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1курс 2010.doc
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Вариант №2.

1. Перепишите предложения , переведите их на русский язык, подчеркните глаголы-сказуемые и определите их видовременную форму

  1. They will have given her premedication before the operation begins.

  2. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

  3. What drug are you taking?

  4. What has brought you to the hospital?

  5. He marked his skin and took the dissection.

  6. By the end of the month the patient had developed severe anemia.

2. Перепишите и переведите предложения, подчеркните в них Past and present Participle и определите их функции в предложениях.

  1. The powders prescribed relieved the pain caused by allergic asthma.

  2. The case being discussed here proves an importance of early diagnostics of cancer.

  3. Having been discharged from a hospital the patient continued to attend an out-patient department.

  4. If these pills are taking regularly they are effective.

  5. He will be writing case reports from 2 till 4 o’clock tomorrow.

  6. Has bleeding stopped?

3. Перепишите предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент , переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. He needn’t an urgent operation.

  2. You’ll have to repeat the tomography of the brain.

  3. The disease must have been caused by type B virus.

  4. You must take care of your patients.

  5. He may not leave the hospital now.

  6. Can you have taken patient’s temperature every morning?

4. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, определите функцию герундия в каждом из них.

  1. No doctor will ever risk diagnosing anemia without first doing tests.

  2. On using this drug allergic reactions may be noted.

  3. The doctor insisted on the child’s adenoids being removed as soon as possible.

  4. Walking fast is good exercise.

  5. Lister found a way of preventing pathogenic microbes from penetrating into the open wound.

  6. He can be treated at home without being hospitalized.

5. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения. Подчеркните придаточные предложения и определите их тип (дополнительные, определительные, обстоятельственные).

  1. Although milk is an excellent source of protein and calcium, millions of people cannot digest it.

  2. The ward doctor suggested that the patient should be examined by a neurologist.

  3. I wished you had not ignored a doctor advice.

  4. The spread of infection to organ after organ can occur rapidly as the blood carries the infection through out the body .

  5. You must treat it swiftly lest septic shock should result in death.

  6. This blood flow is directed to the particular section of the brain where the information required is filed.

6. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов с помощью конверсии и переведите их на русский язык:

to air, to bath, to break, to cause, to cough, to dream, to faint, to rest, to swallow, to set, to pain, to note, to mean, to effect.

7. Прочитайте и переведите текст


The chemistry of life, or “biochemistry” as chemists call it, is an area in which the classic fields of chemistry and biology meet. It can be called molecular biology. Biochemistry is known to be the study of the structures and reactions of the thousands of compounds involved , in life process. It is considered to be the most complex area of chemistry.

Living things are supposed to represent the most efficient , sophisticated, compact chemical “factories” ever known. How, for example, do cells of the body know when to divide and multiply into new cells having the same characteristics as the original cells? When the body is afflicted by disease or by a wound how does the body protect itself and repair the damage? We know these process to involve thousands of different chemical compounds.

When we compare the nervous system to man-made electronic computers the efficiency and complexity of the biological systems become even more impressive. Despite great advances in computer technology , the greatest computer ever built is almost insignificant being compared to a human brain weighing little more than a kilogram .A computer can perform mathematical operations million of times faster than a person , but think of some of the things the nervous system can do. For example, it can cause your arm to reach out and touch an object. The brain can translate signals from the retina of the eyes into three dimensional color images. It can translate a series of frequencies detected by the ear into thoughts whereas a computer can only perform operations being programmed by a person. As to the storage capacity the brain really wins out. The largest computers have storage capacity of about one million “words” but some experts believe the brain , to store up all the signals it receives.

The chemical process of our bodies involve enormous complex sequences of reactions details of these process being for from complete understanding. Nevertheless great progress has been made in our understanding of the process that occur in the body.

The first half of this century might be termed the Golden Age of Physics because so many discoveries in understanding the structure of molecules , atoms and nuclei were made. By the same virtue we may be in the midst of a Golden Age in Biochemistry. The next few years of research may bring much increased understanding of chemical process in cells.

8. Дайте письменные ответы на вопросы:

  1. What science is the biochemistry?

  2. What are living things supposed to represent?

  3. What differences between the human brain and electronic computer?

Why is the first half of 20-th century termed as the Golden Age of Physics?

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