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8. Перекладіть текст на рідну мову.

Energy is the capacity for doing work. The various forms of energy, interconvertible by suitable means, include potential, kinetic, electrical, heat, chemical, nuclear, and radiant energy. Interconversion between these forms of energy occurs only in the presence of matter.

In the absence of matter energy can only exist in the form of radiant energy.

9. Підкреслить суфікси I визначте до яких частин відносяться наступні слова

contrary, storage, negligible, simultaneous, annual, notion, necessary, vital, obvious, excellent, coincidence, active, cottage, muddy, boundless, available, availability, expenditure, voyage, measure, unify, evident, evidence, dedicate, productivity, signify, primary, appreciable, permanent, greatness, hopeful, stimulate, region, recognize, electrify, pavement, nature, ration, boredom, hardship, equal, capable, detachment, commodity, temporary, accumulate, membership, brotherhood, atomic, scientific, influence, basic, liberalize, subsequent, subsequently, consequence, domestic, modify, accelerate, positive.

10. Перекладіть на рідну мову

  1. Oxygen combines directly with nearly all elements.

  2. Plastic materials are relative new insulating materials.

  3. Polythene cables have numerous advantages.

  4. Do not underestimate the advantages of the new resistors.

  5. Include the data into the common list.

  6. Use additional resistors, please.

  7. The importance of semiconductors for modern science should not be underestimated.

  8. Semiconductors conduct electricity less efficiently than metals.

  9. The method proved to be efficient.

  10. What resistance materials are in common use today?

  11. Two more carbons were linked to the molecule.

  12. A compound is considered more stable the smaller its potential energy.

11. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.

Визначте які частини мови вживаються і з якими суфіксами та префіксами.

  1. The term is unlikely to be indefinable.

  2. It is an insoluble problem.

  3. Private property is institutionalized under slave system.

  4. So medium B is loseless.

  5. The degree of success was unexpectedly great.

  6. A somewhat different method leads to the same result.

  7. This method differs from that used previously.

  8. Some of this difference is ascribed to risks.

  9. While differing in detail these programs involve similar problem.

  10. The nature of this problem is somewhat different, and different questions arise concerning objectives and method to be used in public policy.

  11. In order to make the three qualitatively different kinds of the transfer comparable, all indicators were weighted differently according to their importance.

  12. They always differ in opinion.

  13. Their derived solutions differ.

  14. To achieve these goals interdisciplinary research is essential.

  15. The radiation loss is unavoidable.

  16. If done frequently, this process is unacceptably slow.

  17. He’s speculations were illogical.

  18. The length of the smallest addressable unit should be used definable.

  19. Independent statements are those potentially parallelizable.

  20. The above is actually an over-simplification.

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