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6. Розкрийте дужки і використайте герундій в активному або пасивному стані

Зразок: Excuse me for (give) so much trouble to you.

Excuse me for giving you so much trouble.

He should no sign of (hurt)

He should no sign of being hurt.

1. The problem is not worth (speak) of.

2. The scale is so short that the relative error in (read) the reflection becomes appreciable.

3. They have worked for three years with a view to (improve) the quality of the end product.

4. The speaker was annoyed at (interrupt) every other moment.

5. Why does he avoid (meet) journalists?

6. They did not succeed in (get) high yields by (work) with a different starting product.

7. At suitable dilution the solution, after (mix) can be cooled to 0 o C?

8. Before (proceed) with the problem it is desirable to consider the following equations.

9. They showed no sign of (recognize) us.

10. Did you succeed in (persuade) your colleagues?

11. The device needs (repair).

12. After (look through) the papers were registered.

13. The difficulty is due to the bond (be) too strong to be split.

14. The conditions of (dry) have an important bearing upon the quality of the product obtained.

15. After (boil) for three hours the mixture was found to be on the point of (explode).

16. He can't do anything without (disturb) anybody.

17. The nature of this interface appears to be of great importance in (determine) the rate of polymerization.

18. Before (carry) out the reaction the starting product must be purified.

19. After (melt) the average speed of the molecules remains the same as before.

20. You will not make ice hotter by (put) it on hot stove.

7. Заповніть пропуски прийменниками after, before, by, on, without, with.

1. His knowledge has improved ___________ taking a training course.

2. Where did he go ______________ finishing his work?

3. __________ proceeding to this problem it is desirable to consider

the limitations of equations.

4. She insists _____________ the experiment being made tomorrow.

5. They could depend _______________ the laboratories supplying them with starting compounds.

6._____________ cooling the substance to 10°, the pressure dropped to 15 atm. 7._____________ switching off the current the pressure dropped.

8._____________ starting the engine it is necessary to test the piping for leakage.

9. You can't do this work ___________ calculating the data.

10. A chief engineer insisted ___________ some workers being sent to the shop. 11. melting, the average speed of the molecules remains the same.

12. Why have you stopped? – You __________ reading.

13.____________ entering the lab he rushed to the telephone.

14._____________ having the results he went ___________ working.

15. We have difficulty _____________ installing the new equipment.

16. ____________ carrying out the reaction the starting product must be purified. 17. Some kind of points allow the metal to stay under water for several years ________ being repainted.

18._____________ reaching 63° C the temperature began to drop.

19._____________ being heated the mixture decomposed.

20. We insisted _____________ being informed of their decision.

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