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Киреева Куклина англ

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5. Переведите на английский язык, используя The Subjective-with- the Infinitive Construction:

1. Известно, что наука значительно изменила условия жизни современного человека. 2. Считается, что Леонардо да Винчи сконструировал первый лифт. 3. Говорят, он добился большого успеха в бизнесе. 4. Конечно, он достаточно умён, чтобы правильно оценить ситуацию. 5. Ожидается, что они начнут испытания на следующей неделе. 6. Сообщили, что президент уже прибыл в столицу. 7. Она, по-видимому, сейчас работает в лаборатории. 8. Казалось, он не замечает ничего вокруг. 9. Говорят, что этот новый предмет интересный. 10. Оказалось, кто-то уже побывал здесь. 11. Он, оказывается, смеялся, читая эту книгу. 12. Было доказано, что эта ракета преодолеет силу земного тяготения. 13. Маловероятно, что эта лаборатория будет скоро оснащена новыми приборами. 14. Доказано, что скорость света величина постоянная. 15. Так случилось, что он никогда раньше не был на море. 16. Полагают, что это устройство было изобретено в начале нашего века. 17. Считается, что эта школа одна из лучших в городе. 18. Кажется, она тебя ждет. 19. Говорят, что Байкал глубочайшее озеро в мире. 20. Известно, что многие работы студентов были посланы на выставку в Лондон. 21. Она обязательно покажет вам свои записи, если вы попросите её. 22. Кажется, его доклад состоял из 3 частей.

Инфинитив. Обзорные упражнения

The infinitive. Revision

1. Определите функции инфинитива в предложении. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. She seemed to be paying no attention to what was going round her. 2. He suddenly awoke from his trance; there was a decision to be made. 3. Good-bye, Mr. Jackson. Glad to have been of service to you. 4. I say, don’t you think you ought to be going? 5. He was very tired, and to have been caught napping had irritated him and hurt his pride. 6. There are a great many things to be taken into consideration. 7. Judging from his books and papers on the writing-table he must have been working since they left him in the morning. 8. She told them to take off their shoes


so that their footsteps could not be heard in the flat below. 9. “We are very sorry to have disturbed you,” began Peter. 10. I want you to promise me you won’t talk to Antonia about that sort of things. 11. That woman is still sitting. She seems to have been waiting over an hour. 12. Well, funny things seem to be happening. 13. To have been so happy and not to have known it! 14. There was nothing to be done, but to wait for the next express, which was due at four.

2.Поставьте инфинитив в скобках в нужную форму (время, залог):

1.I’m so sorry (to bother) you in this stupid way. 2. He kept late hours last night; he may still (to sleep). 3. “She must (to be) very beautiful years ago,” Maren thought. 4. It’s a secret, and no one else must (to tell).

5.Good-bye. So pleased (to meet) you. 6. He’s a talented engineer. He’s supposed (to work) at a new invention. 7. She seems (to work) at her course paper since spring and says she has still a lot (to do). 8. I’ve just seen him passing the entrance door, so he can’t (to work) at the laboratory as you say. 9. The next morning he appeared (to forget) it all. 10. It ought (to do) long ago; at least before their leaving Blackstable. 11. She seemed at times (to seize) with an uncontrolled irritation and would say sharp and wounding things. 12. You probably think that I must (to live) a very gay life in France, but it wasn’t so.

13.No words can describe it: it must (to see). 14. I’m sorry I made you (to worry) about me. 15. Oh, how silly of you! You shouldn’t (to say) that. 16. There was a triumph (to celebrate).

3.Поставьте частицу to перед инфинитивами, где необходимо:

1. You needn’t … ask for permission, I let you …


ke my books

whenever you like. 2. He is expected … arrive in a

few days. 3. You

seem … know these places very well. 4. I heard the

door … open and saw

a shadow … move across the floor. 5. The teacher ma

de me … repeat it

all over again. 6. He asked me … try … do it again.


7. There is nothing

… do but … wait till somebody comes … let us out. 8


. You ought not …

show your feelings. 9. I felt her … shiver with col

d. 10. You are not …

mention this to anyone. 11. We got mother … cut up

some sandwiches.

12. Pose wanted them … stop laughing, wanted the cu

rtain … come

down. 13. I’ll have … go there. 14. There doesn’t s


eem … be anything


wrong with you. 15. He was seen … make a note of it

. 16. What made

you … deceive me? 17. He was not able … explain any

thing. 18. I saw

him … lock the door and … go away. 19. He was seen

… enter the

house, but nobody saw him … leave it. 20. I am so s orry … have kept

you waiting.


4. Дополните следующие предложения, используя инфинитив в функции:

а) подлежащего:


1. … would be unjust. 2. … was very pleasant. 3. …

is the only

thing to do. 4. … would be much more useful. 5. … i s not an easy matter.

б) части сказуемого:

1. My hobby is … . 2. The best way to master a foreign language is

… . 3. The next thing to be done is …

. 4. Our aim was …

. 5. To say so

means …

. 6. His only wish is … .





в) дополнения:





1. He asked … . 2. In the kindergarten children are taught …

. 3. I

am so glad … . 4. We are awfully sorry …

. 5. The doctor advised …

. 6.

The child is afraid … . 7. I’ve


forgotten … .

8. Everybody

promised … . 9. Who has allowed you …?




г) определения:





1. He was always the first …

. 2. We have nothing …

. 3. This is a

chance …

. 4. Benny has no friends … . 5. He is not a man … . 6. She

made no attempt … . 7. Is there anybody …? 8. He always finds

something … . 9. This is the information …

. 10. He spoke of his wish …



д) обстоятельства цели:


1. He came immediately … . 2. We’ll stay after the lecture … . 3. They

stopped … . 4. Write down this rule …

. 5. I’ve opened the door … .


He stepped aside politely …

. 7.

… you must work hard. 8. The boy

ran out … .



е) обстоятельства результата:



1. She was too frightened …

. 2. The article is too difficult … .


The fence is high enough …

. 4. The baby is too restless … . 5. The


weather is warm enough … . 6. We are too busy … . 7. She was grownup enough … . 8. The night was too dark … .

5. Замените придаточные предложения инфинитивами в функции определения:

1. There weren’t many children in the neighborhood who we could play with. 2. He fell asleep with full determination that he would go and see for himself. 3. He is a man one can trust. 4. We didn’t know the way to the station, and there wasn’t anyone who we could ask. 5. He was the first person who came to the bar and the last who left it. 6. It isn’t a thing you can joke about. It’s a serious matter. 7. He will always find something that makes him laugh at. 8. They decided that it was a nice little town where they could live quietly for a while. 9. He’s not a man who you can easily frighten. 10. There’s nothing that we might discuss now. Everything is settled. 11. He was the first man who guessed what George was driving at. 12. No doubt it was the best time when he could find them all at home. 13. A good housewife will always find something that must be done about the house. 14. The old general wanted nothing but a grandson who he could dandle on his knee.

6.. Замените подчеркнутые придаточные предложения инфинитивными оборотами:

1.I should be delighted if I could get acquainted with the captain of your team. 2. He was annoyed when he learnt that they hadn’t chosen him as a player for the All-Union match. 3. I was sorry that I had missed the beginning of the match. 4. We must wait till we hear the referee’s whistle, then we’ll see the teams coming out. 5. They wouldn’t be surprised if they were to receive an invitation to play in a tennis match with the fellows from our college. 6. You would be foolish if you missed the chance. 7. I’m pleased that I’ve been of some service to you. 8. She turned to me as if she was going to ask me something. 9. We are happy that we have won, it was a difficult match. 10. I was sorry when I heard of their failure. 11. I’m sorry that I’ve been of so little assistance. 12. He pressed his finger to his lips as if he wanted to warn her.

7.Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитив в различных функциях:

1.Я была довольна, что посмотрела еще одну пьесу Островского. 2. Эта музыка заставила его вспомнить молодость.


3. Сомневаюсь, что здесь есть кто-либо, с кем можно было бы поговорить об этом деле. 4. Мне дали текст, который я должен был перевести без словаря. 5. Кажется, дети уже забыли об этом печальном событии. 6. Номер его телефона легко запомнить. 7. Оказывается, он ничего об этом не слышал. 8. Я спал и не слышал, как они ушли. 9. Он знал, что его присутствие обязательно, но не мог заставить себя войти. 10. Вопрос, который будет обсуждаться на нашем собрании, очень важен, на мой взгляд. 11. Он отвечал первым. 12. Тут и понимать нечего, всё очень просто.

13.Этот вопрос слишком сложен, чтобы она могла решить его одна.

14.Ожидается, что зима в этом году будет суровая. 15. Я случайно услышал последнюю фразу, сказанную вами. 16. Они наверняка поженятся. 17. Я хочу, чтобы мы все встретились еще раз. 18. Маловероятно, что он выздоровеет к понедельнику.

19.Некого было спросить, и нам пришлось ждать. 20. Мы не ожидали, что он сам это сделает.

Условные предложения

Conditional clauses

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на формы глаголов в условных предложениях:

A.1. a) If you study hard, you will pass your exams successfully.

b)If you studied hard, you would pass your exams successfully.

c)If you had studied hard, you would have passed your exams successfully.

2.a) We should invite him unless he left Moscow.

b)We should have invited him unless he had left Moscow.

3.a) Provided she told me about it, I should believe her.

b)Provided she had told me about it, I should have believed her.

4.a) If the plane left in time, it would arrive here in two hours.

b)If the plane had left in time, it would have arrived here in two


c)If the plane leaves in time, it will arrive here in two hours.

5.a) If you ask him, he will help you.

b)If we asked him to help, would he agree?


c)If we had only asked him to help, we would have succeeded.

B.1. a) If it were not so cold, we should walk.

b)If it had not been so cold, we should have walked.

2.a) If he were in Moscow now, he would ring you up.

b)If he had been in Moscow yesterday, he would have rung you up.

3.a)If I were you, I should go to the South during the winter


b)If I had been you, I should have gone to the South during the winter holidays.

4.a) If he were at the Institute now, he would help us to translate the article.

b)If he had been at the Institute last Tuesday, he would have helped us to translate the article.

c)If he is at the Institute, he will help us to translate the article.

5.a) The design will be ready by the end of the year if they supply us with all the necessary equipment.

b)The design would be ready by the end of the year if they supplied us with all the necessary equipment.

c)The design would have been ready by the end of the last year if they had supplied us with all the necessary equipment.

C.1. a) If I had free time, I should devote it to reading.

b)If I had had free time, I should have devoted it to reading.

2.a) Provided I had money, I should buy a radio set.

b)Provided I had had money, I should have bought a radio set.

3.a) My report would be ready tomorrow provided I had all necessary materials.

b)My report would have been ready yesterday provided I had had all necessary materials.

4.a) He would finish his project unless he were ill.

b)He would have finished his project unless he had been ill.

D.1. a) If I saw him, I could speak to him.

b)If I had seen him, I could have spoken to him.


2.a) Provided he went there alone, he might not find the place.

b)Provided he had gone there alone, he might not have found

the place.

3.a) I might answer the letter if I knew her address.

b)I might have answered her letter long ago if I had known her


4.a) Unless she fell ill, she could take part in this work.

b)Unless she had fallen ill, she could have taken part in this


c)Unless he attached importance to his words, he would not mention them in his talk.

2.Соедините следующие предложения попарно так, чтобы получились предложения, выражающие вероятные, осуществимые условия:

Example: I shall go to the country. The weather will be fine. I shall go to the country if the weather is fine.

1. You will read some books on space travel. You will get interested in the subject. 2. I shall join you. You will go to the cinema on Sunday. 3. Water will freeze. The temperature will fall below 32° F. 4. He will be admitted to any Institute. He will pass all the entrance examinations well. 5. She will catch cold. She will not put on her warm coat. 6. Come and see me. You’ll be in London next week. 7. We’ll let you know. We’ll make our decision. 8. I’ll be very surprised. He won’t get the job. 9. We’ll be late. We won’t hurry. 10. Don’t worry. I’ll be late tonight.

3. Закончите предложения, поставив глагол в скобках в нужную форму:

Example: If I found 100 $ in the street, I would keep (keep) it. They’d be rather angry if you didn’t visit (not/visit) them.

1. If I was offered the job, I think I (take) it. 2. I’m sue Tom will lend you some money. I would be very surprised if he (refuse). 3. Many people would be out of work if that factory (close) down. 4. If she sold her car, she (not/get) much money for it. 5. They’re expecting us. They would be disappointed if we (not/come). 6. Would George be angry if I


(take) his bicycle without asking? 7. Ann gave me this ring. She (be) terribly upset if I lost it. 8. If someone (walk) in here with a gun, I’d be very frightened. 9. What would happen if you (not/go) to work tomorrow? 10. I’m sure she (understand) if you explained the situation to her. 11. I (give) you a cigarette if I had one but I’m afraid I haven’t. 12. This soup would taste better if it (have) more salt in it. 13. I wouldn’t mind living in England if the weather (be) better. 14. We would happily buy that house if it (not/be) so small.

4.Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1.What would you do if you saw an old man or a woman standing near your seat in the bus? 2. What would you say if somebody thanked you for something? 3. What would you answer if somebody said: “Excuse me”? 4. What would you do if you caught col d? Would you take any medicine? Would you stay in bed? 5. What would you do if somebody gave you a lot of money? 6. What would you do if a millionaire asked you to marry him/her? 7. What would you do if someone threw an egg at you? 8. What would you do if you lost your passport in a foreign country? 9. What would you do if you failed an examination?

5.Дополните следующие предложения:

1. I’d be very sorry if you … . 2. I shouldn’t be s urprised if … .

3. If they were true friends… . 4. If you gave up s

moking … . 5. If I were

you… . 6. … unless it were too cold. 7. … unless t

he rain ceased. 8. … if

I were not so busy. 9. … provided it took us not mo

re than one hour to

get there. 10. … provided we had time. 11. You’d ma

ke better progress in

your English if you … . 12. If I were rich, I … .



6. Соедините части А и В в предложения. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык:

A. If it were to rain


I wouldn’t sleep.

If a serious crisis arose


He would travel a lot.

If the letter arrived


We would get wet.

while I’m away



If you moved your chair a bit

The public would have to be



informed of its full implications.

If we didn’t go to their


Don’t answer it.

party next week




If someone pointed a gun at me If you stopped smoking

If we caught the 10.30 train

If I went to bed just now If Tom had more money

We could all sit down.

I would be very frightened You would probably feel healthier.

They would be very angry. We would arrive too early.

7. Соедините два предложения в одно, учитывая, что действия относятся к прошлому и вам нужно выразить предположения по поводу того, что уже не состоялось:

Example: She didn’t eat anything because she wasn’t hungry.

If she had been hungry, she would have eaten something.

1. Tom didn’t miss the train because he got to the station in time. If he hadn’t got … . 2. The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly. If the driver in front … . 3. I didn’t wake George because I didn’t know he wanted to get up early. If I … . 4. I was able to buy the car because Jim lent me some money. If … . 5. She wasn’t injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat-belt. If … . 6. You’re

hungry now because you didn’t have breakfast. If …

. 7. She didn’t buy

the coat because she didn’t have enough money. If …

. 8. We stayed at

this hotel because John recommended it to us. If …

. 9. Sorry, I didn’t say

hello because I didn’t see you. If … . 10. I didn’t

see Ann because I

didn’t go to the party last night. If … . 11. I failed in the exam. I didn’t prepare well. If … .

8. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму в зависимости от того, относятся предложения к настоящему, прошедшему или будущему:

1. If I (come) home early, I’ll be able to write my report today. 2. If you (come) to the meeting yesterday, you would have met with a wellknown English writer. 3. You will get good results if you (apply) this method of calculation. 4. If he (take) a taxi, he would have come in time. 5. If the speed of the body (be) 16 km per second, it would leave the solar system. 6. If the air (be) composed only of nitrogen, burning would be impossible. 7. If you (press) the button, the device will start working. 8. If you (find) the exact meaning of this word, you will understand the sentence. 9. If I (take) a taxi I would catch the last train. 10. If he (work) hard at his English he will pass the exam well. 11. If the students (be)


more careful, they wouldn’t have broken the new apparatus. 12. If they (meet) with such difficulties before they would have known what to do. 13. If you (approach) the village from the north you will see a tall deserted building that once was a landlord’s place. 14. If you (tell) me that you couldn’t find enough material for your report, we might have postponed it until next Friday. 15. You would never get lost in a new city provided you (have) a map of it. 16. The director won’t see you unless you (phone) him at least two days in advance.

9. Прочитайте рассказы и перескажите их:

Ladies and gentlemen

A lady, who was traveling by train, took a seat in a compartment where a man was smoking one cigarette after another. “If you were a gentleman,” she said to him after some time, “you’d have stopped smoking when a lady entered the compartment.” “If you were a lady,” he answered, “you wouldn’t have entered a smoking comp artment”. “If you were my husband,” the lady exclaimed, “I’d give you poison!” “If I were your husband, I’d take it,” was the reply.

He Was Lucky

A.: I’ve just borrowed 50 pounds from Mr. Harris.

B.: Oh, have you? But Mr. Harris doesn’t know you, doesn’t he?

A.: Of course he doesn’t. If he’d known me, he woul dn’t have lent me a penny!

10. Прочитайте тексты вслух. Скажите, что произошло бы с этими людьми, если бы они вели другой образ жизни:

What would happen if they changed their way of living?


This girl never eats as much as she’d like to, but she doesn’t mind it, because she wants to be in good shape. She spends more than an hour a day doing aerobic exercises. In addition to that she takes long walks, and never goes to bed later than 12 o’clock. She doesn’t smoke. She must keep in shape because of her job. She’s a successful fashion model. Her job’s both interesting and well-paid, and she doesn’t want to lose it. There’s another reason, too. She’s going to try her luck in an international beauty contest. So she’s learning to speak English and play the piano.