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7. Використайте іменники у присвійному відмінку множини.

Зразок: a student’s book → students’ books

  1. a teacher’s table →

  2. a class’s window →

  3. a box’s side →

  4. a kilometre’s distance →

  5. a country’s capital →

  6. a shop’s worker →

  7. a ship’s crew →

  8. an equipment’s part →

  9. a system’s unit →

  10. an Academy’s laboratory →

8. Використайте іменники у функції означення без прийменників. Перекладіть утворені словосполучення.

Зразок: supply of energyenergy supply

a term of four years → a four-year term

1) insurance of life →

2) a market of money →

3) watch made of gold →

4) a knife made of steel →

5) a gate made of iron →

6) a means of transport →

7) means of communication →

8) a plan for five years →

9) a note of ten pounds →

10) tax on income →

11) a reception desk of the hotel →

12) the centre of the city →

13) a garden of vegetables →

14) an English course for four weeks →

Тест “Перевір себе” The noun

1. Розділіть іменники на три групи. Утворіть множину іменників.


-s -es нестандартні

a product, a pen, a match, a potato, a radius, a key, a map, a knife, a man, a melody, a phenomenon, a lady, a foot, an actor, a fox, a brother, a sheep, a datum, a child, a class

2. Виберіть належні займенники для наступних речень:

a) many b) much c) little d) few e) a few f) a little

1. There is …… milk in the cup.

2. Is there water in the vase? - Yes! There is …… .

3. Is there …… paper on the shelf? No, there is little.

4. There aren’t …… children in the park.

5. There are …… typists in the office. Ask them to type your letter.

6. Is there …… or …… juice in the bottle? - There is a lot of juice in it.

7. I have …… time. I can’t go to the park.

8. I have ……time. I can help you.

9. There are …… books on the table. Which book is yours?

10. She has …… books in English.

3. Використайте іменники у функції означення без прийменників:

Зразок: a book of my friend → my friend’s book

a note of five pounds → a five-pound note

1) the questions of the teacher →

2) the club of students →

3) the poems of Shevchenko →

4) the room of my parents →

5) the life of the generation →

6) the ring made of silver →

7) consumption of energy →

8) the flat of two rooms →

9) the capital of the country →

10) a bill of five dollars →

The Pronoun (Займенник) Особові займенники

  1. Вставте особові займенники: I, you, he, she, it, we, they

A. 1. Nick is my friend. … is a student.

2. Kate is not a teacher. … is a doctor.

3. This is a dog. …is nice.

4. Peter and Jack are engineers. … work at the plant.

5. This is a cup. …is red.

6. Please give me a pen and a pencil. …are on the table.

7. I can’t find the newspaper. … is on the shelf.

8. There is a letter for you. …is from Tom.

9. Is the phone ringing? I can’t hear … .

10. “Titanic” is an amazing film. I haven’t seen … yet.

B. 1. A solid body has a definite shape. …can’t be changed easily.

2. Liquid, vapour and ice are the three states of matter. …are the states of water.

3. When the temperature of oxygen falls below -183 C , …changes from a gas to a bluish liquid.

4. If we combine two or more elements, …form a compound.

5. The metric system was invented in France. … contains basic measuring units.

6. What does the word “molecule” mean? …means a little structure.

7. D.Mendeleyev was a great Russian scientist. …established the periodic table of elements.

8. Thermometers are used for measuring temperatures. …can be weather, medical and scientific thermometers.

9. Oxygen is vital to life; …is needed by our body cells.

10. When sodium (Na) and chlorine (CL) combine, ….form sodium chloride, or salt.

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