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11.2. Виберіть правильний варіант:

1. Scientists … properties of this element for a long time before their use.

a) will have been studying;

b) will study;

c) have studied

2. He … very interesting data by the end of the year.

a) has obtained;

b) was obtaining;

c) obtained

3. They … already this experiment.

a) have done;

b) did;

c) had done

4. You … at the Academy for 5 years.

a) have been studying;

b) are studying;

c) have studied

5. We … in Kyiv since September.

a) has been staying;

b) stay;

c) have been staying

11.3. Доповніть речення:

1. He had been parking his car for 20 minutes when we … .

a) come;

b) came;

c) shall come

2. He had been studying mathematics for 3 hours before I … .

a) come;

b) came;

c) shall come

3. They will have been playing chess for an hour before their parents … .

a) come;

b) came;

c) will come

4. The telephone had been ringing for several minutes when I … .

a) heard;

b) hear;

c) shall hear

5. She … TV for some hours since morning.

a) is watching;

b) has been watching;

c) has watched

6. We … this matter for 2 hours.

a) have been discussing;

b) have discussed;

c) discuss

The Verb. The Tense Forms in the Passive Voice. Дієслово. Часові форми у пасивному стані.

Indefinite Passive

12. Утворіть речення у Indefinite Passive (to be + Participle ) від відповідних речень в Active за поданими зразками.

1. Зразок: Foreign students learn Ukrainian.

Ukrainian is learnt by foreign students.

        1. She does grammar exercises.

        2. The University trains specialists in different fields of science.

        3. This student makes some mistakes.

        4. He translates the text with a dictionary.

        5. He helps the students in this work.

2. Зразок: They published a new article.

A new article was published by them.

              1. We discussed a new film yesterday.

              2. She told the news yesterday.

              3. A famous writer wrote this novel.

              4. Our students often visited the Art Museum.

              5. They listened the lecturer with great attention.

3. Зразок: We will finish this work at 5.

This work will be finished at 5.

  1. They will give an answer in some days.

  2. The teacher will examine the students in June.

  3. He will receive a letter tomorrow.

  4. He will solve this problem in future.

  5. Our group will carry out this experiment in a month.

4. Зразок: We sent for his brother.

His brother was sent for.

  1. We always refer to this fact.

  2. We listened to our teacher.

  3. We shall agree upon our meeting.

  4. They make use of these figures.

  5. You will take better care of the children.

Continuous Passive Voice

13. Утворіть речення за поданими зразками, звертаючи увагу на утворення та вживання Continuous Passive.

1. Зразок: They are translating an article now.

An article is being translated now.

An article is not being translated now.

  1. The students are preparing the homework.

  2. She is correcting our tests.

  3. The teacher is examining our group now.

  4. They are completing this work at the moment.

  5. We are writing a composition now.

2. Зразок: A new plant was being built in our city.

Was a new plant being built in our city?

Yes, it was. No, it was not (wasn’t).

  1. The radio-set was being repaired all the day.

  2. The letter was being written.

  3. Hockey was being played by them at 5 yesterday.

  4. The English text was being translated from 3 to 5 yesterday.

  5. These questions were being discussed at this time p. m. Yesterday.

3. Зразок: You will be considering this problem at 10 o’clock tomorrow.

This problem will be considered at 10 o’clock tomorrow.

  1. My friend will be explaining this rule to me at this time tomorrow.

  2. She will be writing this letter from 10 to 12 o’clock tomorrow.

  3. He will be making an interesting report at the conference tomorrow.

  4. He will be seeing me tomorrow.

  5. You will be answering her letter at this time tomorrow.

4. Зразок: The film is being spoken about (they).

They are speaking about the film.

  1. He was being listened to with great attention (we).

  2. My sister is being sent for (I).

  3. This fact was being commented upon (newspapers).

  4. This material is being made use of (our lecturer).

  5. This conversation was being put an end to (we).

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