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c) Perfect Active (to do – having done)

to fail, to consider, to discuss, to tell, to adjust, to display, to complete.

d) Perfect Passive (to do – having been done)

to speak, to give, to sign, to write, to study, to translate, to build, to find.

2. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на функции герундия.

1. Repairing cars is his business. 2. It goes without saying. 3. Testing began last Friday. 4. Iron is found by digging in the earth. 5. Have you finished writing? 6. Taking a cold shower in the morning is very useful. 7. I like skiing, but my sister prefers skating. 8. Reading science fiction excited my imagination. 9. It looks like raining. 10. My watch wants repairing. 11. Thank you for coming. 12. I had no hope of getting an answer before the end of the month. 13. I had the pleasure of dancing with her the whole evening. 14. Let's go boating. 15. He talked without stopping. 16. Some people can walk all day without feeling tired. 17. She doesn’t like being praised. 18. I don’t mind being criticized when it is fair. 19. I prefer doing this work myself. 20. She has always dreamt of living in a small house by the sea. 21. She disliked living in her old house. 22. She was thinking of buying a new one. 23. Now, she enjoys living in a beautiful new house. 24. She enjoyed talking to them and didn't mind helping them usually. 25. She is very good at cooking. 26. But she doesn't like washing and ironing. 27. She hates getting up early, but she has to. 28. She doesn't mind working a lot, you know. 29.On coming home I usually take a short rest. 30. She has always dreamt of travelling round the world. 31. But she hates flying and she's never been overseas. 32. You can perfect your English by practising it every day. 33. She loves meeting people because she can't bear being alone. 34.Don’t be afraid of being punished. 35. Besides being clever she was very beautiful.

3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы герундия.

1. His having failed in the examination surprised everybody. 2. They must be proud of having won the match. 3. On being told the news she turned pale. 4. The place is worth visiting. 5. Can you remember having seen the man before? 6. She was terrified of having


to speak to anybody, and even more, of being spoken to. 7. I insist on the decision being taken immediately. 8. After being corrected by the teacher, the students’ papers were returned to them . 9. I wondered at my mother's having allowed the journey. 10 You can’t become a good specialist without being trained for a long time.

4.Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на глаголы и словосочетания, после которых употребляется герундий.

1.Не keeps insisting on my going to the south. 2. Would you mind coming again in a day or two? 3. She could not help smiling. 4. I cannot put off doing this translation. 5. Though Tom was tired, he went on writing the report. 6. I avoided speaking to them about that matter. 7. She burst out crying. 8. They burst out laughing. 9. She denied having been at home that evening. 10. He enjoyed talking of the pleasures of travelling. 11. Please forgive my interrupting you. 12. He gave up smoking a few years ago. 13.Have you finished washing the dishes yet? 14. Don't be nervous! Stop biting your nails! 15. He postponed going to New York as he felt ill. 16. My friend succeeded in translating this difficult text. 17. She suspected him of lying her. 18. He gave up the idea of ever hearing from her. 19. We are looking forward to seeing you again. 20. He has always dreamt of visiting other countries. 21. The cold weather prevented the girls from going for long walks. 22. They accuse him of having robbed the house. 23. He never agreed to their going on that dangerous voyage. 24. He did not approve of her drinking so much coffee. 25. The teacher did not approve of his pupils talking. 26. I don't feel like seeing him. 27. I insist on being told the truth. 28. I object to his borrowing money from you. 29. I stretched out my hand to prevent her from falling. 30. He was afraid of waking her. 31. I'm looking forward to going on holiday. 32. She congratulated herself on having thought of such a good idea.

5.Закончите предложения, используя данные глаголы в -ing форме.

Answer, apply, be, listen, make, see, try, use, wash, work, write.

1. He tried to avoid … my question. 2. Could you pl ease stop … so

much noise? 3. I enjoy …to music. 4. I considered …

for the job but in the

end I decided against it. 5. Have you finished … yo

ur hair yet? 6. If you walk

in to the road without looking, you risk … knocked down. 7. Jim is 65 but he isn’t doing to retire yet. He wants to carry on … . 8. I don’t mind … the


phone as long as you pay for all your calls. 9. Hello! Fancy … you here! What a surprise! 10. I’ve put off … the letter so m any times. I really must do it today. 11. What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody … so stupid? 12. Sarah gave up … to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.

6.Завершите каждую ситуацию, используя глагол в –ing форме.

1.– What shall we do? – We could go to the cinema. She suggested going to the cinema. 2. – Do you want to play tennis? – No, not really. He didn’t fancy … . 3. - You were driving too fast. – Yes, it’s true. Sorry! She

admitted … . 4. – Why don’t we go for a swim? – Goo 5. -You broke into the shop. – No, I didn’t. He den few minutes? – Sure, no problem. They didn’t mind

d idea! She suggested … . ied … . 6. - Can you wait a … .

7. Закончите предложения так, чтобы у них был тот же смысл. Используйте – ing форму.

1. I can do what I want and you can’t stop me. You can’t stop me doing what I want. 2. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hours. It’s better to avoid … . 3. Shall we go away tomorr ow instead of today?. Shall we postpone … until … ? 4. The driver of the car said it was tru e that he didn’t have a licence. The driver of the car admitted … . 5. Could you turn the radio down, please? Would you mind …? 6. Please don’t interrupt me all the time. Would you mind … ? 7. Ar e you sorry you didn’t take the job? Do you regret … ?

8.Закончите предложения, используя глаголы в – ing форме.

1.She’s a very interesting person. I always enjoy talking to her.

2.I’m not feeling very well. I don’t fancy … . 3. I’m afraid there aren’t any chairs. I hope you don’t mind … . 4. It was a l ovely day, so I

suggested … . 5. It was very funny. I couldn’t stop … . 6. My car isn’t very reliable. It keeps … .

9. Закончите предложения, перевода фразы из правой колонки герундиальными дополнениями.

1. I suggest ….

поехать за город; сыграть в шахматы;


пойти на новую выставку; встретиться


в 6; пойти на дискотеку.



I fancy …

оставаться здесь; пойти в театр;



увидеть их немедленно; уйти отсюда



как можно скорее; побыть одна.


I enjoyed …

играть в теннис, гулять в парке,



танцевать с ним, дышать свежим





I can’t help …

не восхищаться ею; не сказать правду;



не встречаться с ним; задать вопрос.

5. Would you mind …?

остаться здесь еще на пару дней; пойти погулять послушать музыку; поехать за город.


Can’t you put off

поехать в деревню; встречу с ним,



покупку нового пальто; чтение книги.


Why do you avoid …?

встречаться с ним, говорить об этом;



видеть меня; сказать правду.


Why did he delay …?

сдачу экзамена; поездку в Англию;



прием лекарства; работу над





He denied …

что знает этих людей; провалился на



экзамене; что принимал участие в той




10. It is worth while …

поехать в Италию; прочитать новый



роман; посмотреть этот фильм;



выучить английский язык.

10. Переведите фразы в правой колонке, используя герундий в нужной форме.

1. Do you mind …?


а) пригласить Энн,

б) чтобы тебя тоже пригласили;

а) прочитать это письмо,

б) чтобы тебе прочитали это письмо;

2. Do you avoid …?


а) задавать вопросы,

б) чтобы тебе задавали вопросы;

а) звонить им сама.

б) чтобы тебе звонили.


3. Why do you deny …?

а) что знаешь этих людей, б) что тебя там хорошо знают; а) что предложили ему работу, б) что тебе предло жили эту работу;

4. I can’t remember …

а) что видел его когда-либо, б) чтобы меня видели в его обществе; а) чтобы меня спрашивали об этом, б) чтобы я спрашивал об этом.

11.Переведите на русский язык, используя герундий.

1.Перестаньте разговаривать. 2. Мы закончили работу над этой проблемой. 3. Продолжайте петь. 4. Вы не против того, чтобы открыть окно? 5. Он отрицал свое участие в преступлении.

6.Я очень люблю рисовать. 7. Мы получили удовольствие от плавания. 8. Я не могла не согласиться с ним. 9. Она бросила курить. 10. Она избегала встречи с ним. 11. Он продолжал спрашивать ее о подробностях. 12. Мы отложим обсуждение доклада. 13. Наконец, они перестали смеяться. 14. Она отрицала, что украла деньги. 15. Давайте отложим поездку на дачу до следующей субботы. 16. Я предпочитаю читать классические романы. 17. Когда она кончит писать сочинение? 18. Я не возражаю против того, чтобы остаться дома и поработать над моим переводом. 19. Она занята подготовкой к экзамену. 20. Я не отрицаю, что видел их в тот вечер. 21. Ваше предложение нужно обсудить. 22. Она отрицала, что взяла мои часы. 23. Мой сын любит, когда ему читают сказки. 24. Он пытался избежать ответа на ее вопросы, так как ему было стыдно, что он солгал ей прежде. 25. Он не мог не думать, что его сын совершил большую ошибку. 26. Я помню, что мне уже говорили об этом. 27. Я перестала, есть мясо, и каждый день получаю удовольствие от более здоровой пищи. 28. Мы оставили мысль о поездке за город.

29.Они предложили поесть в итальянском ресторане. 30. Я не люблю (не выношу) смотреть фильмы с насилием.

12.Закончите предложения так, чтобы у них был тот же смысл, что и у предыдущих предложений. Используйте глаголы в

-ing форме.

1.(Why is it useful to have a car?) What are the advantages of having a car? 2. (I don’t intend to lend you any money.) I have no

intention of … . 3. (Helen has a good memory for na mes.) Helen is good


at … . 4. (Mark won’t pass the exam. He has no chan ce.) Mark has no chance of … . 5. (Did you get into trouble because you were late?) Did you get into trouble for … ? 6. (We didn’t eat at h ome. We wet to a restaurant instead.) Instead of … . 7. (Tom thinks that working is better than doing nothing.) Tom prefers working to … . 8. (They got married. They didn’t tell any of their friends.) They got married without … . 9. (Our team played well but we lost the game.) Our team lost the game in spite of … .

13. Закончите предложения, используя предлог by и глагол в -ing форме. Используйте одно из следующих словосочетаний.

borrow too much money, break a window, drive too fast, put some


posters up on the walls,

stand on a chair, turn a key.


The burglars got into the house

by breaking a window. 2. I was

able to reach the shelf …. 3. You start the engine

of a car … . 4. Kevin got


into financial difficulty …

. 5.


can put people’s lives in

danger … . 6. We made the room look nicer … .


14. Закончите предложения подходящим глаголом в –ing форме.

1. I ran ten kilometers without stopping. He left the hotel without … his bill. 2. It’s a nice morning. How about … for a wal k? 3. I was surprised that she left without … goodbye to anybody. 4. Before … to bed, I like to have a hot drink. 5. We were able to translate the letter into English

without … a dictionary. 6. It was a very long journ

ey. I was very tired

after … on a train for 36 hours. 7. I was annoyed b

ecause the decision

was made without anybody … me. 8. After … the same

job for ten years,

I felt I needed a change.


15. Закончите каждую ситуацию выражением I’m (not) looking forward to.

1. You are going on a holiday next week. How do you feel about it? I’m looking forward to going on holiday. 2. Diane is a good friend of yours and she is coming to visit you soon. So you will see her again soon. How do you feel about it? I’m … . 3. You are going to the dentist tomorrow. You don’t like visits to the dentist. How do you feel about it? I’m not … . 4. Carol is a student at school. She hates it but she is leaving school next summer. How does she feel about this? 5. You’ve arranged to play tennis tomorrow. You like tennis. How do you feel about this? … .


16.Закончите ситуации, используя be/get used to.

1.Jane is American. She came to Britain and at first she found driving on the left difficult. When she arrived in Britain, she wasn’t used to driving on the left, but she soon got used to it. Now she has no problems. She is used to driving on the left. 2. Juan is Spanish and came to live in England. In Spain he always had dinner late in the evening, but in England dinner was at 6 o’clock. This was very early for him. When

Juan first came to England, he … dinner so early, b ut after some time he … it. Now he finds it quite normal. He … at six o’clock. 3. Julia is a nurse. A year ago she started working nights. At first she found it hard. At first Julia didn’t like it. She … nights and it took her a few months to … it. Now, after a year, she’s quite happy. She … nights.

17. Что вы скажите в следующих ситуациях? Используйте I’m

(not) used to … .

1. You live alone. You don’t mind this. You have always lived alone. Friend: Do you get a bit lonely sometimes? You: No, I’m used to living alone. 2. You sleep on the floor. You don’t mind it. You have always slept on the floor. Friend: Wouldn’t you prefer to sleep in a bed? You: No, I … . 3. You have to work hard. This is not a problem for you. You have always worked hard. Friend: You have to work hard in your job, don’t you? You: Yes, but I don’t mind that. I … . 4. You normally go to bed early. Last night you went to bed very late and as a result you are very tired this morning. Friend: You look tired this morning. You: Yes, … .

18. Закончите каждое предложение одним словом необходимым по смыслу.

1. Our neighbours apologized for … so much noise. 2. I feel lazy. I don’t feel like … any work. 3. I wanted to go out alone but Joe insisted on

… with me. 4. I’m fed up with my job. I’m thinking

of … something

else. 5. We have decided against … a new car becaus

e we can’t really

afford it. 6. I hope you write to me soon. I’m looking forward to …from you. 7. The weather was extremely bad and this prevented us from … out. 8. The man mho has been arrested is suspected of … a false passport.

9. I think you should apologise to Sue for … so rud e to her. 10. Some parents don’t approve of their children … a lot of television. 11. I’m sorry I can’t come to your party but thank you very much for… me.


19. Закончите предложения, употребляя необходимый предлог и один из данных глаголов в –ing форме.

Cause, escape, go, help, interrupt, live, play, solve, spend, walk.

1. Do you feel like going out this evening? 2. It took us a long time but we finally succeeded … the problem. 3. I’ve always dreamed … in a small house by the sea. 4. The driver of the other car accused me … the accident. 5. There was a fence around the lawn to stop people … on the grass. 6. Forgive me … you but may I ask you something? 7. Where are you thinking … your holiday this year? 8. The g uards weren’t able to prevent the prisoner … . 9. I wanted to cook the meal by myself but Dave insisted … me. 10. I’m sorry we’ve had to cancel our game of tennis tomorrow. I was really looking forward … .

20.Завершите данные ситуации, используя глагол в –ing форме.

1.George: It was nice of you to help me. Thank you. George thanked me for helping him. 2. Tom: I’ll drive you to the station. I insist. Tom insisted … . 3. Mrs. Bond: It was nice of you to come to see me. Thank you. Mrs. Bond thanked … . 4. Jack: Don’t stay at the hotel near the airport. He warned … . 5. Mary: I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier.

Mary apologized … . 6. Jane: You’re selfish. Jane accused … .

21. Выберите нужный предлог и употребите глагол в скобках в – ing форме.

1. He is ill. He is complaining with/ about … (have) a headache. 2. Marcus went out instead for / of … (do) his homework. 3. Tracy was very excited with / about … (go) to the party. 4. I hope you have a good excuse of / for … (be) so late. 5. Sam is interested in / for … (take up) French lessons. 6. You can’t stop him to / from … (take) the job if he wants to. 7. Susie ran because she was worried about / of … (miss) the buss. 8. Thank you to / for … (help) me with my homework.

9.She felt tired because she wasn’t used to /with … (work) so hard.

10.His boss blamed him for / of … (lose) the deal. 11. I am in charge in / of … (make) the Christmas deliveries. 12. We are thinking of / from … (buy) a new car next month. 13. Sandra apologized for / about … (ruin) the performance. 14. Ian was talking with / about … (open) a shop in York.


22. Заполните пропуски данными ниже предлогами.

In, on, to, of, with, about, from, at

1. The storm prevented the ship … reaching the port

in time. 2. Are

fond … playing chess? 3. I think … going to the sou

th in summer. 4. He

is afraid … catching cold. 5. I’m proud … having su

ch a son. 6. I don’t

object … her going there. 7. I have never thought …


staying here the

whole week. 8. I’m afraid he’ll never succeed … arr

anging his own

affairs. 9. I’ll be looking forward … seeing you ag

ain. 10. She insisted …

helping me. 11. They had much difficulty … finding

the house. 12. I’m

sick and tired … your constantly changing your mind

. 13. Don’t pity me.

I’ve got used … being treated that way. 14. They


ere not aware … his

being in the next room. 15. Why should you be worried … his making a fool of himself?

23. Закончите предложения герундием с предлогом.


1. Do you still insist … ? 2. I’m looking forward …

. 3. Did you

succeed … ? 4. Don’t worry … . 5. Do you really care … ? 5. You mustn’t depend … . 6. Do you think he’s good … ? 7. Who will be responsible … ? 8. She’s fond … . 8. Are you interested … ? 9. She is not used … . 10. He thanked … .

24.Переведите на английский язык, употребляя герундий.

1.Благодарю вас, что вы прислали мне такие красивые цветы. 2. Он настаивал на том, что невиновен. 3. Он боялся, что его посадят в тюрьму. 4. Шум в соседней комнате мешал мне думать. 5. Я думаю о том, чтобы поехать на юг летом. 6. Мальчик отрицал, что разбил окно. 7. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы пого- ворить с ним. 8. Я с нетерпением ждал встречи с братом. 9. Мне что-то не хочется сегодня играть в лото. 10. Ей удалось сделать очень хороший перевод этого трудного текста. 11. Простите меня, пожалуйста, что я открыла ваше письмо по ошибке. 12. У меня нет надежды увидеть его скоро. 13. Мысль провести каникулы в деревне принадлежит моему брату. 14. Вы можете улучшить свое произношение, читая вслух каждый день. 15. Я не смогу перевести этот текст, не посмотрев несколько слов в словаре. 16. Я поблагодарил его за то, что он купил мне такие интересные книги.

17.Он привык вставать рано. 18. Дождь помешал мне придти к вам вчера. 19. Он вошел в комнату, не постучав. 20. Он решил послать


ей письмо вместо того, чтобы послать телеграмму. 21. Удалось ли вам найти ее адрес? 22. Я отложил чтение этого неприятного письма до последнего момента. 23. Я поблагодарил за то, что он помог нам.

25.Закончите предложения глаголом в –ing форме.

1.Shall we get a taxi home? – No, it isn’t far. It ’s not worth getting a taxi. 2. If you need help, why don’t you ask Tom? It’s no use

… . He won’t be able to help us. 3. I don’t really want to go out tonight.

Well, stay at home! There’s no point … if you don’t

want to. 4. Shall I

phone Ann now? No, it’s no good … . She won’t be at

home. 5. Are you

going to complain about what happened? No, it’s not worth … . Nobody will do anything about it. 6. Do you ever read newspapers? No, I think it’s a waste of time … .

26. Закончите предложения, используя (not) worth –ing и один из глаголов.

Consider, keep, read, repair, see, visit.

1. The film isn’t very good. It’s not worth seeing. 2. It would cost too much to repair this watch. … . 3. If you have time, you should go to the museum. … . 4. It’s quite an interesting suggestion. … .5. There’s an interesting article in the paper today. … . 6. We can throw these old clothes away. They … .

27.Составьте предложения, начиная с There’s no point … .

1.Why have a car if you never use it? There’s no point in having

a car if you never use it. 2. Don’t eat if you’re not hungry. … . 3. Why work if you don’t need money? … . 4. Don’t study if you feel tired. … .

28.Напишите предложения со словом difficulty.

1.I managed to get a visa but it was difficult. I had difficulty

getting a visa. 2. I can’t remember people’s names. I have difficu lty … . 3. Lucy managed to get a job without difficulty. She had no … . 4. Do you find it difficult to understand him? Do you have … . 5. It won’t be difficult to get a ticket for the concert. 6. You won’t have any … .

29. Закончите предложения, используя глагол в –ing форме по смыслу.

1. It’s waste of money … things you don’t need. 2. Every morning