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From the Cradle to the Grave.doc
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IV. Find the English equivalents of:

мех ондатры

самка шотландской куропатки



потягивать (напиток)




протянуть руку



наденьте его (кольцо)

разгадать кроссворд

неправильно измерить

благотворительная распродажа



пить большими глотками


V. Pick out all the phrasal verbs and work out their meanings.

VI. Transcribe the following words:

margarine, pour, affluence, stagger, grandeur, domain, poisonous, chrysanthemum.

VII. In the text find the words that have the following meanings:

an area of land owned and controlled by one person or government;

something that spreads above you like a roof;

unusually and unhealthily pale;

a building for small animals, especially chicken;

to walk unsteadily, almost falling over;

to drink all the liquid in a glass;

a very small object worn on a chain or bracelet that people think will bring them good luck;

a chemical liquid used to make dark hair lighter or to kill bacteria.

VIII. Think of the situations in which you would use the following:

  1. ‘Is it by Jove?’

  2. She gives me hell about it.

  3. I feel in honour bound to buy you a …

  4. We must do this more often. Make it an every day thing.

  5. God, it would be nice to live on one’s own.

  6. Earlier in life one tends to rather despise the thought. And when the time comes it’s rather nice.

  7. Why do the children of the same parents so often hate each other? Some days the atmosphere in that house is poisonous. We hiss at each other like two snakes.

IX. Match the following:

rummage means

private silence

ornamental figure

ample apprehension

unsteady shrubbery

half-green gestures

concentrated sale

cold water-birds

low buds

X. Combine the following to make collocations:

ample gas powder bed cherry

ring hot water eye public

compact leather cube ladies chocolate

shadow sitter blossom imitation kennel

basket sugar street litter market

dog wine figure glass birds

XI. Paraphrase the italicized parts of the following sentences:

  1. Underneath these garments her corsets had so far fallen to pieces that every now and then she padded them with folds of newspaper.

  2. A few swiftly snatched up stalks turned the kennel-like bed-sitter into a little paradise.

  3. … the gentleman in the homburg hat gave her a long friendly blue-eyed stare of admiration.

  4. The sherry warmed her throat, crawled snakily through her empty stomach and moistened her eyes.

  5. Inwardly she trembled with cold apprehension.

  6. She did in fact felt like crying and sat for some moments biting her lips hard, locked in impotent nervous distress.

  7. The face she saw in the glass, pallid and stiff, seemed not to belong to her and hastily she shut the compact down.

XII. Explain what is meant by:

  1. It was very much a morning when appearances mattered.

  2. His sister didn’t drink either. That made her sub-human for a short.

  3. Not all the wild dogs in China.

  4. This is the day

  5. It – what did they say nowadays –it sent you.

XIII. Translate into English using the active vocabulary:

  1. У нее очень мелкий почерк.

  2. Она призналась, что не может работать на компьютере.

  3. Через месяц он станет совершеннолетним.

  4. Даже в приглушенном свете было видно, что ее кольцо из бирюзы.

  5. Ей идет алый цвет гораздо больше, чем красновато-коричневый.

  6. Она призналась, что они часто ссорятся.

  7. Он едва слышно прошептал: «Всему свое время».

  8. Вскоре они молили о пощаде.

XIV. Pick out the words and word combinations which come in handy while describing a nice spring day in the park. Make up a short story using these expressions.

XV. Insert the correct preposition if necessary:

  1. Sherry _____ hand, Miss Treadwell sat bathed _____ dreams _____ grandeur that, _____ all their emergence _____ reality, were now more impossible than ever.

  2. He positively swigged _____ his sherry while Miss Treadwell gently sipped _____ hers.

  3. We hiss _____ each other like two snakes.

  4. Miss Treadwell hesitatingly confessed that she felt ever so slightly tempted _____ a small sherry.

  5. I envy _____ you that apartment _____ yours.

XVI. Insert the correct modal verb and comment on its meaning:

  1. Miss Treadwell, who was in her late fifties, was apt to refer to her minute bed-sitter, a mere dog kennel seven feet by ten, as ‘my little domain’, though if occasion demanded she _______ enlarge a little on that, calling it ‘my apartment’.

  2. She had learnt other tricks by experience: for example that late on Saturday afternoons one _______ buy, for a few pence, bags of unsold cakes that _______ (not) keep in the shops until Monday…

  3. Well, I fear I _______ be going: we always have lunch at dead on twelve.

  4. ‘Those curtains _______ have cost you a bit’.

  5. ‘I think I _______ to go now, Mr Thornhill.’

  6. ‘I really _______ go.’

  7. ‘Perhaps if you gave her the ring it _______ help things‘.

  8. ‘Good God, what? _______ you just hear her?

  9. I simply _______ manage the apartment without.

  10. Miss Trеadwell, who _______ afford to drink anyway, suddenly found herself confronted with impossible visions of grandeur and felt slightly frightened.

  11. Sherry, port, gin, whisky, beer? – what ________ it be?

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