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From the Cradle to the Grave.doc
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IX. Match the following:

attempted homes

bitter tricks

uncompromising defectives

mental associations

the lowest voice

nursing suicide

peevish memories

conjuring address

qualified gait

hunting regime

secondary importance

soggy air

seasonal calls

quizzical practitioners

abstracted season

economical lawns

jogging eyes

X. Paraphrase the italicized parts of the following sentences:

  1. Many of her neighbours were inclined to be critical of Lord Moping’s accommodation.

  2. They were given every consideration which their foibles permitted.

  3. They might choose their own clothes (many indulged in the loveliest fashions).

  4. You seem to me to be totally bemused.

  5. The old man fidgeted uneasily.

  6. She moved about the ordinary routine of her home with an abstracted air.

  7. The doctor at the asylum showed reluctance but no real opposition.

  8. It was a lady’s machine of some antiquity.

XI. Translate into English using the active vocabulary:

  1. Она осталась в психушке навсегда.

  2. Ее чрезмерная вежливость привела его в замешательство.

  3. Скрытный человек редко делится воспоминаниями.

  4. Жаль, что он запустил учебу.

5. У него был озадаченный вид. Должно быть, он раздумывал над тем, как ответить на твой вопрос

XII. Insert the correct preposition if necessary:

    1. But I do feel that if I had done it just _____ a day, an afternoon even, then I would die quiet. I could settle down again easier, and devote myself _____ the poor crazed people here _____ a better heart.

    2. Angela left the question _____ the time, but returned _____ it again _____ luncheon _____ the following day.

    3. I see it was a mistake to take you _____ me _____ our little visit.

    4. Put it _____ black and white.

XIII. Insert the correct modal verb and comment on its meaning:

  1. He _______ have his little outing.

  2. You _______ stay no longer than you like.

3. ‘This is Angela. You remember Angela, don’t you?’

‘No, I _______ say that I do.’

4. Well, you _______ come again later.

5. You _______ mind him.

XIV. Insert the correct article if necessary:

    1. She was _____ woman with _____ cause, and before _____ end of _____ hunting season she had triumphed.

    2. _____ few lonely figures in great-coats were shuffling and loping along _____ park.

    3. There is _____ very nice little garden for _____ people like your father.

    4. They drove past _____ blank, yellow brick façade to _____ doctor’s private entrance and were received by him in _____ ‘visitors’ room’, set aside for _____ interviews of this kind.

5. There is _____ Elbe and _____ Amazon and _____ Tigris to be dealt with first, eh, Loveday?

XV. Give your own preface of the story (5-7 sentences).

XVI. Relate the events of the story as if you were:


Lady Moping;

the doctor.

XVII. Correct the false statement using the conversational formulas of disagreement:

  1. Angela drove her small car to the asylum, and, after delivering the post, asked for Mr Loveday.

  2. Mr Loveday looked at her with his gentle, brown eyes.

  3. Forgive my coming back, sir, but I was afraid that the young lady might be upset at his Lordship’s not greeting her.

  4. You see, sir, all this week I’ve been helping in the library and I haven’t been able to get all his Lordship’s reports printed out.

XVIII. Pass your judgement on the general atmosphere and the mood of the story. Is it cheerful? gloomy? tense? Does it quite answer the situation described in the story? If you find that the mood of the story corresponds to the situation, prove it by examples. If you don’t, explain the reasons.

XIX. Suggest a picture to illustrate the story. Do not draw the picture but say in 25-30 words what should be in it.

XX. Which aphorism reflects the idea of the story best of all (if any)? Justify your point of view. Translate them into Russian.

1. A madman is someone who lives in his special world.

2. The world without psychopaths? It would be abnormal.

3. The longer I live, the more I am inclined to think that in the solar system, the Earth is a lunatic asylum.

4. Crazy people are found everywhere, but only in a psychiatric hospital their presence is striking.

5. Do you think I’m an idiot? – No, but I may be wrong.

6. If others were not fools, we would be them.

7. The world is full of lunatics, if you do not want to look at them, lock yourself up and break the mirror.

8. Normal are only those people who we do not know.

9. Everyone has their kinks, except you and me, the reader. Although about you, I’m not sure.

10. If you are discharged from a mental hospital, it does not mean that you are cured. You just become like everybody else.

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