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LISTENING (10 min)

Task 1. Listen to the text [T. 25]2.5 min. and give T(true) and F(False) answers. (Time for preparation-5 min., time for answering- 1 min.) .




16 children took part in the experiment.


The uniforms were not very comfortable


The children weren’t allowed to talk during the classes.


The children failed because they weren’t intelligent enough.


Most of the children enjoyed the experiment.

Task2. Retell the main idea of the listened text (Time for preparation-2 min., time for answering-2 min.).

SPEAKING (10 min)

Task 1 Discuss on the given situation. (Time for preparation- 3 min., time for answering- 1 min)

When you were a child, did you use to…?

share a bed watch a lot of TV

be ill a lot hate any particular food

do any sport fight with your brother/ sister

play in the street visit your grandparents

like school be afraid of anything

eat a lot of sweets have a favourite pop group/ singer

Task 2 Speak on the given topic “My free time activity”. (Time for preparation- 4 min., time for answering- 2 min)

READING (10 min)

Task 1 Read the text and translate the 1st paragraph of the text. (Time for preparation-5 min., time for answering- 2 min).

WHO invented the first computer? And when? The answer will surprise you: it was Charles Babbage, in the year 1832. Babbage, who was born in London in 1791, was a great mathematical genius. He was a natural inventor, and invented all sorts of new products. When he finished school, he went to study mathematics at Cambridge University. There, while Professor of Mathematics in this illustrious university, he designed his "first difference engine". This was, basically, a hand-operated mechanical calculator. He took nine years to build a part of the machine. This machine, which is in the London Science Museum, can make complex mathematical calculations. It is a basic mechanical computer. Babbage dreamed however of more complicated machines. In fact, he did not only dream; he began to design them. The result was a series of "analytical engines" which were in fact powerful computers! His designs contained processors (he called them "mills"), control units, a memory (he called it astore), and an input/output system. These are the four essential parts of a modern mathematical computer!

Alas, Babbage was born 100 years too soon! His "second difference engine" could not use electricity, since this had not yet become a usable source of power; so Babbage had to make do with mechanical systems. For this reason, the machine was big and very complicated, and very expensive.

Task 2Read the text and write a suitable heading to each paragraph.(Time for preparation- 2 min., time for answering- 1 min)

WRITING (10 min)

Task 1Write an essay to the given situation (60 words), (Time for preparation- 8 min, time for answering- 2 min)

 Situation: There is a competition in organization Greenpeace. That competitor who writes best essay to the following topic will get a special prize: one week in camp Green top, state Maryland, the USA. The title of the essay is: “How to prevent a climate change in the world”.

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