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330 Lose their jobs with norilsk nickel closure

The world’s largest nickel miner, Norilsk Nickel, has announced it will shut down all of its Australian operations. A total of 330 jobs will be lost as the company puts its Black Swan and Lake Johnston operations in the Western Australian Goldfields under indefinite care and maintenance.

In a statement, Norilsk blames the decision on the falling price of nickel. Norilsk says the laid off workers will receive full entitlements and says it will try and help them find new employment.

In November last year, the company shut down its Waterloo mine in the Goldfields and part of the Black Swan operation with the loss of 150 jobs. A month earlier, another 200 jobs were placed in doubt as a result of the company’s decision to close its Caws mine near Kalgoorlie. Norilsk says the laid off workers will receive full entitlements and says it will try and help them find new employment.


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Дмитрий Мальков

Вчера ОАО «Полюс Золото» объявило о вводе в строй новой золотоизвлекательной фабрики (ЗИФ) по переработке золотосодержащей руды на Благодатнинском месторождении в Красноярском крае. По информации компании, новая ЗИФ – крупнейшая из работающих в России. Проектная мощность фабрики – 6 млн т руды в год, выпуск золота в среднем составит 12 т в год. Объем капитальных вложений в строительство – $450 млн. Как сообщил на открытии фабрики гендиректор компании «Полюс Золото» Евгений Иванов, в 2010 году ЗИФ должна произвести 3,2 т золота. Площадь Благодатнинского месторождения составляет 4,64 кв. км. Оно располагается в 20 км к северу от разрабатываемого компанией Олимпиадинского месторождения. Защищенные запасы Благодатнинского месторождения по JORC (P&P) составляют 306,7 т при среднем содержании золота 2,27 г/т. В 2005-2009 годах в Красноярском крае «Полюс Золото» произвело более 133 т золота.

Коммерсантъ № 126

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The world’s biggest aluminium producer, Rusal, has reported a net profit of $247m (£169m) for the first three months of 2010. The first Russian company to list in Hong Kong posted a quarterly loss of $638m a year ago, but managed to get a $821m net profit in 2009. Rusal said it returned to quarterly profit thanks to cost-cutting and higher aluminium prices. The firm sees the global demand for the metal remaining strong this year.

Promising market

Rusal said its revenue rose by 31% to $2.3bn compared with the first quarter of 2009. “Rusal plans to continue its sustainable development by introducing new, efficient aluminium and energy production capacities, reducing operating costs, diminishing our debt and further expanding our presence in Asia, the most promising market for aluminium:, the firm’s chief executive, billionaire Oleg Deripaska, said in a statement.

Oleg Mukhamedshin, Rusal deputy chief executive, said: “We believe China’s aluminium demand can grow nearly 20% this year”. Last year, Rusal’s revenue almost halved to $8.2bn, as the company called 2009 “one of the toughest” years on record for the industry. Shares in Rusal rose by almost 1% on Friday, but remain a quarter below their January listing price.


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