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  1. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.

  1. You shouldn’t smoke in the classroom.

  2. It is necessary that you should read it once more.

  3. It is strange that he should have asked me that question.

  4. You would assist us greatly by looking into the matter at once.

  5. We agree to your proposal that the shipment of the first lot under the contract should be postponed for two weeks.

  6. We are surprised that you should not have told us about this event.

  7. I may come and see you next summer, but my plans are not fixed.

  8. May I have another cup of tea?

  9. We must walk fast to get to the station in time.

  10. He mast have missed the train.

  11. He must be angry with you.

  12. He must have left his bag at home.

  13. The text is probably very difficult as he cannot translate it without a dictionary.

  14. Some mistakes must have been made in assembling the parts of the machine.

  15. Such defects may easily lead to a serious breakdown of the machine.

9. Заповніть пропуски “must”, “should” or “ought (to)”.

  1. Children_______ (to obey) their parents.

  2. Why_________ I (to know) where they are?

  3. You __________ (to leave) the book at the Institute.

  4. You __________ (not to park) here.

  5. You __________ (to help) your mother. She is so busy.

  6. We __________ (to walk) quicker to get to the station in time.

  7. You __________ really (to do) something about your car.

  8. This work ___________ (to do) at once.

  9. You _________ (to apologize) when you saw that his feelings were hurt.

  10. You ___________ (not to eat) so much bread; you will gain weight, which is not good for your heart.

  11. They _________ (not to speak) about such things in the child’s presence. Now they see the results.

  12. Her heart was now thumping so violently he felt it_______(to burst).

10. Вставте “can”, ”may”, “must”, “should”, “ought to”, ”have to”, “be to”, “be able to” (чи їх негативні форми) та “needn’t” in the spaces.

  1. Everybody ________ learn a foreign language.

  2. Ted’s father told him that he _____ ask him silly questions.

  3. They _______ go away just now, their train doesn’t leave for half an hour yet.

  4. You _______ leave your dog with us if you don’t want to take it with you.

  5. She_______ swim very fast.

  6. The doctor said, ”The child is very ill. She_______ be taken to the hospital at once”.

  7. A woman ____________ help her parents when they become old.

  8. We_________ leave without food and water. We ________ eat and drink.

  9. There are no buses or taxis, so we __________ walk.

  10. I _________ get up early tomorrow, so I _________ go to bed late tonight.

  11. The problem ________ be discussed in tomorrow’s debate.

  12. You _______ sit there in your wet clothes; you will catch cold if you do.

  13. You_______ do whatever you like.

  14. _______ I use your phone? – You ________ ask for permission: you ___________ use it whenever you like.

  15. If you don’t know the meaning of a word you ________ use a dictionary.

11. Перекладіть на англійську частини речень даних у скобках, використавши модальні дієслова.

  1. “I’m sorry about Mabel”, said Isaac. Lanny shrugged: “I suppose it (повинно було статися)”.

  2. Do you think we (змогли би досягти) home by nine?

  3. (Чи зможу я зробити) as I like or (я повинен зробити) as you like?

  4. I had never ceased to write to Pegotty, but (майже минуло) seven years since we had met.

  5. “Now listen to me!” she said: “I’ll tell you a few things that you (повинні були запитати) before starting out”.

  6. That book was one of those that one (повинен був прочитати).

  7. Somebody has been talking; (хто це міг бути)?

  8. (Не треба було хвилюватися), everything has turned out all right.

  9. He protested but they (не хотіли і слухати) to his protests.

  10. Frequently she (можна було бачити) in the garden bent over her flowers.

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