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МП по развитию навыков речи.doc
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  1. Подготовьте чтение текста.

  2. Подготовьте пересказ текста.

  3. Ответьте на вопросы:

  1. You were ill last month (week), weren’t you? 2. What were the symptoms? 3. You consulted a doctor, didn’t you? 4. What did the doctor tell you to do? 5. Did you take his advice? 6. How long did you stay in bed? 7. When did you recover? 8. How do you feel now? 9. Do you spend much time in the open air? 10. Do you keep to a diet? 11. What is it necessary to do to be healthy? 12. What do you usually do when you have a headache?

  1. Расскажите о том, как вы однажды заболели и посетили врача.

  2. Подготовьте чтение диалогов.

  3. Выучите диалоги и воспроизведите их со своим товарищем.

  4. Расспросите своего товарища:

а) о его здоровье;

б) о здоровье вашего общего друга.

  1. Переведите на английский:


  1. – Вы видите кого-либо в саду?

- Нет, я никого не вижу.

  1. – Расскажите нам что-нибудь.

- С удовольствием.

  1. – Кто-то взял мой журнал.

- Это был Майк. Он принесет его завтра.

  1. – Вы ездили куда-нибудь в прошлое воскресение?

- Нет, я никуда не ездил. Я был дома.

  1. – Давайте поедем куда-нибудь за город.

- К сожалению, я слишком занят.


  1. – Как вы себя чувствуете?

- Прекрасно

- Я рад это слышать.

  1. – Как поживает ваш брат?

- Он болен.

- Что с ним?

- У него сильный кашель и болит голова.

- Жаль. Я надеюсь, он скоро поправится.

- Будем надеяться на лучшее.

  1. – Что вам сказал врач?

- Он велел мне бросить курить и придерживаться диеты.

  1. – У меня сильная простуда.

- Печально это слышать. Желаю вам скорейшего выздоровления.

- И вы не болейте.



Jack London

Jack London is one of the most outstanding writers of the USA. He is popular all over the world. His works are translated into many foreign languages.

Jack London was born in 1876 in San Francisco. His family was very poor, so he had to earn his living at an early age. He sold newspapers, then he worked at a factory. Later he became a sailor. His life was full of adventures. He decided to describe them in his books and to devote his life to literature. His first story was published in 1898 and soon he became one of the most popular writers. During the sixteen years of his literary career he published about 50 books. In his works he raises many social and moral problems.

Jack London died in 1916.


A Talk on Books

  1. What do you think of the book?

I like it very much. The language is good. The plot is interesting. The author knows the subject well.

  1. You say, you didn’t enjoy the book. Why?

It’s too primitive. The language is poor. The main idea is not clear at all.

  1. What kind of books do you like?

I like historical novels, science fiction and classical poetry. And what about you?

I like detective stories. They don’t give food for thought, but they are good relaxation when one is tired.

  1. What’s the title of the book which you are reading?

It’s “Three Men in a Boat”.

  1. What do you think of O’Henry?

I like his stories very much. They are full of humour and are usually instructive.

Have you read his stories in the original?

No, I’ve read them in translation.

  1. What book by Jack London do you like best?

“Martin Eden”. It’s one of the best books, I’ve ever read.


A: Were you born in Moscow?

B: Yes, I was. But I spent my childhood in the country.

A: When did you go to school?

B: I went to school when I was seven and I finished it when I was seventeen. Then I served in the army.

A: What did you do when you were demobbed?

B: I entered Moscow University and when I graduated from it, I got a job at a research institute.

A: Are you a member of the Trade Union?

B: Yes, I joined it four years ago.