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2. Problem-solving and text-processing.

The model, in its present form suggests 1)that there are five stages involved in text-processing and 2) that these five stages are gone through, irrespective of whether the text is being received (analyzed and read) or produced (synthesized and written); the difference being the direction of the processing.

A modification needs to be made to the apparent unidirectional processing in each case: bottom-up for reception and top-down for production. We envisage both processes as operating in both directions - from data to concept and concepts to data.


Surface texts

Linear sequences Grammatical structures



Main ideas

Plans and goals

2. Synthesis: writing. Strategies and tactics.

Three regulative principles for texts have been suggested by Ellis (1984, 61)

a) efficiency (продуктивність): the minimum expenditure of effort is required of the participants;

b) effectiveness: success in creating the conditions for attaining a goal;

c) appropriateness (відповідність): providing a balance between a) and b), i.e. between the conventional and unconventional.

Five strategies and tactics for coping with appropriate writing, as we shall see.

The process stage - by - stage from planning to actual writing :

Stage 1 - planning. At that point the writer is asking why the text is to be written, and what form the text should take.

Stage 2 - ideation ( вміння сформулювати та відчути ) - concerns decisions on the main ideas.

Stage 3 - development (розвиток певної системи) - takes the ideas, organizes them into a coherent framework (chapters, sections, etc.).

Stage 4 - expression (вираження ідеї) - takes the ideas and puts them into non-language-specific propositional form.

Stage 5 - parsing (граматичний розклад речення) - maps the propositional content onto the syntax through selections from the Mood systems.

Clearly, there are as many configurations of this process as there are writers and it would serve no particular purpose to try to create a set of “typical” styles.

3. Analysis: reading.

Reading, according to the model we are using, consists of essentially the same processing stages as writing but with the direction reversed, i.e. from surface text to plans and goals: parsing, concept recovery, simplification, idea recovery (getting the gist) and finally, plan recovery (realizing how to take the message of the text).

We might add that, at any point, the reader may have to reinterpret earlier clauses in the light of new information.

We presented reading and writing as using the same five-stage process - they are conceived of as mirror images of each other - and therefore take de Beaugrande’s assertion which follows to ultimately have messages for writing as well as reading to which it explicitly refers.

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