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3. Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и словосочетания из текста.

  1. to establish the principles of sovereignty and independence

  2. to cover the questions

  3. to be devoted to the bodies of federal power

  4. competence

  5. legislative authority

  6. executive authority

  7. judicial authority

  8. to list the duties

  9. military forces

  10. to represent the legislature

  11. to determine the extent of the jurisdiction

  12. immunity of judges

13. objectiveness and impartiality of the court.

14. supervision and control

15. promulgation of the Constitution and its enforcement

4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим русским словам и словосочетаниям.

  1. суверенитет

  2. принимать закон

  3. независимость

  4. светский

  5. разбирать вопрос

  6. провозглашать

  7. равенство

  8. судопроизводство

  9. сроки полномочий

  10. вступать в должность

  11. исполнять

  12. чиновник (должностное лицо)

  13. несменяемость (постоянство)

  14. предусматривать

  15. беспристрастность

  16. приносить присягу

5. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту.

  1. What does the Constitution of the RF define and establish?

  2. What provisions does the Constitution have regarding the federative structure?

  3. What are the bodies of federal power?

  4. Who does the full authority belong to under the current Constitution?

  5. What provisions concerning the legislature are provided by the Constitution?

  6. What is the executive branch of the RF?

  7. How is judicial power implemented in the RF?

  8. What does the system of courts consist of?

6. Подберите синонимы из правой колонки к словам в левой колонке.

  1. fundamental

  2. power

  3. independently

  4. establish

  5. duty

  6. solemn promise

  7. term

  8. elect

  9. objective

  10. belong to

a) impartial

b) period of time

c) be vested in

d) choose

e) obligation

f) basic

g) separately

h) oath

i) set up

j) authority

7. Подберите антонимы из правой колонки к словам в левой колонке.

1. competence

2. enter

3. sovereignty

4. accept

5. secular

a) dependence

b) reject

c) ignorance

d) vacate

e) religious

8. Закончите предложения согласно содержанию текста.

1) Constitution establishes …

  • the principles of independence and partial sovereignty of the RF

  • equalities of ideologies but not religions

  • the principle of separation of powers

2) As for the federative structure, the Constitution …

  • covers the questions that are exclusively in the jurisdiction of the RF leaving out the competence of federal and local authorities

  • contains the list of component units of the RF

  • covers only those questions that are in the joint jurisdiction of federal and local authorities

3) The bodies of federal power are…

  • the Federal Assembly of the RF and the judiciary of the RF

  • the President of the RF and the Government of the RF

  • all the bodies mentioned above in a) and b)

4) The Federal Assembly of the RF represents

  • the legislature

  • the judiciary

  • the executive branch

5) The Constitution determines…

  • the extent of the jurisdiction of the executive branch

  • the order and the terms of office of the governmental officials

  • both

6) Judicial power is implemented by means of …

  • civil and criminal legal proceedings

  • constitutional and administrative legal proceedings

  • all the proceedings mentioned in a) and b)


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