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ТК, Еферова А.Р., Кердяшева О.В..doc
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V. Retell the text “Deck.” unit 21. Construction of decks

I. Words and word combinations to be remembered:

fore and aft – вдоль всего судна

tar – смола, деготь

sealant – уплотнительный материал, герметик

to caulk – конопатить, заделывать швы

to avoid – избегать

distortion – искажение, искривление

to weld – сваривать

waterproof – водонепроницаемый

corrosion – коррозия

non – skid paint – нескользкая краска

a mould – плесень

fiberglass – стекловолокно

seam – шов

II. Read and translate the following text:

    1. Methods in wood

A traditional wood deck would consist of planks laid fore and aft over beams and along carlins, the seams of which are caulked and payed with tar. A yacht or other fancy boat might then have the deck canvassed, with the fabric laid down in a thick layer of paint or sealant, and additional coats painted over. The wash or apron boards form the joint between the deck planking and that of the topsides, and are caulked similarly.

Modern "constructed decks" are used primarily on fiberglass, composite, and cold-molded hulls. The under structure of beams and carlines is the same as above. The decking itself is usually multiple layers of marine-grade plywood, covered over with layers of fiberglass in a plastic resin such as epoxy or polyester overlapped onto the topsides of the hull.

    1. Methods in metal

Generally speaking, the method outlined for "constructed decks" is most similar to metal decks. The deck plating is laid over metal beams and carlins and tacked temporarily in place. The difficulty in metal construction is avoiding distortion of the plate while welding due to the high heat involved in the process. Welds are usually double pass, meaning each seam is welded twice, a time consuming process which may take longer than building the wood deck. But welds result in a waterproof deck which is strong and easily repairable. The deck structure is welded to the hull, making it structurally a single unit.

Because a metal deck, painted to reduce corrosion, can be quite slippery as well as picking up heat from the sun and being quite loud to work on, often a layer of wood decking or thick non-skid paint are applied to its surface.

    1. Methods in fiberglass

The process for building a deck in fiberglass is the same as for building a hull: a female mould is built, a layer of gel coat is sprayed in, then layers of fiberglass in resin are built up to the required deck thickness (if the deck has a core, the outer skin layers of fiberglass and resin are laid, then the core material, and finally the inner skin layers.) The deck is removed from the mould and usually mechanically fastened to the hull.

Fiberglass decks are quite slick with their mirror-smooth surfaces, so a non-skid texture is often moulded into their surface, or non-skid pads glued down in working areas.

III. Answer the following questions:

  1. What does a wood deck consist of?

  2. What do the wash or apron boards form?

  3. Where is the deck plating laid over?

  4. The deck structure is welded to the hull, making it structurally a single unit, isn’t it?

  5. What is the dificulty in metal construction?

  6. Is each seam welded twice?

  7. What is the process for building a deck in fiberglass?

IV. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian:

  1. Modern “constructed decks” are used primarily on fiberglass, composite and cold – molded hulls.

  2. The decking itself is usually multiple layers of marine – grade plywood, covered over with layers of fiberglass in a plastic resin such as epoxy or polyester overlapped onto the topsides of the hull.

  3. The thickness of the decking affects how strong the hull is, and is directly related to how thick the skin of the hull itself is.

  4. Upper deck is the highest deck of the hull, extending from stern to stern.

  5. In fiberglass decks the skin thickness is measured in inches, length waterline is in feet.

V. Translate the following text: “International maritime signal flags”

The system of international maritime signal flags is a way of representing individual letters of the alphabet in signals to or from ships. It is a component of the International Code of Signals (INTERCO).

There are various methods that the flags can be used as signals:

  • each flag spells out an alphabetic message, letter by letter.

  • individual flags have specific and standard meanings; for example, diving support vessels raise the "A flag" indicating their inability to move from their current location because they have a diver underwater.

  • one or more flags form a code word whose meaning can be looked up in a code book held by both parties.

  • in yacht racing and dinghy racing, flags have other meanings; for example, the P flag is used as the "preparatory" flag to indicate an imminent start, and the S flag means "shortened course".