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12. Вкажіть, якою частиною мови є видiленi слова у наступних реченнях. Перекладіть речення

  1. In order to locate some defect in objects made of wood, rubber or metal the laboratory assistant X-rays them.

  2. X-rays are extensively used in industry.

  3. Uranium fogs photographic plates.

  4. London fogs prevent people from seeing anything even at very short distances.

  5. This worker sorts all sorts of things produced at the mill.

  6. As the earth turns towards the east it carries the air with it.

  7. Cotton grows where the climate is good for its growth.

  8. No scientist will say how that atom is indivisible.

  9. Amplifiers are extensively used in radio transmitters.

  10. The launching of the first Earth satellite was a great victory of the science.

  11. It was in 1882 that P. Chebyshev invented the arithmometer performing multiplication and division.

  12. Oil, natural gas and nuclear power each have important roles to play in the energy industry.

Test „Перевір себе”

Виберіть правильний варіант

  1. The aluminum plant is a (consumer/ consumption) of the (local/ locally) generated electric power.

  2. The (new/ newly) built shops are (importance/ important) for the future of the power plant.

  3. They are (elders/ olders).

  4. (Inevitably/ inevitable) after so much (initial/ initially) enthusiasm disillusionment set in, fuelled by (overquantification/ overquantificated) and dehumanization of real life situation and (overidentification/ overidentificated) with military problems.

  5. There are two reasons for denying the (validity/ validness) of the postulate.

  6. He found in both the same (incomprehensibility/ incomprehensible).

  7. Nuclear energy is energy released during a nuclear (reactor/ reaction) as a result of (convertible/ conversion) of mass into energy.

  8. Uranium is a (comparison/ comparable/ comparatively) rare element.

  9. The nine (played/ playing) an excellent game.

  10. The most (importance/ important) problems in (atom/ atomic) power (generator/ generation) are connected with the reactors. Reactor (technologist/ technology) is still in (progressive/ progress). The light-water reactor types seem most (usefulness/ usefully/ useful).

  11. The method suffers (bad/ badly) from disturbance effects.

  12. This does not (necessary/ necessarily) mean maintenance of constant heat content.

Numerals (Числівник)





1 one

1st the first

2 two

2nd the second

3 three

3rd the third

4 four

4th the fourth

5 five

5th the fifth

6 six

6th the sixth

7 seven

7th the seventh

8 eight

8th the eighth

9 nine

9th the ninth

10 ten

10th the tenth

11 eleven

11th the eleventh

12 twelve

12th the twelfth

13 thirteen

20th the twentieth

14 fourteen

21st the twenty first

15 fifteen

25th the twenty fifth

16 sixteen

30th me thirtieth

17 seventeen

40th the fortieth

18 eighteen

50th the fiftieth

19 nineteen

60th the sixtieth

20 twenty

70th the seventieth

21 twenty one

80th the eightieth

22 twenty two

90th the ninetieth

23 twenty three

100th the hundredth

30 thirty

1,000th the thousandth

40 forty

1,000,000th the millionth

50 fifty

60 sixty

Note: five hundred pupils, three

thousand students, two million people.

70 seventy

80 eighty

But: hundreds of pupils, thousands of

students, millions of people.

90 ninety

100 a hundred/one hundred

102 one hundred and two

1,000 one thousand

1,000,000 one million



1999 – nineteen ninety nine

2000 – two thousand, twenty hundred

2002– twenty oh two, twenty hundred and two


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