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1. Визначте функцію герундія та його форму в поданих реченнях і перекладіть їх українською мовою.


1. Studying foreign languages enriches the native language.

2. It's impossible to know a language well without reading books written in this language.

3.Good sportsmen never stop training even if they are busy.

4. On coming home he began looking through the newspapers.

5. He intends staying there a few more days.

6. After concluding the contract, the representative of the firm left Moscow.

7. She was angry with him for forgetting to post the letter.

8 . Have you any objections to signing this document?

9. When I came to his place he was engaged in translating an article from "Morning Star".

10. You will never speak good English without learning grammar.


1. He entered the room without being noticed.

2.1 remember having shown her the letter.

3. He mentioned having read it in the paper.

4. We insisted on being informed of her arrival to Moscow.

5. He was surprised at having been asked about it.

6. He is proud of having won the first place in the chess tournament.

7. Before being sent to the warehouse, the boxes were counted and marked.

8. We remember having been informed about it.

9. He likes being asked questions.

10. We have heard of an agreement having been reached.

2. Виберіть необхідну форму герундія

1. He insists on the problem (solving, being solved) at once.

2. They did not know about his (working, being worked) at this factory.

3. There is no possibility of her (writing, being written) to your teacher.

4. The teacher was surprised at the students (not knowing, not being known) this theorem.

5. He referred to your (doing, being done) the work in time.

6. His work resulted in (solving, being solved) many problems.

7. He relied on his paper (discussing, being discussed) tomorrow.

8. (Using, being used) symbols in mathematics is customary.

9. The engineer is angry with their (taking, being taken) his tools.

10. The discussion resulted in the test (making, being made) again.

11. Do you insist on his (doing, being done) the work?

12. They rely on the work (doing, being done) in time.

13. Do you know of the teacher usually (referring, being referred) to these facts?

14. There is little hope of the substance (decomposing, being decomposed).

15. He is surprised at your not (discussed, having discussed) this problem at the last meeting.

16. The teacher relied on the work (being done, having been done) at the last lesson.

17. She insists on the experiment (being made, having been made) tomorrow.

18. Much efforts (being given, giving) to find the solution of the problem.

19. (Introducing, being introduced) "coordinates" is the fundamental idea of analytic geometry.

20. By (applying, being applied) the method of coordinates we solve complex mathematical problems.

3. Утворіть необхідну форму герундія.

1. The product tended to turn white on (dry)

2. The reaction is far from (be) completed.

3. They kept (work).

4. This is done by (employ) two gas channels and wires.

5. Solubility parameters are useful for (select) solvents.

6 Upon (switch) off the current the pressure dropped.

7. Instead of (use) chlorine, they used bromine.

8. They were against (postpone) the discussion of this problem.

9. These compounds offer the advantage of (be) almost nonvolatile.

10. He would test the devices before (put) them into service.

11. Before (start) the engine it is necessary to test the piping for leakage.

12. It is worth while (discuss) this phenomenon.

13. It is no use (speak) of it.

14. They rarely need (renew).

15. Deckmann avoided (heat) the lighting with acid.

16. My favorite occupation is (read) books

17. They were on the point of (lower) the temperature when the explosion occurred.

18. A discussion on (solve) this problem was under way.

19. They have put off (discuss) the problem. Unfortunately we did not succeed in (obtain) better results.

20. On (heat) mere salts decompose.

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