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Part III

Exercise 1. What are A and B talking about? Render their talk in Russian.

A: Hello! Can I speak to B?

B: That’s me.

A: It’s A speaking. How are you?

B: Fine. Thank you. How are things with you?

A: I am a student now.

B: Good for you! ( Молодец!) What Institute have you entered?

A: I've entered the University of Cardiff.

B. And what department do you study at?

  1. I study at the department of Computing Mathematics.

  2. You liked mathematics at school, didn’t you? Mathematics was my favourite subject at school too. Do you use computers at the University?

A: Certainly. We have the best Micro-Computing Laboratory in the country which is used exclusively by the staff and students in computing.

B: Wish you luck (Желаю тебе удачи) in your studying.

A: Thank you. So long! (Пока!)

Exercise 2. Reproduce the dialogue in exercise 1 as close to the text as possible.

Exercise 3. Complete the dialogue:

A: What Institute have you entered?

B. …

A: What department do you study at?


A: You liked mathematics at school, didn’t you?

B: …

A: …

B: Certainly. Both the staff and the students use computers.

Exercise 4. Try to imagine that a small group of Russian students has come to the USA (Great Britain) and visited the University of Houston (Cardiff, Essex). Tell them everything you can.

Exercise 5. Imagine that you are to make a report at a conference about the technical education abroad. Use the information of texts A, B, C.

Unit four

Topic: Life at the University

Grammar: Passive Voice. Modal Verbs

Impersonal constructions

Part I Preliminary Exercises

Exercise 1. Translate the following word combinations:

a five-year scheme of study; scientific and technological competence; European awareness; European environment; to qualify for the degree; advanced and specialized courses; signed by; the opportunity of attending; the initial three years; to be limited; selection will be made.

Exercise 2. Practice the pronunciation of the following words (A) and word groups (B):

A. scheme; conjunction; competence; versatile; background; envisage; industrial; initial;

  1. a five –year scheme of study; in conjunction with; scientific and cultural background; it is envisaged; industrially-oriented project; the initial three years.

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences paying attention to rendering the impersonal constructions:

It is expected that – ожидают (ожидается), что

It is hoped that – надеются, что

It is known that – известно, что

It must be stressed that – следует (нужно) подчеркнуть, что

It should be remembered that – следует помнить, что

It is reported that – сообщают, что

It is said that – говорят, что

  1. It is said that the language of figures is the most convincing language.

  2. It must be stressed that versatile engineers, competent in their profession, are demanded by different organizations.

  3. It is expected that he will return soon.

  4. It is hoped to develop versatile engineers, competent in their profession.

  5. It is hoped that he will pass his exam successfully.

  6. It is known that she is the best specialist at the plant.

  7. It should be remembered that the information of the development of this branch of industry is of importance.

  8. It is reported that the delegation has left Vladivostok.

Words to be remembered:

scheme (n) – программа, план, схема

aware (a) – сознающий, знающий

adaptable (a) – легко приспосабливаемый

change (n) – изменение

competence (n) – способность, компетентность

versatile (a) – многосторонний, разносторонний

background (n) – основа

environment (n) – среда

envisage (v) – рассматривать

participate (v) – участвовать

obtain (v) – получать

limit (v) – ограничивать

demand (v) – требовать

both … and – как … , так и

Read and translate the text.

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