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Final test (English)

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Контрольна робота №1

з англійської мови

для студентів І курсу ( I семестр ) заочної форми навчання

напряму підготовки 6.030301 – Журналістика


1. Put in the correct form of to be (positive and negative)

1. I _____ cold. Can I have something hot to drink?

2. I _____ hungry last night, so I had something to eat.

3. Where ______ you at 10 o'clock last Sunday morning?

4. Don't buy those shoes. They _______too expensive.

5. We ______tired when we arrived home, so we went to bed.

6. "Where ______the dogs?"- "I don't know. They ______ in the garden ten minutes ago."

7. This time last year I _____ in England

8. My brother and I __________ good tennis players.

9. Amy _________at home but her parents _________ in church.

10. The castle ___________ one thousand years old.

11. We didn't like that house. It _____ very old and it _______ large enough.

12. Helen got married when she_______21 years old.

13. I called you yesterday evening but you _______at home. Where _______ you?

14. My son _______at work last week because he _______ ill. He's better now.

15. The shops _______open yesterday because it ________a public holiday.

[1 point for each correct answer] [ ] of 15

2. Put in the correct form of to have got (positive and negative)

1. They like flowers. They ________ a lot of roses in their garden.

2. Jane _________ a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle.

3. Everybody likes Tom. He ______________a lot of friends.

4. Mr and Mrs Eastwood _____________ two children, a boy and a girl.

5. This insect ______________ six legs.

6. I can't open the door. I ______________ a key.

7. Quick! Hurry! We ________________ much time.

8. "What's wrong?" - "I _______________something in my eye".

9. Ben doesn't read much. He _______________ many books.

10. It's a nice town. It ______________a very nice shopping centre.

[1 point for each correct answer] [ ] of 10

3. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite.

1. Oscar Wilde and Bernard Shaw _________________(be) the most witty British writers.

2. Fishermen often _____________(tell) tales about their catches.

3. Their children ___________________(go) to a private school.

4. Little Amanda ___________________(collect) all sorts of toy-pigs.

5. My father __________________(like) a lot of milk in his tea and a few lumps of sugar.

6. We usually ______________________(spend) our holidays in Spain.

7. My English friends ______________(live) in a nice house that (stand) on a hill that _________________ (overlook) lake Windermere, which (be) in the Lake District.

8. In England the traffic _________(keep) to the left but on the Continent it (keep) ________ to the right.

9. They often _________________(come) to see me in my town house.

10. The twittering of birds in the trees in spring ____________(be) a pleasant sound.

[1 point for each correct answer] [ ] of 10

4. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form.

1. What time________________________(the museums/open) in St.-Petersburg?

2. I have a bike but I______________________(not/use) it very often.

3. "Where (your father/come) from?" - "He_____________(come) from Minsk."

4. If you need help, why____________________(you/not/ask) for it?

5. I _______ (play) the guitar, but I_________________(not/play) very well.

[1 point for each correct answer] [ ] of 5

5. Put the verb into the correct form. All the sentences are past.

1. I _______ (not/go) to the park yesterday because the weather ______ (not/he) very good.

2. I_________(not/have breakfast) this morning because I_________(not/have) time.

3. We_________(not/buy) anything because we____________(not/have) any money.

4. I_____________ (not/sleep) because I______________(not/feel) sleepy.

5. She_______ (not/be) interested in the book because she _______ (not/understand)

[1 point for each correct answer] [ ] of 5

6. Translate into English using the Past Indefinite Tense

1. Мы решили послать это письмо вчера. ___________________________________

2. Когда вы его видели в последний раз? — В прошлый вторник. __________________ _________________________________________________________________

3. В прошлом году мы не изучали французский. Мы изучали английский. ___________ _________________________________________________________________

4. В котором часу вы начали работать вчера? — После обеда. У нас было мало работы. __ _________________________________________________________________

5. Погода была хорошая, и мы с друзьями пошли в парк. _______________________ _________________________________________________________________

[1 point for each correct answer] [ ] of 5

7. Put the verb in brackets into the Future Indefinite.

1. He _____________ (be) here soon.

2. The dress ____________(be) ready tomorrow.

3. They _______________(be) late for the 10.30 train.

4. I _____________(know) the result in a day.

5. I____________ (be) twenty years old next year.

[1 point for each correct answer] [ ] of 5

8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite and the Present Continuous.

1. Mr Smith ____________(teach) us at present. He ________________(substitute) for Mr Reese, who ___________(be) our regular teacher.

2. "I ________(go) to visit Peter tonight. He _________ (leave) tomorrow morning." - "______He ____________(come) back the same day?"-"I ______________(not/know)."

3. John often ________(stay) at a hotel when he ____________(come) to town, but tonight he __________________(stay) with us. '

4. The fourth class always __________(meet) on the 18th floor, but our class ________ (meet) on the 17th floor. However, since they ___________ (paint) our regular classroom now, we ______________(go) to meet in the club-room today.

5. "_____You ___________(write) him tonight?" - "Yes, I always ___________(write) him on his birthday. ____You _________(want) to send any message?" - "Certainly."

6. John __________(say) he ___________(leave) for Chicago on the fifteenth.

7. I _____________(go) to the seaside on my holiday.

8. My brother _______________(come) to see me next week

9. Whenever I ________(call) at the Smiths' home, they ______(play) cards. I really _____ (think) they ______________(play) every night.

10. Jack ____________________(make) at least ten spelling errors in every lesson.

[1 point for each correct answer] [ ] of 10

9. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Indefinite and the Past Continuous.

1. Mary __________(play) the piano; John _________(read); my wife ___________ (sew) when suddenly we all _____________(hear) a shout.

2. When the doctor ______________ (leave) the hospital, he _______________(catch) a glimpse of himself in the glass front door.

3. When her father _______(come) in she _______________(sit) before a red tea-table, finishing a very good tea.

4. Next day, while he _____________(shave) he ________(cut) himself slightly.

5. And, smiling to himself, he ______________ (begin) to make plans, fantastic plan for the future. He still _______________(smile) when he _________(walk) up the rock-cut steps.

7. We ___________(sit) on our front porch when Mr Smith ______(drive) up in his new car

8. It _________________(drizzle) when they _____________(come) out c the house.

9. When the World War __________(break), John _________________(live) in Holland.

10. As I ______________(walk) home yesterday, I ____________(meet) a beggar who _____________________(ask) me for some money.

11. We _______(come) into the dining-room while our parents ____________(eat) supper.

12. She ____________(run) down the stairs and _____________(go) to the library, where her husband ___________________(stand) with his mother.

13. We ___________(drive) at about fort miles an hour when the accident ______(happen).

14. Eric _________(go) into the library and _______(sit) down to read the letter. The fire _____________(crackle) merrily in the fireplace, and outside the wind __________(howl).

15. When I ___________(hear) him knock I ________(go) to the door and ___________ (open) it, but I _________________(not/recognize) him at first because I ___________ (not/wear) my glasses.

[1 point for each correct answer] [ ] of 15

10. Translate into English

1. Этот перевод труднее того, который мы делали в декабре.


2. Чем больше он старался, тем больше ошибок он делал.


3. Это самая большая квартира в нашем доме, она в два раза больше


4. Это кратчайший путь до озера.


5. Его старшая дочь работает теперь в нашей компании.


6. Сегодня так же жарко, как вчера.


[2 point for each correct answer] [ ] of 12

11. Ask 4 questions of different types to the sentence:

When they were walking up the street together they began to talk”


[2 point for each correct answer] [ ] of 8

TOTAL: [ ] of 100

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