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Unit five

Topic: Science

Grammar: Perfect Tenses. Sequence of Tenses

Part I Preliminary Exercises

Exercise 1. Look at these words and try to give their corresponding Russian equivalents:

atom, peak, product, fact, organize, process, problem, journal, microfilm, material, experiment, formation, coral, volcano, period.

Exercise 2. Transcribe and pronounce:

science, scientist, scientific, study, molecule, cell, galaxies, alive, double, climb, solution, eventually, conquer, success, successful, research, hypothesis, available.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian paying attention to tenses.

  1. I translated articles every day.

  2. I have many articles to translate.

  3. I have translated this article today.

  4. When you came I was translating an article.

  5. I had translated the article before he arrived.

  6. I shall be translating an article at 5 tomorrow.

  7. The article will have been translated by next week.

Exercise 4. Translate the sentences paying attention to Sequence of Tenses.

  1. Foreign tourists said that they wanted to visit Dubna.

  2. They said that they heard much about Dubna and they hoped that they would be shown the city.

  3. One of them asked whether many foreign scientists had already visited Dubna.

  4. They asked if we could tell them about the advantage of atomic power stations.

  5. The scientist said that he worked in the field of peaceful use of atomic energy.

  6. He said that he had done a great amount of experiments to finish his work.

  7. The professor was asked where isotopes were used.

  8. He answered that isotopes were used in agriculture and many fields of science.

  9. He said that they would find much more application in future.

Words to be remembered:

study (v) — изучать

study (n) — исследование

complete (v) — завершать

solve (v) — решать

solution (n) — решение

problem (n) — проблема, задача

compare (v) — сравнивать

represent (v) — представлять

eventually (adv) — в конечном итоге

conquer (v) — покорять

observation (n) — наблюдение

search (n) — поиск

statement (n) — здесь: постановка

successful (a) – успешный

relate (v) — связывать

obtain (v) — получать

record (n) — запись

store (v) — хранить

tape (n) — лента

space (n) — пространство

hypothesis (n) — гипотеза

propose (v) — предлагать

agree (v) — соглашаться

reject (v) — отвергать

printed (a) — отпечатанный

step-by-step — поэтапный

guess (v) — предполагать, догадываться

Read and translate the text.

Text a. Science

Scientists study all kinds of things. They study small things such as atoms, molecules, or cells growing in a flask. Scientists also study very large things such as stars and galaxies. Nine out of every ten scientists who have ever lived are alive today. More that 1,500,000 scientific studies are completed each year. The total amount of scientific information in the world will probably double in ten years.

Finding solutions to scientific problems may be compared to climbing a steep hill. The top of the hill represents a problem’s solution. Each scientist who studies the problem starts climbing up the hill a little ahead of the scientist who last studied the problem. Eventually one or more scientists may reach the top of the hill. When a scientist conquers one hill, he usually discovers that it is only a small peak of a much larger mountain range.

Science is a way of solving problems and finding answers to questions through observation, study, and experiments. Science is both a product and a process. The product of science is facts and ideas, which have been discovered and organized. The process of science is solving problems. Scientific problem solving is a search for new facts and ideas. The methods scientists use in solving problems are called scientific methods. Scientific methods include:

  1. Defining the problem. A clear statement of the problem must be made so it can be understood and investigated. This is often the most difficult part of a scientist’s work. Success in scientific research is based on asking the right questions.

  2. Collecting information that relates to the problem. Information may be obtained from other scientists, books, journals, and other written records. Some kinds of information are stored on tape or microfilm. In this way the same amount of information can be stored in a fraction of the space needed for books and journals.

  3. Forming a hypothesis. A hypothesis is a proposed solution to a problem. It is the best prediction based on available information. A good hypothesis agrees with the known facts.

  4. Testing the hypothesis. A hypothesis is tested by performing and making new observations. The hypothesis may be rejected or changed to fit new facts.

  5. Communicating the results. Knowledge gained through scientific investigations is passed on to others. This is done mainly through printed material and on recording tape. Thus scientists around the world can use the new knowledge in their own research.

In practice, scientists might not use all the steps listed. Studies of the work of successful scientists show that problem solving is not a step-by-step process. Scientists are creative people. They solve problems in many ways. Creativity, skill, luck, hard work and intelligent guessing are all parts of scientific problem solving.

Scientists have discovered many facts about our world. However, they have only scratched the surface in their search for solutions to scientific problems.

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