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27  Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis




Patients who develop spontaneous pneumothorax may not respond to conservative treatment with chest tube placement [82] and may require early surgical pleurodesis.

Patients with end-stage disease—especially those with right heart failure or chronic hypoxemic respiratory failure— should be referred to regional lung transplant centers. Optimal timing is not clear given the insidious nature of PAM and the lack of prognostic biomarkers or models [4]. As of late 2019, UNOS had records of lung transplantation being performed in 20 PAM patients [8389]. The most common approach was bilateral lung transplantation (15/20 patients), although single lung transplantation has also been performed. Pleural adhesions and calci cations may make resection of the native lung during transplantation more technically dif cult, but strategies exist to mitigate risk [87, 90]. Transplant outcomes for PAM patients have not been compared to outcomes of patients with other lung diseases, but available reports in the world literature are reassuring. Importantly, since the rst transplant for PAM almost 30 years ago, no recurrence of alveolar microlithiasis has been reported in the allografts, as would be expected based on our new understanding of disease pathogenesis [21].


PAM is a hereditary disease characterized by the deposition of calcium phosphate crystals in the alveoli of the lungs caused by mutations in the type IIb sodium phosphate co-­ transporter. Patients typically present in their second or third decade of life and are often asymptomatic or only mildly dyspneic at the time of diagnosis, even when the imaging suggests extensive lung involvement. Characteristic chest tomography with widespread microcalci cations, diffuse ground-glass opacities, and dense airspace consolidations is frequently diagnostic, especially in the setting of a positive family history. Progressive disease ultimately results in worsening exertional dyspnea and respiratory failure. Treatment is primarily supportive. In patients with end-stage disease, lung transplantation may be an option; and timely referral for evaluation is essential. Recent development of an animal model has led to promising avenues of inquiry for further trials.

Box 27.1 Clinical Vignette

A 24-year-old male graduate student presents to clinic for evaluation of abnormal chest imaging. He had recently injured his shoulder in a minor car accident, and X-ray incidentally noted a diffuse micronodular pattern that prompted computed tomography of the chest.

He is asymptomatic. He has no environmental or occupational exposures. He is unsure whether there is any family history of respiratory diseases. Physical examination and laboratory data are unremarkable. Patient grew up in a region with endemic tuberculosis, so consecutive acid-fast bacilli smears and cultures are obtained and return negative. Given characteristic imaging, he is diagnosed with pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis. Whole genome sequencing for SLC34A2 reveals a mutation consistent with the diagnosis.

The patient’s clinical status remains stable for decades until he develops insidious onset progressive dyspnea on exertion and requires supplemental oxygen. He is ultimately referred for bilateral lung transplant, which he undergoes successfully.


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Box 27.2 Diagnostic Criteria

De nite PAM

Characteristic HRCT ndings PLUS

Histopathologic evidence of PAM on expectorated sputum, bronchoalveolar lavage, transbronchial biopsies, or surgical lung biopsy


SLC34A2 mutation OR

Affected rst degree relative

Likely PAM

Characteristic HRCT ndings


No alternate diagnosis

Based on algorithm recently proposed by our group (Kosciuk P, Meyer C, Wikenheiser-Brokamp KA, McCormack FX Eur Respir Rev 2020). No validated criteria exist at present.


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