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V. Translate the text “Devil’s claw.”

Fig 8. Securing a devil's claw on a large anchor chain.

The devil's claw is a device that is used as a chain stopper to grab and hold an anchor chain. It consists of a turnbuckle, usually attached at the base of the anchor windlass, and a metal hook with two curved fingers that grab one link of a chain.

A devil's claw is often used on merchant ships because it is lighter and easier to manage than other types of chain stoppers, such as a pelican hook.

After hoisting the anchor and setting the windlass brake, the claw is placed on a chain link and the turnbuckle is tightened to take up the tension on the chain. If more than one stopper is used, the turnbuckles can be adjusted to evenly distribute the load.

A devil's claw cannot be released while it is under tension. To release it, the tension must first be taken up by the windlass brake. Then the turnbuckle can be loosened and removed.

VI. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Якорный брашпиль – это механизм, который управляет и удерживает якорную цепь.

  2. Обычно брашпиль управляется электрическим или гидравлическим мотором, действующий при помощи зубчатой передачи.

  3. Брашпиль относится только к горизонтальным лебедкам.

  4. Брашпили и их энергосистема должны поднять якорь и его цепь.

  5. Якорь приковывается к якорному тросу, который проходит через якорный клюз.

VII. Use the following word combinations in sentences of your own:

To restrain and manipulate the anchor chain, to provide for control, make use of an integral gearbox, to have advantages, to be more self contained, to protect from the corrosive environment, to be serviced, to be shackled to smth, to pass up, to be connected to smth.

VIII. Complete the following sentences:

  1. An anchor windlass is a machine …

  2. The term “windlass” refers …

  3. Horizontal windlasses make use of …

  4. The dual wheels …

  5. The anchor is shackled to the …

  1. Retell the text “Anchor windlass”

Unit 10. Capstan

I. Words and word combinations to be remembered:

a rotating machine – вращательный механизм

on board ship – борт судна

to be mounted – быть установленным

to apply force – применять силу

ratchet – храповик

to hold the tension – выдерживать напряжение

pneumatically – пневматически

to insert through holes – вставлять в отверстия

to turn capstan – поворачивать якорный шпиль

the drum – барабан

to haul upon – выбирать

iron axle – железный вал

clockwise direction – направление по часовой стрелке

II. Read and translate the following text:

Fig.9. A capstan on a sailing ship.

The word, connected with the Old French capestan or cabestan(t), from Latin capistrum, -a halter, from capere, to take hold of, seems to have come into English (14th century) from French or Spanish shipmen at the time of the Crusades.

A capstan is a rotating machine used to apply force to another element, notably used on board ship and on dock walls, for heaving-in or veering ropes, cables, and hawsers.

In its earliest form, the capstan consisted of a timber mounted vertically through a vessel's structure which was free to rotate. Levers, known as bars, were inserted through holes at the top of the timber and used to turn the capstan. A rope wrapped several turns around the drum was thus hauled upon. A rudimentary ratchet was provided to hold the tension. The ropes were always wound in a clockwise direction.

Capstans evolved to consist of a wooden drum or barrel mounted on an iron axle. Two barrels on a common axle were used frequently to allow men on two decks to apply force to the bars. Later capstans were made entirely of iron, with gearing in the head providing a mechanical advantage when the bars were pushed counterclockwise.

Modern capstans are powered electrically, hydraulically, pneumatically, or via an internal combustion engine.