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Киреева Куклина англ

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What would happen if she ate as much as she wanted, if she didn’t take enough exercise, and (last but not least) if she went to bed late and smoked? Could she take part in a beauty contest if she didn’t speak a foreign language or play a musical instrument? What do you think?


This man’s got a family and a job, but he may lose both in the near future. The thing is he doesn’t know how to plan his daily routine, so he never has enough time to do his work well. He always puts things off for another time. That’s the reason he hardly ever keeps appointments and is often late to work. So it’s perfectly natural that his colleagues don’t find him reliable and prefer to deal with somebody else, not him. His wife and he often quarrel. Nobody’s pleased with him, and he isn’t pleased with himself either, but he can’t do anything about it. That’s the whole trouble.

What would happen if he began to plan his daily routine? Would it be easier for him to keep appointments and do things in time? Would other people be more pleased with him? Would he be more pleased with himself?

11.Переведите на английский язык:

1.Если бы я вчера сдал экзамен, я бы мог сегодня спать до 10.

2.Если завтра у меня будет время, я напишу реферат. 3. Я бы на вашем месте всё выучил. 4. Если бы была хорошая погода, мы бы поехали за город. 5. Если бы вы сказали мне об этом заранее, я мог бы сегодня подготовить все документы. 6. Какая жалость! Ваши новые брюки! Если бы я был повнимательнее, я бы не пролил на них кофе. 7. Если бы пожарные прибыли чуть пораньше, они бы спасли этот дом. 8. Если бы вы сообщили всем заблаговременно, вчера пришло бы больше народу. 9. Вы не имели бы столько неприятностей с этим оборудованием, если бы более тщательно следовали инструкции. 10. Вчерашнее интервью могло бы быть более удачным, если бы репортер не прерывал людей так часто.

11.Я бы на вашем месте не обращал внимания на эти слова. 12. Даже если бы у меня был билет, я не смог бы вчера пойти на футбольный матч. 13. Если бы он присутствовал на всех занятиях, он бы получил зачёт вовремя. 14. Если мы попросим его помочь, он не откажет. 15. Если бы я не видел это своими собственными глазами, я бы не поверил. 16. Если мы начнем работать рано утром, мы закончим к вечеру. 17. Если бы вы не отказались от его


предложения, мы бы уехали все вместе, а не сидели бы здесь одни. 18. Если бы вы знали его так же хорошо, как и я, вы бы ему тоже доверяли.

Бессоюзное присоединение придаточных условных предложений

Inversion in conditional clauses

1.Переведите следующие предложения не русский язык:

1.Were we free tomorrow, we should go to the museum. 2. Had he time, he might complete the work sooner. 3. Had you informed me beforehand, I should have come by all means. 4. Had we been given more time to fulfill the job, the result might have been different. 5. Had there been any changes, the committee would have known it. 6. Were he given this work, he would do his best to show his skill. 7. Could you stay a little longer, we should tell you the news. 8. Had he overcome the obstacles, he would have become a prominent scientist. 9. The day would be wonderful, were it not so hot. 10. He would take part in the discussion, were he not so tired. 11. Had they met with such difficulties before, they would have known what to do now. 12. Were I a newspaperman, I would write an article describing all the events that have taken place here. 13. Had you planned your time better, you wouldn’t have come to the station one minute before the train’s departure. 14. Were you an experienced driver, you would never have any road accidents no matter what road conditions were.

2.Измените предложения, опустив союз и использовав инверсию, где возможно:

Examples: a) If I were in your place, I would do this work myself. Were I in your place, I would do this work myself.

b) If he had known the subject better, he wouldn’t have failed in his exam. Had he known the subject better, he wouldn’t have failed in his exam.

1. If she fell ill, we should call the doctor at once. 2. If it were not so late, I should go to the cinema with pleasure. 3. If he had learned all grammar rules, he would not have made so many mistakes in his dictation. 4. If she were in your place, she would fulfill the task in a few days. 5. If you had spoken more clearly, everybody would have understood you. 6. If it were necessary to increase the speed of this


particular engine, it could be achieved by using a special device. 7. If the road had been better, we would have been here in due time. 8. If the engineer had been informed of the results before, he would have allowed you to repeat the test. 9. If we had used new methods, we would have saved a lot of time. 10. If the oil supply had stopped even for a moment, serious damage might have resulted. 11. If the mechanic were there, he would repair the equipment. 12. If the air within the cylinder were motionless, only a small proportion of the fuel would find enough oxygen. 13. If the books on that subject were available in our library, I would be able to make a good report. 14. If the students had been more careful, they wouldn’t have broken the new apparatus.

3. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на значение слова if:

1. If he had joined our expedition, he would have learned plenty of interesting things concerning natural phenomena. 2. We asked the scientist if he had a good command of foreign languages. 3. She was asked if she knew the shortest way to the station. 4. If I had understood the importance of the matter, I should have acted differently. 5. If he keeps us waiting, we shall be late for the train. 6. We asked the dean if it was necessary for the students to attend the conference. 7. We wanted to know if your friend would stay with us over the week-end. 8. I was not sure if the train would arrive in time. 9. The question is if we should be able to carry out this gigantic amount of work in such a short time. 10. She would not be able to join us for a trip, even if you invited her for she is ill and has to stay in bed. 11. Would you have answered the question in the same way if you had been in my place? 12. The doctor wants to know if everything is ready.

Сослагательное наклонение после глаголов волеизъявления

The subjunctive mood after volitional verbs

1. Найдите в следующих предложениях глаголы волеизъявления, после которых употребляется The Subjunctive Mood (A). Переведите предложения на русский язык (A и B):

A. 1. They suggested that the museum should be reconstructed this summer. 2. We propose that the dean should give him a chance to take the exam once more. 3. The doctor insisted that I should stay in bed for a


week more. 4. The chief engineer insisted that the work should be completed as soon as possible. 5. He ordered that we should bring the devices to the laboratory. 6. The members of the committee suggested that the agenda (should) be changed. 7. He suggested that the meeting (should) be held a s soon as possible. 8. The diplomats proposed that negotiations (should) start at once. 9. I insisted that they (should) accompany us. 10. The leader of the expedition proposed that we (should) start early in the morning. 11. The scientists suggested that the experiments (should) be resumed. 12. A radical reconstruction of the economy requires that enterprises be self-financing. 13. I insist that someone (should) wait here for John and tell him what has happened. 14. She demanded that I should apologize to her.

B. 1. I wished she stayed with us. 2. I wish he had met them at the station. 3. I wish you could have bought the tickets beforehand. 4. I wish you would wait for me. 5. I wish you would tell me the truth. 6. I wish he revealed thirst for knowledge. 7. I wish it were Sunday today. 8. I wish he weren’t so rude. 9. I wish I had helped them. 10. I wish the experiment had succeeded. 11. I wish she had come to see us. 12. She wished she hadn’t accepted their proposal. 13. I wish I knew what is happening here. 14. He wished he could start everything afresh.

2. Измените предложения по образцу, употребляя глаголы волеизъявления:

Example: “I think it would be a good idea to see a specialist”, the doctor said to me. The doctor recommended me that I should see a specialist.

1. “You really must stay a little longer”,

she said to me. She

insisted that … . 2. “Why don’t you visit the museu

m after lunch?” I said

to them. I suggested that … . 3. “You must pay the

rent by Friday at the

latest”, he said to us. He demanded that … . 4. “W

hy don’t you go away

for a few days?” Jack suggested to me. Jack suggest ed that … . 5. “You really must have dinner with us!” they said to us. They insisted that … .

6. “I think you’d better apologize to her”, he said

to me. He suggested

that … . 7. “All new equipment must be delivered in

time!” the director

said. The director demanded that … . 8. “The goods

must be sent

immediately!” he ordered. He ordered that … .




3. Измените следующие предложения в предложения с глаголом wish по образцам:

a) выразите сожаление по поводу чего-либо, происходящего в данный момент:

Example: I don’t know Sue’s telephone number (but I ’d like to). I wish I knew Sue’s telephone number.

1. I don’t know many people (and I’m lonely). I wis h I … . 2. I can’t give up smoking (but I’d like to). I wish … . 3. George isn’t here (and I need him). I wish George … . 4. It’s cold (a nd I hate cold weather). I wish … . 5. I live in London (and I hate London). I … . 6. Tina can’t come to the party (she is your best friend). I … . 7. I have to work

tomorrow (but I’d like to stay in bed). … . 8. I h

aven’t any cigarettes

(and I need one). I wish … . 9. I don’t know anythi

ng about cars (and my

car has just broken down). … . 10. I’m not lying on a beautiful sunny beach. (and that’s a pity). … .

b) выразите сожаление по поводу чего-либо, произошедшего (или не произошедшего) в прошлом:

Example: You didn’t know Ann was ill and you didn’t visit her. You say: I wish I had known that Ann was ill.

1. You didn’t study science instead of languages. Now you are sorry about it. You say: I wish I … . 2. Yesterday the weather wasn’t

warm. You say: I wish the weather … . 3. You’ve eat

en too much and

now you feel sick. You say: I wish … . 4. You’ve ju

st painted the door

red. Now you decide that it doesn’t look very nice. You say: I wish … . 5. You are walking in the country. You would like to take some photographs but you didn’t bring your camera. You say: I … . 6. A good friend of yours visited your town but unfortunately you were away when he came. So you didn’t see him. You say: … . 7. You ’ve just come back from your holiday. Everything was fine except for the hotel, which wasn’t very good. You say: … . You have just missed the train. Now you are sorry you haven’t come to the station earlier. You say: … .

c) выразите ваше пожелание:

Example: It is raining. Tom wants to go out, but not in the rain. What does he say? I wish it would stop raining.


1. The telephone’s been ringing for about 5 minutes. What do you say? I wish someone … . 2. The music next door is v ery loud. What do you say? I wish they … . 3. Tom drives very fast. Y ou don’t like this. What do say to him? I wish … . 4. You are telling y our friend about the man in the next flat. He often plays the piano in the middle of the night and you don’t like this. What do you say to your friend? I … . 5. A lot of people drop litter in the street. You don’t like this. What do you say? I wish people … . 6. Jack always leaves the door open . You don’t like this. What do you say to him? I … . 7. You are working. Y ou don’t want anybody to disturb you. What do you say? I wish nobody … . 8. Some people some in public places. You dislike it. What do you say? I wish … .

4.Переведите на английский язык:

1.Доктор настаивал на том, чтобы его пациент бросил курить.

2.Он потребовал, чтобы работу начали сразу же. 3. Он приказал, чтобы все покинули дом немедленно. 4. Они предложили, чтобы часы работы были сокращены. 5. Бабушка настаивала, чтобы ребенка отправили в деревню. 6. Он предложил, чтобы собрание состоялось в пятницу. 7. Мне бы хотелось играть в теннис так же хорошо, как и вы. 8. Я бы хотела, чтобы он помог мне, но он отказался. 9. Мой друг предложил, чтобы мы пошли к нему и выпили чаю. 10. Я настаиваю, чтобы мое предложение было рассмотрено немедленно. 11. Директор потребовал, чтобы новое оборудование было поставлено на завод вовремя. 12. Начальник приказал, чтобы все работали по субботам. 13. Я бы хотел сейчас быть на конференции. 14. Жаль, что мы не последовали его совету.

15.Они потребовали, чтобы условия труда были улучшены. 16. Мы предложили, чтобы этот проект детально обсудили.

Сослагательное наклонение после конструкции с формальным подлежащим “it”

Subjunctive mood in the constructions with formal subject “it”

1.Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1.It is necessary that he be here. 2. It was proposed that the conference open at 10 o’clock. 3. It is important that you should answer the letter not later than tomorrow. 4. It is necessary that the building of a new hospital should be completed as soon as possible. 5. It is desirable


that the students should speak English to each other. 6. It is necessary that he shouldn’t forget to invite them. 7. It was demanded that we should meet at 5 o’clock. 8. It was recommended that the children should sleep out-of-doors. 9. It is unbelievable that they should have crossed the lake in such weather. 10. It is improbable that she should have said a thing like that. 11. It is possible that a mistake might have been made as he isn’t an experienced man. 12. It is doubtful that anything might change before you come back. 13. It is necessary that I should see her before you go. 14. It is normal that there should be a period of rebuilding after war. 15. It is essential that you should find out to whom those orders are going.

2. Составьте все возможные предложения из таблицы:

It is important

that you

come in time.



have a rest.



be ready by 5 o’clock.



know that rule.



understand it.



know at least one foreign language.

It is impossible

that he

forget about it.



object to it.



suggest it.



speak about it.



be late.



make such a mistake.

It is necessary

that we

discuss that question.



read the article.



help her.



book tickets in advance.



win the match.



understand each other.

3. Закончите следующие предложения, употребив сослагательное






1. It is important that you …

. 2. It is necessary that everyone … .


It is essential that they …

. 4.

It is desirable that every student … .


It is requested that …

. 6.

It is normal that … . . 7. It is vital that

… . 8. It is probable that …

. 9.

It is required that … .


4.Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1.Необходимо, чтобы вы перевели все предложения без ошибок. 2. Важно, чтобы вы помнили об этом. 3. Желательно, чтобы вы запомнили этот номер телефона. 4. Требуется, чтобы этот новый прибор использовался вместо старого. 5. Необходимо, чтобы каждый член клуба принимал участие в собраниях. 6. Вполне естественно, что студенты хотят знать как можно больше о народе, язык которого они изучают. 7. Важно, чтобы они поддержали ваше предложение. 8. Желательно, чтобы каждый современный человек умел работать с компьютерами. 9. Необходимо, чтобы эти исследования продолжались. 10. Желательно, чтобы они учли ваше мнение. 11. Очень важно, чтобы они поняли свою ошибку и исправили её. 12. Вероятно, ошибка могла быть допущена.

Сослагательное наклонение после союзов и союзных слов

Subjunctive mood after conjunctions

1.Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1.She looked as if she were angry with me. 2. He writes as if he had seen everything with his own eyes. 3. He looked at us as though he had never seen us before. 4. He talks as if he knew all about experimental psychology. 5. She looks as if she had seen a ghost. 6. He felt as though his blood had suddenly frozen in his veins. 7. Treat your friend as if he might become your enemy. 8. They all felt as if they had done something wrong. 9. He was treated as if he were a minister. 10. He moved as if he were in a dream. 11. She stood at the window as though she were waiting for somebody. 12. He helped me as if he were my brother. 13. Don’t look at me as if you didn’t know me. 14. It seemed as though he wished to speak, but feared to give offence. 15. Her eyes had shadows as though she had not slept. 16. Suddenly he smiled and spoke in a changed voice, as if he were confiding a secret.

2.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму:

1.Hugh was surprised and annoyed and chilled as if the temperature of the room (to sink) steadily. 2. You’re almost grown-up, and I’m going to talk to you as if you (to be) grown-up. 3. They stared at each other in the silence of the house, and it was as if they (to listen) for distant footsteps. 4. I feel as if my head (to be) on fire. 5. He felt as if he (float) in the air. 6. He stared at me as if I (to ask) him something very


odd. 7. Don’t look at me as if you never (to see) me before. 8. The weather isn’t going to present difficulties. It looks as though it (to set in) fine. 9. Are you glad to see me? – You’re funny, Di ck! As if you (not to know). 10. Mr. Dennant’s glance rested on Shelton and quickly fell down to the ground as though he (to see) something that alarmed him. 11. Her voice sounded as though something (to offend) her. 12. He looked up sharply as if he (to make) a dangerous remark. 13. He saw it as clearly as though it (to be) before his eyes. 14. He walked slowly as though it (to ache) to move. 15. They were speaking about her as if she (to be) absent.

3. Дополните следующие предложения:

1. He spoke with me coldly as if …

. 2. Why did you behave as if

…? 3. When I met him he looked as if …

. 4. He is speaking very slowly

as if … . 5. Put on your white dress and you’ll look as though … . 6. The girl began crying as if … . 7. People were standing around as if … . 8. She is looking at me as if … . 9. You talk exactly as if you … ! 10. I remember it so clearly as if … . 11. She spoke of the man as if she … . 12. He was telling us about his wedding as if … .

4.Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1.Не смотри на меня так, как будто никогда не видел меня раньше. 2. Рэндал рассердился так, как будто были истрачены его собственные деньги. 3. У нее такой вид, как будто она не знает, что сказать. 4. Он выглядел таким усталым, как будто давно не отдыхал.

5.У меня такое чувство, как будто вы никуда и не уезжали. 6. Я уверен, он будет вести себя так, как будто не слышит вас. 7. У него такой вид, как будто он простудился. 8. Он продолжал рассказывать о своей поездке с таким видом, как будто это было самое интересное событие в его жизни. 9. Она вела себя так спокойно, как будто все обстоит благополучно и ничего не случилось. 10. Старик говорил медленно, как будто с трудом подбирал слова. 11. Она рассказывала о писателе так, как будто хорошо знала его.

5.Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. Leave her a note so that she should know where to find us. 2. We hurried up so that we could catch the train. 3. They started earlier so that they might get to the place before darkness fell. 4. Write down my telephone number lest you should forget it. 5. Close the window lest we should catch cold. 6. She spoke in a low voice lest the other people in the


room could hear her. 7. Could you speak louder so that everyone may hear you? 8. We’ll catch the 5 o’clock train so tha t we should arrive on time. 9. In order that the hardware may be used effectively, another factor is needed, the so-called software or applied thought. 10. We checked all our notes so that there should be no possibility of a mistake. 11. Students will carry out experiments in order that they may be ready for individual research work in the future.

6.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму и добавьте, где необходимо, модальные глаголы:

1.He spoke clearly so that everybody (to understand). 2. I came here earlier in order that I (to see) him. 3. I’ll ring you up lest you (to forget) to bring the book. 4. You must take a taxi lest you (to be late) for the train. 5. You must start at once in order that you (to meet) your friend at the station. 6. I got up early so that I (to catch) the six o’clock train. 7. He wrote down my address lest he (to forget) it. 8. I gave him my address so that he (to contact) me. 9. John was practicing the guitar so that he (to play) for the dance. 10. He came nearer so that grandfather (to hear) him better.

7.Дополните следующие предложения:


1. I hurried so that I …

. 2. I spoke very slowly so that the man … .


I whispered lest anyone …

. 4.

Please arrive early so that we … .


She locked the door lest …

. 6.

I slowed down so that the car behind

… . 7. He wore glasses and a false beard so that n obody … . 8. He studied very hard so that he … . 9. Susan drove to Miami instead of flying so that she … . 10. He hid his notes lest anybody … .

8.Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:

1.Говорите громче, так чтобы остальные студенты могли услышать вас. 2. Он отошел в сторону, чтобы я мог пройти. 3. Она закрыла окно, чтобы ребенок не простудился. 4. Он убежал, чтобы его не увидели. 5. Поторопитесь, чтобы не опоздать. 6. Дайте мне ваш адрес, чтобы я мог послать вам свой отчет. 7. Повторите эти слова, чтобы не получить плохих оценок за диктант. 8. Возьмите с собой побольше денег, чтобы вы могли купить все, что вам понравится. 9. Отправляйтесь туда самолетом, а не поездом, иначе вы не прибудете вовремя. 10. Он запер дверь, чтобы никто не смог войти. 11. Она почти шептала, чтобы никто, кроме меня, не мог услышать.