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2. Перекладіть речення на англійську мову

а) 1. Він запитав у мене , коли я прокидаюсь.

2. Я відповів, що я прокидаюсь о 7 годині ранку.

3. Він спитав, що я роблю потім .

4. Я відповів, що роблю ранкову зарядку.

5. Ніна говорить, що вона живе у гуртожитку.

6. Ніна сказала, що живе у гуртожитку.

7. Він був впевнений, що там є бібліотека.

8. Вона сказала, що провела цілий місяць у Болгарii.

9. Він сказав, що розповість про своє життя.

10. Я сподівався, що зроблю все до того часу.

b) 1. Він сказав, що переклав статтю з англійського технічного журналу.

2. Я не знав, що мій друг не здав хімію.

3. Вчитель спитав, чи можете ви писати англійською.

4. Він спитав, як підтримується нормальна температура у метро .

5. Люди були впевнені, що космічний корабель полетить на iншi планети.

6. Нам сказали, що Андрій поступив у цій коледж.

7. Студенти не могли зробити переклад, тому що вони не знали деякі спеціальні терміни.

8. Інженери винайшли, що використання синтетичних матеріалів значно підвищує якість продукту.

9. Я гадав , що зустріч відбудеться сьогодні.

3. Прочитайте речення, зважаючи увагу на узгодження часів.

Перекладіть речення українською мовою.

1. I knew that he was a student.

2. She said that she had never been to London.

3. He said that there were a lot of English books in his library.

4. The scientist told me that the experiment was not successful.

5. The engineer was informed that his article would be published in the newspaper. 6. They answered that she was translating the text.

7. He said that he could make the report.

8. The manager said that he would have to stay there for another week.

9. She said she could give me the book for a couple of days.

10. He said he would finish the translation that night if he had time.

11. They said there wasn’t much traffic on their street the previous year.

12. The librarian told me that I had to fill out those forms.

13. Scientists said they were going to Kyiv for the following weekend.

14. The secretary answered that Mr. Brown was speaking on the other phone.

15. John told me that Mary’s father was a man of wide experience.

16. Bill said that David Riley had scored 22 out of 44 points in the previous game.

17. Nick said they were going to Boston following year.

18. Mr. Brown told me that he would give a lecture next Thursday.

19. Nick said that the Georgetown team was as good as the Columbia team.

20. He said that he lived in Kyiv.

4. Перетворіть наступні речення з прямої мови на непряму:

Зразок: He said: “How does one determine the values?”→ He asked how one determined the values.

They said: “Such an idea never troubled us.” → They said (that) such an idea had never troubled them.

  1. I asked, “What is the quarrel about?”

  2. I asked "What is a Big Ben?"

  3. He said, "I shall not help you."

  4. The teacher asked the student, “What language did you study at school?”

  5. He asked me, "Where do you work?"

  6. They asked him, "Can you help us?"

  7. Then brother B. said " I shall bet twenty pounds that the man will live thirty days and will not be arrested"

  8. She said to me " John’s planning to graduate from a college next year "

  9. He said " I hope the weather will be better next week "

  10. Mr. Brown said, “I have seven visitors today.”

  11. The secretary said, "Mr. Smith left a message for you yesterday."

  12. Mr. Hailey said, "We celebrated the 80-th anniversary of Hemingway’s birthday in 1979."

  13. The old teacher said to me, "It happened many years ago."

  14. John said "My friend’s mother made me write a story for the writing contest last year."

  15. Ann said to me "I’m going to Kyiv for the weekend."

  16. Mary said, "We’ll come and pick you up tomorrow morning."

  17. "You’ll have to make a hotel reservation in advance," Peter said.

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