Способы перевода. Инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели переводится придаточным предложением с союзом "чтобы" или существительным с предшествующим ему предлогом "для", "с целью".

“To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield” - — "Бороться и искать, найти и не сдаваться”.

(Lord Alfred Tennyson, a 19th-century English poet)


Ex. 1. Read and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. To do this job you are to know much.

2. In order to prove that case the operative should do much work.

3. The operative is to examine the scene of crime carefully in order to understand

the actions of the criminal.

4. He stopped for a minute to rest.

5. We were too tired to discuss the matter.

6. A man is never too old to learn.

7. To decrease crime in out society you are to do much preventive work

8. He needs a place to live in.

9. There was no time to spare.

10. The purpose of education is to encourage people to be individuals.

Ex. 2. Read and translate the sentences; odserve the infinitive constructions.

1. I know this lawyer to work successfully. 2. I want you to come at 5:30. I noticed

him to enter the room. 4. I think the demand for lawyers to be constantly increasing. 5. He didn’t believe him to be guilty of this crime. 6. She wanted the court to impose a fine on the company. 7. The judge commanded the accused to observe order. 8. He is said to live here. 9. He is likely to go there. 10. He seems to know English well. 11. The delegation is likely to come tomorrow. 12. He was known to be a good detective. 13. He is said to be a good investigator. 14. Everybody waited for the meeting to start. 15. He waited for her to speak.

  • Причастие

(The Participle)

Причастие – это неличная форма глагола, имеющая признаки прилагательного и глагола.

Причастие настоящего времени (Participle I)

Participle I - это неличная форма глагола, имеющая признаки как прилагательного, так и глагола.

Participle I образуется путем прибавления суффикса -ing к основе глагола (инфинитива без частицы to):

to read – reading; to live – living.

В предложении Participle I может быть:

1) определением; переводится причастием действительного залога с суффиксами -ущ, -ющ, -ащ, ящ, -вш, -ш; может стоять перед определяемым словом или после него.

One of the speaking girls is my sister. Одна из разговаривающих девушек –

моя сестра.

One of the girls speaking with our Одна из девушек, разговаривающих с

teacher is my sister. нашим преподавателем, – моя сестра.

2) обстоятельством; переводится деепричастием с суффиксами -а, -я, -вши или придаточным предложением. Союзы when или while, стоящие иногда перед причастием, при переводе опускаются.

Going home I met one of my friends. Идя домой, я встретил одного из

своих друзей.

While (when) translating this text he Переводя этот текст, он делал

made some notes. некоторые пометки.

Когда (в то время как) он

переводил этот текст, он делал

некоторые пометки.

При переводе этого текста он

делал некоторые пометки.


Ex. 1. Read and translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to Participle I.

1. Being a deputy of Parliament he represents the interests of his voters. 2. Having the majority of votes this candidate may become a member of the House of Commons. 3. While being in London our lawyers learned much about the Criminal Courts of England. 4. The monarch in the UK having very little power can only reign with the support of Parliament. 5. Lobbyists are paid advocates representing the interests of the rich. 6. Heading the executive branch of the Government the President is to carry out the programmes of the Government. 7. While listening to the witnesses the investigator made some notes. 8. Forming the Cabinet of Ministers the Prime Minister chooses about twenty MPs. 9. The Chairman casted the deciding vote.

Ex. 2. Translate the sentences into Russian; state the function of Participle I.

I. The man speaking to the students is the Head of the Department. 2. At the entrance you will be met by a man holding a folded newspaper. 3. The article, being typed now, will be published tomorrow. 4. All the roads leading to the centre of the

city were blocked by trucks. 5. We got a letter from him saying that he would stay in Africa for another month. 6. The child was frightened by an approaching train. 7. The men working on the construction site were in some danger. 8. Being unable to help, I went home. 9. Having completed their tests, the students handed them in. 10. Having spent all the money he started looking for work.

Ex. 3. Find Partisiple I in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. They spent the whole day packing the equipment. 2. They experimented with the device, not knowing that it was out of order. 3. Since 1956 he has lived quietly in Britain, lecturing and writing for newspapers. 4. He wasted a whole day, looking for his missing glasses. 5. It is known that Leonardo da Vinci sang to the lute most beautifully, improvising at the same time both verses and music. 6. Unfortunately, Leonardo da Vinci kept his ideas to himself, writing them in code in his notebooks. 7. They walked across the University grounds, talking about the coming conference. 8. Using this new method, he solved a number of problems. 9. Seeing nothing there that could interest us, we left the exhibition. 10. She rushed back home, suddenly remembering that she had not locked the door. 11. Coming from Latin, this word has undergone many changes in the English language.

Ex. 4. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. When dreaming, one tends to believe in the reality of the dream world. 2. When giving advice to others, think whether you would follow it yourself. 3. When introducing a new method of research, you must consider its practicability. 4. He wrote his greatest novel while working as a journalist. 5. While doing my English exercises, I came across a new term. 6. When speaking English, they make mistakes sometimes

Причастие прошедшего времени (Participle II)

Причастие прошедшего времени (Participle II) стандартных глаголов образуется подобно Past Simple, путем добавления -ed к основе глагола.

Формы Participle II нестандартных глаголов даются в таблице неправильных глаголов, и их надо заучивать.

Participle II в предложении может быть: 1) определением; переводится причастием страдательного залога как настоящего, так и прошедшего времени с суффиксами -ем, -им, -ом, -нн, -т; определительным придаточным предложением, союзным словом «который»;

2) обстоятельством; переводится глаголом в личной форме в обстоятельственном придаточном предложении (в сочетании с союзами – when, while, if).

Problems discussed at our seminars are Проблемы, обсуждаемые на наших

very interesting. семинарах, очень интересные.

When invited, I took part in the work Когда меня пригласили, я принял

of this conference. участие в этой конференции.


Ex. 1. Read and translate the sentences into Russian, paying attention to Participle II.

1. The students trained at our Institute study many branches of law. 2. This bill debated by the lawyers is of great importance. 3. When asked to tell us about the history of this city he agreed with great pleasure. 4. Our city founded in 1723 is a large industrial centre now. 5. The text translated by me yesterday was very interesting. 6. The experiment made by them is of great importance. 7. When asked he showed us the way to the Opera House. 8. The books written by this author are very interesting. 9. The crime investigated by my friend is very serious. 10. Situated on the Kama river, the city of Perm is very beautiful.

Ex. 2. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to Participle II. Mind that the right translation depends on its grammatical function.

1. The arrested man turned out to be a criminal.

2. They spoke of the criminal arrested near this house the night before.

3. An investigator should study and establish everything connected with the given


4. In the colonial period England sent many of its convicted offenders to American


5. Crimes of violence account for 5% of all reported crimes.

6. Investigators must be trained and experienced men.

7. Most of the scientists invited to the conference were leading specialists in various

branches of economics.

8. Told well, a good story is always a pleasure.

9. When presented historically, the subject seemed more interesting.

10. Created by the class of exploiters the state is the instrument of their political


11. When organized, the police became an effective instrument in fighting against

crime committed.

Чтобы не спутать глагол в прошедшем времени с причастием II, обратите внимание, что после причастия II обычно следует предлог.

E.g. The suspect questioned by the police pleaded guilty. – Подозреваемый, допрошенный полицией, признал свою вину.

12. The principles defined in the Decree on Peace constituted the basis of our foreign


13. During the Second World War more than 60 million Soviet people inhabited

regions occupied by the Germans.

14. These measures implemented by the government raised the standard of living.

15. The facts faced by the investigator proved the innocence of the accused.


Ex. 3. Open the brackets using Participle I or Participle II

1. People (to use) force when it is not necessary cannot be justified.

2. Computers (to use ) in the research, saved the scientists a lot of time.

3. ( To carry out ) numerous experiments and tests, the scientists tried to prove the original theory.

4. The experiments (to carry out) by a team of young scientists led to sensational results.

B. Help the author of the story to choose the correct form of the Participle: Participle I or Participle II.

The man ... at the window is my uncle John (standing, stood). He's rather unusual person. He's got five pets... in his house (living, lived). One of these pets ... Greeny is a young crocodile (calling, called). It lives in the bathroom not ... anybody but his master to come in (allowing, allowed). The other pet is a parrot ... to speak (teaching, taught). He says rather strange things sometimes. The other two pets are bulldogs ... at everybody... to the door of the flat (barking, barked) (coming, come). It's not surprising that uncle John lives alone... by his wife two years ago when his fifth pet — a large snake ... to him by a famous travellor appeared in his flat (leaving, left) (presenting, presented).

Причастные конструкции

Употребляются с глаголами to assume, to expect, to think – полагать, to consider – считать, to see – видеть , to hear – слышать и др.

1. Объектный причастный оборот (the Objective Participle Construction).

Состоит из существительного или личного местоимения в объектном

падеже и причастия. Переводится придаточным предложением с союзами как, что.

We heard him playing the piano. Мы слышали, как он играл на пианино.

I consider the work done. Я считаю, что работа выполнена.

1. Субъектный причастный оборот (the Subjective Participle Construction).

Состоит из существительного или личного местоимения в именительном падеже и причастия, которому предшествует один из вышеуказанных глаголов в страдательном залоге.

Переводится придаточным предложением, которое вводится неопределенно-личным оборотом (видят, что…; считают, что…).

The boy was seen crossing the street. Видели, как мальчик переходил


He was seen looking for something. Видели, как он что-то искал.

She was heard talking about it. Слышали, как она об этом


1. Независимый причастный оборот (the Absolute Participle Construction).

Состоит из существительного в общем падеже или личного местоимения в именительном падеже (перед которыми может стоять предлог with) и причастия. Этот оборот обычно отделяется запятой, независимо от места в предложении.

Переводится при помощи придаточных обстоятельственных предложений, начинающихся со слов так как, если, когда и др., если стоит в начале предложения; если оборот стоит в конце предложения, то он переводится самостоятельным предложением обычно с союзами причем, а, и и др.

It being warm, we went for a walk. Так как было тепло, мы пошли


Radio was invented in 1895, Радио было изобретено в 1895 году,

the inventor being the Russian причем изобретатель был русским

scientist. ученым.


Ex. 1. A. Read and translate the sentences into Russian; observe Participle Constructions.

1. I saw him working in the garden. 2. I noticed him waiting for somebody. 3. He watched them swimming across the river. 4. They were seen playing the football. 5. He was heard talking about it. 6. She was seen signing the document. 7. The door being locked, the police had to force it open. 8. Nobody being able to add more information, the meeting was closed. 9. Coming to London, he immediately went to Scotland Yard. 10. The hearing of the case being over, the judge closed the trial. 11. The investigator being very experienced, the investigation did not last long.

B. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to Participles.

1. He wanted his paper published as soon as possible.

2. He was pleased to hear his words quoted several times in the President’s speech.

3. When we came back we found them still discussing their plans.

4. Nobody having anything more to say, the meeting was closed.

5. The crisis having passed, they could think about the future.

6. His speech finished, the audience applauded.

7. The crime was committed, the operative detecting the criminal.

8. He continued speaking, his colleagues listening attentively.

  • Герундий (the Gerund)

Герундий – это неличная форма глагола, соединяющая в себе свойства существительного и глагола, которая образуется от инфинитива глагола без частицы to путем добавления суффикса ing. Герундий может быть любым членом предложения, а поскольку в русском языке нет формы, соответствующей герундию, то его можно переводить:

1) неопределенной формой глагола;

2) именем существительным;

3) деепричастием;

4) придаточным предложением.

Preventing crime is one of the most Предупреждать преступность (пре-

important tasks of the militia. дупреждение преступности) – одна из

самых важных задач милиции.

One of the most important tasks of the Одной из самых важных задач

militia is preventing crime. милиции является

предупреждение преступности.

After examining this document the После изучения этого документа

investigator got some new facts. (изучив этот документ, после того

как следователь изучил этот

документ) следователь получил

несколько новых фактов.

Таблица 13

Ф о р м ы г е р у н д и я

Видо-временная форма







having asked

being asked

having been asked

В предложении герундий может быть:

1. Подлежащим

Walking is useful. Ходьба пешком полезна. Ходить

пешком полезно.

2. Частью сказуемого

Our aim is mastering English. Наша цель – овладеть (овладение)

английским языком.

3. Дополнением

She likes singing. Она любит пение (петь).

4. Определением

His working place is always in order Его рабочее место всегда в порядке.

(place for work).

There are many ways of solving this Существует много способов решения

problem. этой задачи.

5. Обстоятельством

He left the room without saying good-bye. Он ушел из комнаты, не


She went there for studying law. Она поехала туда (для того, чтобы)

изучать право.

Она поехала туда для изучения


Оборот с герундием

Состоит из притяжательного местоимения или существительного в притяжательном падеже и герундия. Переводится придаточным предложением.

He insisted on their doing it. Он настаивал на том, чтобы они

сделали это.

My friends taking part in this work То, что мой друг принял участие в

helped me greatly. этой работе, очень помогло мне.


Ex. 1. Read and translate the sentences, paying attention to Gerund.

1. Before passing its sentences, the court thoroughly investigates the causes of crimes. 2. Justice, its forms, means and methods are aimed at preventing crime. 3. No one may be found guilty of committing a crime except by sentence of a court. 4. This man was imprisoned for endangering the life of a person. 5.Essential help in fighting crime is given by mass organizations. 6. This investigator is busy with collecting facts necessary for the trial. 7. Studying new evidence took him much time. 8. The young man was found guilty of committing a crime. 9. The hearing of this case will take place in our district court tomorrow. 10. After examining this case the judge passed a sentence. 11. Playing loud music is prohibited after 11 p.m. 12. He thought of finding a solution to the problems. 13. The man denied having taken the money. 14. The police insisted on questioning the young man. 15. He did not know if there was any chance of solving that complicated case of murder.

Ex. 2. Translate into Russian, observe the forms of Gerund.

1. Discussing a problem with colleagues is always helpful.

2. He finished speaking and sat down.

3. He hated going to parties.

4. They were accused of having committed serious crime.

5. The witness was suspected of telling lies.

6. He finished the letter with the words “I am looking forward to seeing you in


7. Some people prefer listening to somebody else’s opinion to forming their own.

8. Police suspected the young man of having assaulted (нападать на) an elderly


9. They succeeded in convincing him that there was no danger to his life.

10. She was looking forward (с нетерпением ждала) of the congress.

Ex. 3. Translate into Russian, observie Gerund constructions.

1. You may depend on my helping you.

2. The teacher insisted on his taking part in the conference.

3. Would you mind my joining the discussion?

4. John’s coming so late surprised everybody.

5. The expression “put on your thinking cap” (give careful consideration to

something) comes from the practice of judges in olden times of putting on a cap

before sentencing a criminal.

6. Before drawing conclusions one must carefully examine all the facts.

7. Nowadays you can’t work out a new theory without discussing it with other


8. They are proud of having completed the investigation of that serious crime.

9. By establishing the Supreme Court and Federal courts, the US Constitution created

the judicial power.

10. Each bill must have three readings in each House of Parliament in Britain.

Ex. 4. Translate into English using the following expressions:

to be sure of — быть уверенным (в), to be pround of — гордиться чем-либо/кем-либо, to be fond of — увлекаться чем-либо, to be guilty of — быть виновным (в), to be interested in — интересоваться чем-либо, to be surprised at — удивляться чему-либо, to be good at — хорошо справляться (с), to be pleased with — быть довольным чем-либо, to be displeased with — быть недовольным чем-либо, to be engaged in — заниматься чем-либо.

1. (Он виновен в том, что) deceiving his friends. 2. (Они гордятся тем, что) having completed the job. 3. (Они уверены, что) their winning the debate in the House of Commons. 4. (Он был недоволен тем, что) being interrupted. 5. (Ему хорошо дается) solving complex mathematical problems swiftly. 6. (Мы заинтересованы в том, чтобы) finding out the truth. 7. (Во время Второй мировой войны он занимался) collecting intelligence.