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(Chapters 20-31)

14. In Chapter 20 through 31, Pip finds himself with new people in a variety of new settings. Dickens uses carefully chosen details to characterize Pip’s new surroundings. In the chart below, describe each setting. Then explain the atmosphere, or mood, that the details create.





Jagger’s office

Bernard’s Inn

Pocket household

Wemmick’s home

Jagger’s home

15. How does the novel create a picture of the social structure and what are the problems that an individual faces in a stratified society built upon rather strict class distinctions?

16. What are the differences among the attitudes that various characters have toward the moral values of the society and its institutions?

Techniques and language

Dickens uses many techniques to create additional interest in the story and its characters.

  1. Ceremonial distancing. Which of the characters distance themselves from reality?

  2. Characters’ struggle to cut off or separate part of their lives:

From their past – who?

From their personal life –

From their emotions –

From their future -

  1. Find examples of Dramatic Symmetry. (The motif of doubles runs throught the book)

4. Images of inanimate objects to describe the physical appearance of characters (particularly minor characters)

(e.g. The inscrutable features of Wemmick are repeatedly compared to a letter-box). Find more examples and explain why the author uses these comparisons.

5. Find and analyse symbols in the novel (objects, characters, figures or colors to represent abstract ideas or concepts)

6. Techniques that help to tie events and characters together:

  • opening of loose ends which are eventually tied into the story;

  • subplots that eventually relate to each other, to the main plot;

  • miscellaneous minor characters who initially appear to have only a decorative role, but which become components of the main plot.

  • Unexpected relationship between characters

  • Forshadowing

Give examples of each of these techniques and analyse them.

7. Irony

Irony in the title

Find and analyse examples of irony in the novel.

  1. Analyse the use of adjectives denoting colours, especially white and black shades.

  2. Find the elements of Gothic novel in this work.


The Writers of High Victorian Literature and Late Victorian and Edwardian Literature

Prepare a short review of of the literary activities of one of the writers of this period and a review of the book you have read.


English Literature of the 20th century (the period between 1910 – 1938)

Prepare a short review of of the literary activities of one of the writers of this period and a review of the book you have read.


Modernism In the English Literature

Prepare a short review of of the literary activities of one of the writers of this period and a review of the book you have read.


English Drama in the 20th century