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Part III


3.1 Theory

1. Choose the right variant of present continuous. She can’t come to the phone now. She …. a shower.

a) is having

b) has

c) will have

d) had

2. Choose the right variant of present simple. A “What are you doing after class?”

B “I …………… to the cafe”

a) am going

b) have gone

c) went

d) had gone

3. Choose the right variant: Traditional Kazakh cuisine revolves around muttonandhorse meatas well as variousmilk products.

a) cuisine

b) kitchen

c) culture

d) history

4. Choose the right variant: Shubat is – fermented camel’s milk.

a) camel’s

b) sheep’s

c) horse’s

d) goat’s

5. Choose the right variant. Use the verb in bold in the past continuous or past perfect. Sarah had a siesta from 3.00 to 5.00. Peter picked up the tickets at 4.00. Peter picked up the tickets when Sarah __________ s siesta.

a) was having

b) had

c) will have

d) not have

6. Choose the right variant. Use the verb in bold in the past continuous or past perfect. They watched TV from 7.00 until 9.00. I arrived at 7.30. When I arrived, they __________ TV.

a) were watching

b) watched

c) will watch

d) not watch

7. Choose the right variant. Serik Sapiyev is a champion on ……….. .

a) boxing

b) fencing

c) pole vaulting

d) ice-skating

8. Choose the right variant. IliyaIliyn is a champion on …………… .

a) weightlifting

b) ice-skating

c) pole vaulting

d) chess player

  1. 9.Choose the right variant. He says he’s got the flu, but it’s really just a cold. He’s _________a lot at night.

A a) coughing

b) b) beautiful

c) c) swollen

d) d) broken

10. Choose the right variant. He’s developed ___________to cats. He starts sneezing as soon as he comes near one.

a) a) an allergy

b) b) a cough

c) c) sprain

d) d) wool

11. Choose the right variant. Maria cleaned the kitchen _______ I did the bathroom

a) a) while

b) b) as

c) c) first of all

d) d) eventually

12. Choose the right variant. He opened the door _______I touched the handle

a) a) just as

b) b) finally

c) c) then

d) d) first of all

13. Choose the correct answer A: “ ___________?”

B: “Tomorrow. My flight is in the morning”.

a) When are you going to leave?

b) When did you leave?

c) When have you been leaving?

d) When is you leaving?

14. Choose the correct answer. A: “You must bring the money tomorrow”.

B: “Don’t worry, _________”.

a) I won’t forget

b) I am not forgetting

c) I didn’t forget

d) I haven’t forgotten

15. Choose the correct answer. I was probably very ………., and in a way selfish, because I did everything myself.

a) bossy

b) cheerful

c) mean

d) funny

16. Choose the correct answer. Your husband’s mother is - …………. .

a) mother-in-law

b) sister-in-law

c) father-in-law

d) brother-in-law

17. Choose the correct answer. A: “ ___________?”

B: “Tomorrow. My flight is in the morning”.

a) When are you going to leave?

b) When did you leave?

c) When have you been leaving?

d) When is you leaving?

18. Choose the correct answer. A: “You must bring the money tomorrow”.

B: “Don’t worry, _________”.

a) I won’t forget

b) I am not forgetting

c) I didn’t forget

d) I haven’t forgotten

19. Choose the correct answer. I was probably very ………., and in a way selfish, because I did everything myself.

a) bossy

b) cheerful

c) mean

d) funny

20. Choose the correct answer. Your husband’s mother is - …………. .

a) mother-in-law

b) sister-in-law

c) father-in-law

d) brother-in-law

21. Choose the correct variant: You look as if you … just …up.

a) have..woken

b) has… woken

c) had… wake

d) have… wakes

  1. 22. Choose the correct variant: We… each other since we were children.

a) know

b) have known

c) have been known

d) has known

  1. 23. Complete the proverb: Money has no …

a) smell

b) taste

c) color


24. Choose the correct word for the given definition: - to get money after death of a close relative

a) inherit

b) borrow

c) lend

d) waste

25. Choose the right variant. I'm exhausted! I ______ all day.

a) have working

b) have been working

c) has been working

d) were working

26. Choose the right variant. I _______ to the music for an hour.

a) listening

b) am listening

c) listened

d) have been listening

27. Choose the right variant. I don't believe it! I missed the last … .

a) train

b) tube

c) bicycle

d) station

28. Choose the right word. Тоnу Russell has had his ______ mobile phone for only three months.

a) new “state of the art”

b) new “state of the work”

c) new “state of the impression”

d) new “state of culture”

  1. 29. Choose the right answer: In the UK coaches are … than the train.

    1. a) much more cheap

    2. b) cheaper

    3. c) cheap

    4. the cheapest

  2. 30. Choose the right answer: Paulo is … student in my group.

  1. the most intelligent

  2. the more intelligent

  3. much intelligent

  4. as intelligent as

  1. 31. Choose the right answer: … you need this to travel on a train, bus or a plane.

    1. a) reclaim

    2. b) boarding card/ pass

    3. c) baggage reclaim

    4. d) aisle

  2. 32. Choose the right answer: … the time of day when there is a lot of traffic.

    1. rush hour

    2. traffic jam

    3. traffic lights

    4. public transport

  1. 33. In Japan you _____ present your card with your both hands.

  1. must to

  2. have to

  3. could

  4. shouldn’t

34. The Scots wear ____ on occasions.

  1. kilts

  2. hats

  3. boots

  4. leather jacket

35. In most Kazakhstan families you ______ take off your shoes when entering a house.

a) should

b) must to

c) have

d) can’t

36. In Thailand eye contact is avoided as a sign of ________ .

  1. respect

  2. permission

  3. promise

  4. partnership

37. ____ people think about themselves and not about other people.

  1. selfish

  2. spoilt

  3. jealous

  4. moody

38. My friend is ______. I can trust on him..

      1. reliable

      2. sensitive

      3. ambitious

      4. talkative

39. They _____ Italian. They are speaking to each other in Spanish.

  1. can’t be

  2. could

  3. have to be

  4. must be

40. He _____ be over 70. He retired 10 years ago..

  1. must

  2. can’t

  3. might

  4. have to

  1. 41. In 1957 Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize for _________.

  1. art

  2. literature

  3. science

  4. history

  1. A person who writes about the news in a newspaper or speaks about it on TV.

  1. a politician

  2. a librarian

  3. a reporter

  4. a teacher

  1. If we don’t hurry up, we ___ catch the last train.

  1. won’t be able to

  2. could

  3. can

  4. be able to

44. My mother _______ see much better now with her new glasses.

    1. might

    2. could

    3. been able to

    4. is able to

45. Choose the right variant.   If I don't pass the exam, I _____ it again in January.

a) will do

b) will be done   

c) did 

d) do

46. Choose the right variant.  As soon as he _____, we can have dinner.

a) comes

b) come 

c) came

d) will come

47. Choose the right variant. Complete the sentence with the right form of the verb. Don't buy it _____ you are sure you like it.  

a) unless  

b) while

c) when

d) less

48. Choose the right preposition.  The state school system is divided _____2 stages

a) into

b) at

c) in 

d) though

49. Choose the right variant. The area outside the central part of a city is called the _________

a) suburbs

b) patio


d) village

50. Give synonym of the following word “cosy”.

  1. comfortable

  2. famous

  3. interesting

  4. sunny

51. Choose the correct variant. I________ married if I were you.

a) wouldn’t get

b) wouldn’t got

c) wouldn’t gets

d) didn’t get

52. Choose the right variant. We’d have a dog, if we ________a garden.

  1. had

  2. have

  3. would have

  4. had had

53.Choose the right variant. I _____ badly with my cousin.

    1. go out

    2. get on

    3. split up

    4. go away

54.Give synonym of the following word “fancy”

    1. admire

    2. hate

    3. argue

    4. look

55. Choose the right variant. My sister ______to get up at 6.00 a.m.

a) use

b) used

c) did use

d) using

56. Choose the right variant. I _____to go to the theatre much but now I go twice a week.

    1. didn’t use

    2. did use

    3. didn’t used

    4. did used

57. Choose the right variant .The town only has ….cinemas.

a) a few

b) very little

c) little

d) very few

58. Choose the right variant .There aren’t … cafes near here.

a) many

b) much

c) a lot

d) plenty

59. Choose the right variant . We want to______smoking everywhere.

a) ban

b) promote

c) encourage

d) protect

60. Choose the right variant. Give synonym of the following word “annoying”.

a) irritating

b) harmful

c) healthy

d)charming 61. Choose the correct variant. This morning I bought …newspaper and … magazine. … newspaper is in my bag but I don't know where I put … magazine.

a) a, a, the, the

b) a, a, the, a

c) the, the, the, a

d) a, a, a, a

62. Choose the correct variant. I saw … accident this morning … car crashed into … tree. … driver of … car wasn't hurt but … car was badly damaged.

a) the, the, the ,a, the, a

b) an, a, a, the, the, the

c) an, the, the, an,a, the

d) an ,an ,the ,the, a, a

63. Choose the antonym of the word “beautiful”

  1. coarse

  2. alluring

  3. splendid

  4. glamorous

  1. The saying “A good husband makes a good wife” means

  1. If a woman is happy with her husband, she will be a good mate for him.

  2. Many women have won a man's love by cooking delicious meals for him. They fed his stomach and found love in his heart.

  3. A man cannot win an argument with a woman. Women talk more than men. They can always add something more to what they are saying.

  4. Everything in life is arranged to the advantage of men. Life is tough for women.

  1. 65. Choose the correct variant. There is no________ what he is aiming at.

  1. mistaking

  2. mistake

  3. to mistake

  4. mistakes

  1. 66. Choose the correct variant. I really appreciate your ......... me at this difficult time.

  1. helping

  2. help

  3. helped

  4. helps

67. Choose the word that is different.

  1. retire

  2. contract

  3. training course

  4. experience

68. Who is surveyor?

  1. a personwhosejobis tomeasureandrecordthedetailsofareasofland

  2. a person who is skilled in the science of medicine : a person who is trained and licensed to treat sick and injured people

  3. a personwhocutspeople'shairand puts it into astyle, usuallyworkingin aspecialshop

  4. a person who compiles and analyzes statistics and uses them to calculate insurance risks and premiums

  1. Choose the correct variant. Q: He asked me, 'Have you finished reading the newspaper?'

  1. He asked me if I had finished reading the newspaper.

  2. He asked me if had I finished reading the newspaper.

  3. He asked me if I finished reading the newspaper.

  4. He asked if had I finished reading the newspaper.

  1. 70.Choose the correct variant. Q: She said, 'I really wish I had bought that new car.'

  1. She told me she really wished she had bought that new car.

  2. She told me she really wished she bought that new car.

  3. She told me she really had wished she had bought that new car.

  4. She told me she really had wishes she had bought that new car.

71.What is Fairy Tales?

  1. story about fairies or other magical creatures, usually for children

  2. fiction with strange or otherworldly settings or characters; fiction which invites suspension of reality

  3. the songs, stories, myths, and proverbs of a people or "folk" as handed down by word of mouth

  4. verse and rhythmic writing with imagery that creates emotional responses

  5. Конец формы

  1. Choose the word that is different

  1. history

  2. monsters

  3. fairies

  4. magical creations

73. Choose the right variant. The letter … two days ago.

a) were sent

b) be send

c) have been sent

d) was sent

74. Choose the right variant. He …..go out after 10 p.m.

a) isn’t allowed

b) isn’t allowed to

c) aren’t allowed to

d) isn’t allow to

75. Give the synonym to the word “environment”

a) ecology

b) endangered species

c) natural reserve

d) desert

76. Choose the right translation of the word “медуза”.

a) jellyfish

b) sting

c) harmless

d) dangerous

77. Choose the right variant. This is a house … I was born.

a) who

b) which

c) where

d) what

78. Choose the right variant. Talgat Musabaev is a … of Kazakh nation.

a) hero

b) crew member

c) spacecraft

d) launch

79. Choose the right variant. My younger sister … husband is a pilot lives in Riga.

a) who

c) that

d) which

c) whose

80. Choose the right definition of the word “ icon”.

a) someonewhoisveryfamousandwhopeoplethinkrepresentsaparticularidea

b) someone who is notorious for his/her deeds

c) someone who represents a celebrity

d) someone who represents a particular idea but not a well-known

  1. 81. Choose the right variant. I ________ (not / finish) my homework if you hadn’t helped me.

a)wouldn’t have finished

b)hadn’t finish

c)didn’t finish

d)wouldn’t finish

82. Choose the right variant. If she ________ (not / pass) her driving test, she would have been really disappointed.

    1. hadn’t passed

    2. wouldn’t pass

    3. hadn’t pass

    4. didn’t passed

  1. 83. Choose the right variant. To find a four-leaf ________is to find good luck.

  1. clover

  2. chamomile

  3. cactus

  4. oak

  1. 84. Choose the right variant. The horse returned with a ______ of horses

  1. herd

  2. flock

  3. group

  4. pack

      1. 85. Choose the right meaning of the word: “bride”

a) a woman who is about to be married

b) a man who is about to be married

c) a woman who is going to the party

d) a couple who is going to the wedding ceremony

  1. 86. Choose the right variant: He hasn`t been to Shanghai before, ….?

a) has he

b) is he

c) had he

d) was he

  1. 87. Choose the right variant: She wasn`t so happy, … ?

a) was she

b) weren`t she

c) will she

d) is she

  1. 88. Choose the right phrase: It is better to marry for___________ than for love.

a) practical reason

b) life reason

c) your own reason

d) for many reason

  1. 1. 89. Choose the right variant: If only I ____ how to get there.

  1. knew

  2. have known

  3. know

  1. d) to know

90. Choose the right variant: Where did the fear of a number 13come from?

  1. a a) Norse mythology in ancient times

  2. b) Great Wall of China'

  3. c) Great Pyramids

  4. d) d) the United States

  5. 3 91. Choose the right variant: I wish you _____ so much noise. You're always doing that when I try to learn.

  6. a) wouldn`t make

  7. b) made

c) make

  1. d) hadn`t make

  2. 4 92. Choose the right word to the definition: “a picture depicting an expanse of scenery ”

  3. a) a) landscape

  4. b b) picture

  5. c c ) portrait

  6. d) mountains

  1. 93.Choose the right variant. I’ve no idea …

  1. whose book it is.

  2. whose book is it.

  3. it is whose book.

  4. it is book whose.

  1. 94. Choose the right variant. Choose the right variant. I can’t remember …..or not.

  1. whether posted I your letter

  2. posted I your letter whether

  3. whether I posted your letter

  4. I whether posted your letter

  1. 95. Choose the right variant. What is free time?

  1. spare time

  2. waste time

  3. fun time

  4. entertaining time

  1. 96. Choose the right variant. What does a word “couch potato” mean?

  1. a person who has a sedentary lifestyle with no or irregular physical activity

  2. a person who has active lifestyle with regular physical activity

  3. a person who has a lot of hobbies

  4. a person who has nothing to do in his/her spare time

97. Choose the right variant. She’s wearing an ______ flowery cotton dress

    1. awful

    2. beautiful

    3. smart

    4. nylon

  1. 98. Choose the right variant. Look at that beautiful check ______mini-skirt

    1. wool

    2. wooled

    3. wooly

    4. wooling

99. Choose the right variant: a/That's/ stripy/shirt/smart / cotton

  1. That's a smart cotton stripy shirt

  2. That's a shirt smart cotton stripy

  3. That's a stripy cotton smart shirt

  4. That's a smart shirt cotton stripy

100. Choose the right variant: wearing/ shoes/ elegant / black/ She's high-heeled

  1. She's wearing elegant black high-heeled shoes

  2. She’s wearing elegant high-heeled shoes black

  3. She's wearing shoes elegant black high-heeled

  4. She's wearing elegant black shoes high-heeled

1 101. Choose the right variant. Life was hard for my grandfather’s family, but they managed to_____ by.

    1. get

    2. write

    3. bad

    4. like

2 102. Choose the right variant. Stonehenge is a prehistoric_____ located in the English county of Wiltshire.

    1. monument

    2. manuscript

    3. museum

    4. antiq

3 103. Choose the right variant._______evidence found by the Stonehenge Riverside Project in 2008 indicates that Stonehenge could possibly have served as a burial ground from its earliest beginnings.

    1. Archaeological

    2. Archoelogical

    3. Archic

    4. Archiwise

104. Choose the right variant. Let’s stay here. I don’t want to ______ into my boss!

    1. bump

    2. meet

    3. like

    4. jump

  1. 105. Choose the right variant: He promised he ________ the new words of the Unit.

  1. would learn

  2. would have learn

  3. could learn

  4. will learn

      1. Choose the right variant: I ______to give you a quiz today, but I’m afraid I’ll get strangled if I do.

  1. was going

  2. were going

  3. would

  4. going to

  1. 107. Choose the right variant: “делать что-либо по привычке”

a) do smth. from mere habit

b) force of habit

c) get into the habit of doing smth.

d) habitual

108. Choose the verb: “раздражать”

  1. irritate

  2. irritating

  3. irritation

  4. irritant

109. Choose the right variant. They agreed _______all their money

a) not to spend

b) not spending

c) has been spending

d) is not to spend

110. Choose the right variant. Paparazzi means

a) a freelance photographer, especially one who takes candid pictures of celebrities for publication.

b) a person who takes photographs, especially one who practices photography professionally.

c) a person who practices the occupation or profession of journalism and photographer

d) a person employed to gather and report news, as for a newspaper, wire service, or television station.

111. Choose the right variant. I feel like_______ out tonight

a) eating

b) to eating

c) doesn’t eating

d) don’t to eat

112. Choose the right variant. Many of the TV programs broadcast with subtitles for

a) The deaf

b) The old

c) The young

d) The teenagers

113. Choose the right variant. I_________ become a multi-millionaire.

a) ’ll have

b) ‘ll used to

c) 'm used to

d) ‘ll getting

114. Choose the right variant. I___________ to California.

a) ‘ll used to have

b) ‘ll have moved

c) ‘ll get used

d) ‘ll have move

115. Which word doesn’t go with genetic engineering?

a) deep space

b) human genome

c) molecule

d) DNA

116. What is futurology?

a) a science based on prediction

b) one kind of hobby

c) a branch of astronomy

d) a type of disease

117. Choose the correct variant. A ________-pin is used for fastening things, especially cloth.

a) save

b) safety

c) circuit

d) account

118. Choose the correct variant. The _______ tale princess lived happily ever after.

a) fairy

b) human

c) man

d) keeper

119. Choose the correct variant. Natural ________ is used for cooking and heating homes in our country.

a) water

b) gas

c) light

d) sewing

120. Choose the correct variant. I hate playing on hard tennis _________- I much prefer grass.

a) steam


c) courts

d) room

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