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3. Requirements for a theory of translation.

Given the ambiguity of the word “translation”, we can envisage three possible theories depending on the focus of the investigation; the process or the product:

1. A theory of translation as process (i. e. theory of translating). This would require a study of information processing and such topic as: a)perception, b) memory, c) the encoding and decoding of messages and would draw heavily on psychology and on psycholinguistics.

2. A theory of translation as product (i. e. theory of translated texts) would require a study of texts not merely by means of the traditional level of linguistic analysis (syntax and semantics) but also making use of stylistics and recent advances in text-linguistics and discourse analysis.

3. A theory of translation as both process and product (i. e. a theory of translation and translating). This would require the integrated study of both. Ideally, a theory must reflect four particular characteristics:

1) empiricism; (it must be testable)

2) determinism; (it must be able to predict)

3) parsimony; (it must be simple)

4) generality; (it must be comprehensive). (Bell, 1985).

Inside or between languages human communication equals translation. A study of translation is a study of language. And we would go along with a programme of work based on the following assumptions and approaches:

Probabalistic models are more adequate and realistic than deterministic ones. Dynamic accounts of structure-building operations will be more productive than static description of the structures themselves. We should work to discover regularities, strategies, motivation, preferences and defaults rather than rules and laws.

Dominances can offer more realistic classifications than can strict categories.

Acceptability and appropriateness are more crucial standards for texts than grammaticality and well-formedness. Human reasoning processes, are more essential to using and conveying knowledge in text than are logical proofs. It is the task of science to systematize the fuzziness (неясність)of its objects of inquiry, not to ignore it or argue it away.

Lecture 5

Human Translation Theories

Main points:

1. The unit and elements of translation.

2. Transformational approach.

3. Denotative approach.

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1. The unit and elements of translation. (in works by Barkhudarov and Komissarov).

«Под единицей перевода мы имеем в виду такую единицу в исходном тексте, которой может быть подыскано соответствие в тексте перевода, но составные части которого по отдельности не имеют соответствий в тексте перевода» (Бархударов. Язык и перевод -М ,. : М О, 1975).

Any language unit (from phoneme to the whole text) may be a unit of translation. The main task of finding the unit correctly is to find textual function of this or that unit. A translator deals not so with separate words but with system dependances among words of the source language (SL). Sometimes the whole text but not a sentence or definite words may be changed when a translation is connected with a definite task: to show irony etc. (Козакова Т. А.)

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