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Тест “Перевір себе”

A. Вставте в пропуски займенники:

    1. I am looking for my pen. I can’t see … on the table.

    2. Are there … mistakes in my dictation? – Yes, there are … .

    3. They completed … experiments in the laboratory.

    4. Can I have … milk in my coffee? I don’t like it black.

    5. Will there be … concerts at the students’ club next month?

    6. Is there … water in the bottle?

    7. He wants to see us but … don’t want to see … .

    8. There is …sodium solution in the laboratory flask. It is empty.

    9. .… can be done to improve the results of his experiment with corrosive metals.

    10. …new measuring instruments have accuracy which is much higher than before.

B. Якщо є в реченнях помилки, виправте їх:

      1. She is younger than him brother.

      2. I presented him some new books.

      3. The girl had a nice flower in their hands.

      4. It is not mine book, it is his.

      5. Hers book was on the table.

      6. Is yours book interesting?

      7. Bob always likes any sugar in his coffee.

      8. Scientists today know much more about the solids than them did 40 years ago.

      9. The nearer the centre of the Sun, the higher it temperature.

      10. Mercury revolves round the Sun faster than other planets. Its speed is higher than their.

  1. Вставте в пропуски зворот there is / there are:

    1. …. a new computer on my table.

    2. …. expensive watches in this shop.

    3. …. green grass in the forest.

    4. … tickets in the booking-office.

    5. Yesterday ….no people at the shopping centre.

    6. ….a lot of children at the concert tomorrow.

    7. Soon …..no trams in our town.

    8. … anything you know about this phenomenon?

    9. … some metals like titanium and vanadium that are extraordinarily valuable.

    10. In Donbass … iron ores that are spoken about as having no equal in quantity and variety.

The Adjective (Прикметник)

1. Утворіть від наступних прикметників порівняльний і найвищий ступінь:

big, heavy, dirty, short, clean, near, bad, famous, little, much, clever, good, expensive, cheap, pale, hot, important, beautiful, cold, large, fat, practical, early, pretty, bright, happy, easy, wet, dark, dry, ugly, thin, thick, flat, fresh, quick, rapid, late, nice, full, fresh, rich, poor, sad, weak, lazy, comfortable, far, old, long.

2. Утворіть від прикметників, що стоять у дужках, порівняльний або найвищий ступінь, залежно від змісту:

  1. The Don is (long) than the Thames.

  2. The twenty-second of December is the (short) day in the year.

  3. Iron is (useful) of all metals.

  4. The Dnieper is (wide) and (deep) than the Southern Bug.

  5. Elbrus is the (high) peak in the Caucasian mountains.

  6. His plan is (practical) than yours.

  7. London is the (large) city in England.

  8. Silver is (heavy) than copper.

  9. This wall is (low) than that one.

  10. Yesterday was the (hot) day we have had this summer.

3. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання. Якщо ви не впевнені в правильності вашої відповіді, почніть його словами: I think (я думаю), I suppose (я думаю), а якщо впевнені – словами of course (звичайно).

Зразок: Which is shorter: February or March? – Of course, February is shorter.

  1. Which is easier: English or Russian?

  2. Which is warmer: autumn or summer?

  3. Which is smaller: Europe or Asia?

  4. Which is longer: the Thames or the Dniester?

  5. Which is colder: January or February?

  6. Which is bigger: Washington or New York?

  7. Which is older: Kyiv or Lviv?

  8. Which is faster: a plane or a ship?

  9. Which is harder: iron or steel?

  10. Which is more comfortable: a chair or an armchair?

  11. Which is more popular: football or handball?

  12. Which is more difficult: English or Japanese?

  13. Who is more polite: Alice or Alex?

  14. Who is more diligent: you or your sister?

  15. Who is younger: your father or your mother?

4. Дайте відповіді на питання, що містять прикметники в найвищому ступені (почніть ваші відповіді словами: it seems to me – мені здається, in my opinion - на мою думку, if I'm not mistaken - якщо я не помиляюсь).

  1. Which is the deepest lake in the world?

  2. Which is the shortest mouth of the year?

  3. Which is the most famous ballet of P. Tchaikovsky?

  4. Which is the warmest season of the year?

  5. Which is the highest mountain in Crimea?

  6. Which is the longest river in Europe?

  7. Which is the largest port in Great Britain?

  8. Which is the nearest planet to the Earth?

  9. Which is the most expensive car?

  10. Who is the most popular singer in Ukraine?

  11. Who is the greatest poet in Scotland?

  12. Which metal is the lightest?

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