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Пособие по англ. яз. (8-12) (мет).doc
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В сложно-подчиненном предложении границей между составляющими его простыми

предложениями (главным и придаточным) служат подчинительные союзы that, which, who, when, if, because и др. (см. выше)

Однако некоторые из этих союзов совпадают по форме с предлогами (напр., союз for (так как) и предлог for (для) ) . Вот почему надо еще убедиться, что и справа и слева от предполагаемой границы есть пары "подлежащее-сказуемое".

Дополнительную трудность при членении сложно-подчиненного предложения вносит и место придаточного по отношению к главному. Придаточное встречается не только после главного, но также впереди главного и внутри его (часто между подлежащим и сказуемым главного). В этих случаях уточнение подлежащих и сказуемых, проверка их на согласование между собой в числе и лице ("правило одного -s") приобретают особое значение:

Many years have passed since that Много лет прошло с того времени.

time. (Предлог since в простом

предложении вводит обстоятельство


An object at rest has no kinetic Предмет в состоянии покоя не имеет

energy since its velocity is zero. (Союз кинетической энергии, так как его скорость

since в сложном предложении вводит равна нулю.

придаточное причинное).

Coal will be sent when required. Уголь будет послан, когда потребуется.

(Союз when с причастием в простом


When the boiling is reached the Когда кипение достигнуто, добавление

adding of heat does not raise the temperature. тепла не повышает температуры.

(Союз when в сложном предложении

вводит придаточное условное: придаточное

впереди главного: началом главного служит

его подлежащее – the adding).

The distance that light travels in one Расстояние, которое свет проходит за

second is 300 thousand kilometers. (Союз одну секунду, равно тремстам тысячам

that вводит придаточное определительное километров.

придаточное внутри главного; оно

заканчивается там, где появляется

сказуемое главного –is).

Прежде, чем приступить к упражнениям, составьте в тетради по грамматике алфавитный список подчинительных союзов с их русскими соответствиями. Против тех, которые совпадают по форме с предлогами, укажите еще их значения в качестве предлогов: after (после), before (перед), because (of) (из-за), for (для, в течение), since (с, со временем), until (до).

VI. В сложно-подчиненных предложениях найдите подлежащее и сказуемые, укажите границы

между главным и придаточным. Определите, какие из подчеркнутых слов являются

подлежащими придаточных предложений. Обратите при этом внимание на расположение

придаточного по отношению к главному. Перевод не требуется:

  1. Finally the results of a computation are needed in a form which can be recognized and used by the operator.

  2. This temperature is limited by the stresses to which the working parts are subjected.

  3. The code which has been described above is called a "three-address code".

  4. This consists of a heat exchanger, through which the exhaust and the air from the compressor are passed.

  5. A description of the arithmetic operations which are to be performed is stored in the coded form in some of the registers of the machine.

  6. In addition to instructions which specify the arithmetic operations a further type of instruction is needed in order to achieve this flexibility.

  7. In most existing machines the "input" consists of a "reader" which will convert information into the pulse form with which the machine operates internally.

  8. Which of the units works can be seen from the diagram.

  9. The atomic ice-breaker is equipped with an atomic engine, due to which her operating on negligible quantities of nuclear fuel is possible.

VII. а) Укажите подлежащие и сказуемые. Выделите придаточное предложение. Переведите,

пользуясь признаками:


Тип придат.


1. that перед существительным?



2. that перед глаголом?



  1. Field voltage is usually supplied by the same commutator that is supplying the load on the generator.

  2. Upon closer examination it will be seen that the thicknesses of the lines are different.

  3. Single-cylinder indicates that the unit consists of one turbine contained in one casing.

  4. Any condition that causes metallic contact between the shaft and the bearing will lead to vibration.

VII. б) Даны сложные предложения, где союзное that вводит придаточное-подлежащее или

придаточное-сказуемое. Определите вид придаточного, пользуясь признаками.

Переведите со словарем:


Тип. придат.

Перевод "that"

1. is, are и др. после придаточного?


то, что

2. is, are и др. перед придаточным?


то, что

(to be перед придат.-сказуемым переводится: "состоять в том…")

  1. The reason for this is that the magnetic lines near poles are steeply dipped.

  2. That this system should be universally adopted is recognized by all the countries of the world.

  3. Another remarkable fact is that the instruments warn the operator of impending disturbances.

  4. That any gas can be turned into a liquid by pressure is a well-known fact.

VIII. Дайте анализ предложений. Укажите, являются ли выделенные слова предлогами или

союзами. Затем переведите предложения пользуясь таблицей:




для, в течение, из-за

так как

Because of


так как


со времени, с

так как



перед тем как



после того как

  1. Our age is called the age of electricity for electricity in now used for most various purposes.

  2. It is very difficult to synchronize the engines by ear on some multi-engined air-craft for two reasons: first, the pilot is in a position where it is difficult for him to hear the engines clearly.

  3. For a period of time the worker will not work in radioactive areas, and doctors will make periodic checks of his physical condition.

  4. After Columbus had brought rubber to Europe people used it only in order to rub out the marks of a pencil.

  5. After another stage of amplification the current is strong enough to operate the powerful loudspeaker.

  6. Long before the days of atom smashes, the nuclei of certain atoms in the earth broke apart.

  7. Before going further let us be sure that we understand the making of a graph.

  8. We say that an object at rest has no kinetic energy, since its velocity is zero.

  9. Since a dry cell can generate only direct current, we have been considering the flow of electrons in one direction only.

  10. can generate only direct current, we have been considering the flow of electrons in one direction only.

  11. Since 1945 two varieties of solid counter have been developed, and both have useful properties.

  12. A copper wire became red-hot because an electric current was passed through it.

  13. Many metallurgists disagree with this because of the difficulties involved in smelting copper-tin alloys.

IX. В каждом из предложений найдите подлежащее и сказуемое. Укажите, является ли

выделенное слово герундием или причастием (пользуйтесь алгоритмом для перевода ing-

форм). Затем переведите:

  1. Using a beam of electrons in place of the usual beam of light solved the problem of studying microorganisms.

  2. Using a beam of electrons in place of the usual beam of light scientists built a microscope with great magnifying power.

  3. Studying the properties of electrons atomic physicists solved the problem of constructing a very powerful microscope.

  4. Constructing an electron microscope became possible after numerous experiments of atomic physicists.

  5. Constructing an electron microscope scientists succeeded in bringing to view the fine structure of materials.

X. Проанализируйте предложения: установите, простые они или сложные, найдите подлежащие

и сказуемые. Определите, каким членом предложения и какой частью речи являются

выделенные слова. После этого переведите предложения:

  1. The Soviet Union has archived great results in the field of space research.

  2. Friction results in a loss of velocity when water flows through pipes.

  3. More heat is required in order to boil a big vessel than a small one.

  4. When we heat a substance, its molecules are speeded up.

  5. Land heats up more quickly than water but loses its heat by radiation more rapidly.

  6. The lowest pressure in summer is found over Asia, the largest land mass.

  7. Several thousand meteors land on the surface of our planet daily.

  8. Not all water that fails as rain or that results from the melting of ice and snow runs off.

  9. Although oxygen is the most commonly occurring element, carbon forms the largest number of compounds of any element.

  10. Different substances – combinations of the elementary forms of matter are called compounds.

XI. Переведите группы существительных с определениями:

wave motion, wave length, tension test, war damage, steam-engine cylinder, engine-driven generator, moving-coil galvanometer, permanent bar magnet.

XII. Ниже в тексте найдите 5 простых предложений, а в сложных найдите

1 придаточные-подлежащее, 2 придаточных определительных и 1 придаточное следствия.

XIII. Переведите текст со словарем. Затем читайте вслух:


We know that Britain's oldest centres of education are Oxford and Cambridge. The name of Oxford became known in 912. How and when was Cambridge established is not exactly known. But it became famous in the 17th century when Newton lectured on mathematics.

Oxford and Cambridge are so similar that they are called sister-universities. Both universities consist of many independent colleges. The main subjects that the students are taught are philosophy, history, theology, medicine, natural sciences and mathematics.

Almost all the students of both universities are from the schools which serve only the aristocracy. That is why one of the main problem of the working class movement in England was how to open the way to the education for the working class.

The first of the technical colleges has been opened in Manchester, and it was followed by the establishment of similar colleges in Birmingham, Liverpool and other industrial cities. Besides the traditional university subjects they teach also agriculture, applied sciences and engineering.

Yet, much more is to be done in order to make away with1 the privileges of the ruling classes and bring the education within the reach2 of the working masses.


to make way with1 - положить конец, покончить

to bring within the reach - сделать доступным

XIV. Прочно заучите слова:

education, engineering, movement, way, similar, independent. both, to become, to open, to follow, to serve, to call, to consist (of), almost, exactly, besides.

XV. Найдите в тексте:

а) синонимы к словам: principal, to discover;

б) антонимы к словам: new, unknown, dependent;

в) английские соответствия к словам и выражениям: должно быть сделано, техника, похожи,

становиться, состоять (из), следовать, кроме, точно, независимый, главный, служить,

студентов обучают, правящие классы.

XVI. Составьте план и перескажите текст:

XVII. Дополнительно перевести письменно:

Britain's oldest and most famous universities, Oxford and Cambridge, date from the 12th century. These great centres of education and learning typify the English University to such an extent that these universities keep to the traditions of the past but behind the old-fashioned life we find well-equipped laboratories and great libraries holding thousands of volumes.

Both sisters-universities are the most "aristocratic" universities of Great Britain, and the cost of living there is higher than at any of the others. The students are almost entirely from the schools which serve the aristocracy.



Односложные слова: bar, so, thus, learn, spoon, like, plate, know, hand, come, make, end, how, from, was, shape, stone, use, rest, needle, them, bring, great, find, kind.

Двусложные с ударением на конечном слоге: attract, direct, suspend, invent, describe, rotate, begin, ago.

Двусложные с ударением на начальном слоге: notice, compass, over, only, magnet, Arabs, Europe, hundred, ancient, better.

Многосложные с ударением на третьем слоге от конца: property, magnetize, century.

Многосложные с ударением на втором слоге от конца: determine, magnetic, develop.

Многосложные, оканчивающиеся наtion: navigation, description, direction.


Тема первая

Кроме союзов, перечисленных в уроке 11, надо запомнить еще так называемые составные союзы. Некоторые из них уже встречались при изучении степеней сравнения прилагательных:

Water is as necessary as food (так же… как).

Wood is not so strong as metal (не так… как).

The more we study the subject the better we know it (чем… тем…).

Теперь запишите остальные:

bothand (как… так и)

eitheror (или… или)

neithernor (ни… ни)

Первые элементы этих парных союзов следует отличать от местоимений:

both (оба, и тот и другой)

either (любой)

neither (ни тот, ни другой)

Ясно, что признаками парных союзов являются последующие …and, …or, …nor.

I. Укажите, являются ли выделенные слова местоимениями или союзами, и переведите


  1. The number of particles of both kinds (protons and neutrons) is given by the atomic weight.

  2. Quantities which have both magnitude and direction are vector quantities.

  3. We can use the same machine either as a generator or as a motor.

  4. When a body tends to remain in either of its natural states we speak about inertia.

  5. Neither of these devices has the desired productivity.

  6. Gases have neither size nor shape of their own.

  7. Either of the methods will give the desired results.

  8. In the relativity theory the resistance of a given body depends on both rest mass (масса покоя) and velocity.

  9. A concave reflector may produce either real or virtual (мнимые) images.

  10. Ionium and thorium have different atomic weights, neither atomic weight is a whole number.

Тема вторая

Усилительный оборот типа it isthat (it iswhich, it iswho) служит для выделения или подчеркивания той части предложения, которая располагается на месте многоточия. Ни одно из трех слов, образующих оборот, отдельно не переводится, но всему обороту соответствует русское именно (или только, как раз и т.п.)

It is these experiments that led to a Именно эти опыты привели к открытию

discovery of neutron. нейтрона.

Напомним, что it не переводится и тогда, когда оно является формальным подлежащим в безличных предложениях (в этом случае после глагола to be часто стоит прилагательное):

It is warm. Тепло.

It is necessary to do this work Необходимо сделать эту работу.

It seemed to us that the problem was Как казалось, что задача не трудная.

not difficult.

II. Переведите, обращая внимание на подчеркнутые слова. Объясните свой перевод:

  1. It is the sum which is the greatest potential source of energy.

  2. As we know it is from uranium and thorium that the nuclear fuel is chiefly obtained.

  3. It was in Yakutia that rich diamond fields were discovered.

  4. It was Lomonosov who founded Moscow University.

  5. It was Democritys who first introduced the idea of the atom.

  6. It is difficult to find a factory or a plant that has no night-class students among its workers.

  7. It is carbon that makes steel so strong and hard.

  8. It is well known that radioactive isotopes can be used very effectively in medicine.

  9. It was impossible to dissolve (растворить) the substance in water.

  10. The winter of 1941 was extremely cold, in fact it was the coldest winter for the previous 10 years.

  11. For this purpose it is necessary to heat the metal in the vacuum.

  12. It is these experiments that led to a discovery of neutron.

Тема третья

Придаточные предложения без союзов. Союз that, с помощью которого присоединяются придаточные дополнительны и определительные, часто опускается. Однако при переводе союз обязателен: для придаточного дополнительного – "что", для определительного – "который". Характер же придаточного можно установить по тому слову в главном предложении, к которому придаточное непосредственно примыкает: за глаголом следует придаточное дополнительное (союз "что"), а за существительным – определительное (союз "который"):

We know copper is nearly as good Мы знаем, что медь почти такой же

a conductor as silver. хороший проводник как и серебро.

The device we used showed good Устройство, которое мы использовали,

results. показало хорошие результаты.

III. Определите тип подчеркнутого бессоюзного придаточного предложения; укажите, какой

союз следует употребить при переводе; затем переведите:

  1. Some time ago we learned a new atomic machine was constructed.

  2. The engine we are standing at operates due to the effect of heat.

  3. You know heat is produced when fuel burns.

  4. The age we live in may be called the age of atom.

  5. We say the discovery of atomic energy is as important as the discovery of fire.

  6. We may say force and motion always go together, one is a cause, the other is a result.

IV. К каждому из подчеркнутых подлежащих найдите его сказуемое. Определите тип

придаточного. Затем переведите пары "подлежащее-сказуемое" для главного и придаточного


  1. The kind of energy we know better is mechanical energy.

  2. We know the instruments function automatically according to a program they have been given.

  3. Everybody knows the mechanical and electrical inventions physics has given us are applications of physical principles.

  4. The amount of heat a body contains is something quite different from its temperature.

  5. You should carry out this research and find the material we need so much.

V. К каждому из подчеркнутых сказуемых найдите его подлежащее. Определите тип

придаточного. Затем переведите каждую из пар "подлежащее-сказуемое":

  1. When the point a force is applied at moves work is done.

  2. In many of the cases the scientist will have to consider the magnitude of the velocity is of importance.

  3. The invisible radiations radioactive isotopes are giving out are becoming a means for control.

  4. The application the radioactive isotopes are finding in different fields of life is of growing importance. The first satellites the Soviet Union made mark the beginning of the cosmic era.

Тема четвертая

Чтение дробных чисел

1/2 one half (a half)

1/3 one third

1/4 one quarter

2/7 two seventh

2 1/2 two and a half

5/8 inch five eights of an inch

12. 25 twelve point two five

0. 012 o [ou] point one two


1) нуль как одна из цифр числа произносится либо 0 [ou], либо naught [no:t], а в качестве

самостоятельного числа – zero [zierou];

2) в десятичных дробях целое число отделяется точкой.

VI. Напишите слова по-английски и прочтите:

3; 13; 30; 40; 100; 126; 705; 1,000; 4,568

3,725; 14,810; 11/15; 1/4; 1/2; 0,115; 0,0003

VII. Прочтите даты:

In 1848. In 1871. In 1905. In 1917. In 1968. In 1901.

In 1800. (Ср. образец: /n 1789 – in the year seventeen eighty nine).


VIII. Напишите во множественном числе и переведите:

  1. This scientist works in the field of physics.

  2. An atom is a very, very small particle of matter.

  3. A car speed along the wide street.

  4. In that case an incandescent object radiates a continuous range of frequencies.

IX. Составьте предложения, переведите, затем прочтите вслух:

  1. two, are, of, kinds, there, changes, and, physical, chemical.

  2. physical. thousands, place, of, nature, changes, take, in.

  3. physical, do, charge, transformations, of, not, composition, the, substances.

X. Объясните употребление some, any, no и переведите:

  1. Some of the materials found in the crust of the earth are very important.

  2. Some substances may exist as crystals of different forms.

  3. No part of the earth is more necessary to life than our atmosphere.

  4. No two substances expand alike.

  5. Three forces cannot be in balance if the sum of any two is less than the third or if the difference between any two is greater than the third.

  6. Not long ago iron and steel were the only materials used in the construction of any machine.

XI. Переведите на русский язык:

Take a handful of air, and you will hold billions of atoms. Now let us look at your handful of atoms. You can't see an individual atom, for every atom is very small. Suppose that you take a look at just one of the atoms you hold in your hand. What will you see?

XII. Назовите время сказуемых и укажите функции глагола to have. Затем переведите на русский


  1. The cyclotron has been of great help to the development of human knowledge in the field of nuclear physics.

  2. In the cyclotron particles of energy up to a billion electron volts and store have been achieved.

  3. Beta particles have a smaller mass than alpha particles.

  4. Many scientists had to leave tsarist Russia because they were given to help by the government.

  5. In 1761 M.V. Lomonosov. with the aid of telescope, discovered a luminous rim around Venus.

  6. He explained that this phenomenon had been causes by the existence of an atmosphere around Venus.

  7. Observations showed that the luminous rim was really the planet's atmosphere lit up by the sun.

  8. It was observed in 1882 and will not be seen again until 2004.

XIII. Найдите подлежащее и сказуемые и переведите, обращая внимание на ing-формы.

Укажите, где это причастие активное, а где герундий. В случае причастия, является ли оно

определением или обстоятельством (пользуйтесь алгоритмом для ing-форм):

  1. While burning different substance combine with oxygen.

  2. Raising the temperature we increase the agitation of the molecules.

  3. The strength of the magnet increases with the number of amperes flowing.

  4. The electric current, consisting of a stream of electrons, can be driven through the conductor.

  5. Two methods of reproducing sound in motion pictures have been found.

  6. A falling barometer usually means descending (to descend - спускаться) air current, little cloud, and no rain, that is fair weather.

  7. The material showed the property of attracting small objects after it had been rubbed.

  8. The commonest cause of cloud formation is he cooling of ascending (to ascend - подниматься) air.

  9. In describing magnetic fields, two vector quantities B and H are commonly used.

XIV. В сложных предложениях определите тип придаточных и переведите:

  1. The metal objects is extended when it is heated.

  2. The last century was spoken of as the age of steam, for due to steam the whole course of manufacture was transformed.

  3. But in those days it was possible to use power only close to the spot (близко к тому месту) where it was generated.

  4. Now power is transmitted to a great distance with very little loss (потеря) if it is carried by an electric current.

  5. The amount of performed work is determined by two factors: the applied force and the distance through which the force acts.

  6. Falling water has a store (запас) of energy, for as it is flowing down it can be used to drive the water-wheels of turbines.

  7. When both bismuth and nickel are heated the best result is obtained.

XV. Переведите на русский язык. Затем замените подчеркнутые слова придаточными

определительными предложениями и снова переведите:

  1. Our plant has the territory occupying several square miles.

  2. A rectangle (прямоугольник) is a parallelogram having right angles.

  3. The boiling water is changing into steam.

  4. The construction of new plants is being provided with electricity from heat power stations, located in many parts of the country.

  5. The valuable property of radiation possessed by the "radioactive isotopes" may be used for various purposes.

XVI. Образуйте сложные предложения из двух простых:

  1. The best season of the Antarctic year is summer. In summer the temperature rises several degrees above 0oC.

  2. The nuclear (ядерный) fuel is obtained from uranium and thorium. The resources of uranium and thorium can provide for the world's power needs (нужды) for hundreds of centuries.

  1. Many foreign scientists have already visited Dubna. Dubna's doors are open to all wishing to

take part in the work of the Institute.

XVII. Проанализируйте предложения. Укажите, какой частью речи является слово that

(указательное местоимение или же союз) и как его следует перевести (тот, который,

что, то что). Затем переведите предложения:

  1. Our town that was set up on the ruins has the heroic past.

  2. At that point the line drops to zero.

  3. They say that the report will be followed by a discussion.

  4. That the liquid state is the normal state for water, is a well-known fact.

  5. An important characteristic of radiation is that it can take place in vacuum.

  6. The shop that is being built in that region will be equipped with modern machines.

  7. – What part of speech is this "that"? – I think that this "that" is a conjunction but that "that" that that man used is a pronoun.


Сложное предложение (продолжение)

В уроке 11 говорилось, что специфической трудностью при переводе сложного предложения есть членение его на простые. Для этого важно не только узнавать в тексте союзы, связывающие части сложного предложения, но также всегда проверять, имеется ли в каждом из простых свое подлежащее и свое сказуемое.

Вы уже упражнялись в членении сложно-сочиненных предложений (с союзами and, but, or и бессоюзных) и в членении сложно-подчиненных (с союзами which, that, for, before, since, because, after). Теперь эту работу продолжим на сложно-подчиненнных предложениях с другими союзами, а также бессоюзными.

I. Найдите подлежащие и сказуемые. Укажите границу между главным и придаточным

предложениями, обращая внимание на место придаточного по отношению к главному.

Перевод не требуется:

  1. There are many people who study and at the same time do their regular work.

  2. Power means the rate at which work is done. It is equal to the work divided by the time which is necessary in order to perform it.

  3. The University building that is 32 stores high has more than a thousand lecture halls and laboratories.

  4. There is hardly anybody who had not heard about Dubna.

  5. After this we know in what terms physicists measure the energy of particles.

  6. Many foreign scientists have already visited Dubna, whose doors are open to all who will wish to take part in the work of the Institute.

  7. Diamond is not the only valuable mineral that has been found in Yakutia whose natural riches are so great that it is difficult to tell by what moment in the future they will have been fully explored.

  8. The liquid whose viscosity is to be measured is poured into the annular space between the cylinders.

II. Укажите, какие из подчеркнутых слов (и почему) являются в предложении подлежащими

(их 5). Затем дайте перевод:

whose at what moment for which they

to whom which of them to which

which takes who to them which

about whom those who to whose

III. Переведите, обращая внимание на придаточные подлежащие и придаточные сказуемые

предложения (запомните, что часто союзные what, that переводятся в этих предложениях как

"то, что", а глагол-связку to be нужно переводить "состоит в том", "представляет собой",


  1. The oxygen component of the air is what supports our life.

  2. What has been called the scientific method began to appear in the time of Galiley.

  3. That heat flows from a place of higher to one of lower temperature should be kept in mind.

  4. The question is what a diesel engine is, how it works and how it differs from a gasoline engine.

  5. The future of astronautics will be a logical continuation of what has already been achieved.

  6. What practical value radioactive substances may have in the future is yet to be demonstrated.

  7. At the end of the last century the general point of view was that physics had been brought to its last stage of development.

  8. It is not so difficult to foretell what will be the next stage in space research.

IV. В предыдущем упражнении укажите три способа перевода what. Попробуйте назвать

признаки, которые оказываются решающими при выборе того или иного способа.

V. Определите границы между частями сложного предложения (найдите союзы, проверьте

наличие подлежащих, сказуемых и т.д.). Переведите союзы:

  1. We have already seen how the addition of extra particles increases the binding energy of nucleus.

  2. The chief thing in which they were interested was whether there were many substances possessing the property of radiation.

  3. When Moscow University was founded it was housed in a small building in the red Square.

  4. Diamond is not the only valuable mineral that has been found in Yakutia.

  5. If the bearing does not have ample side clearance, enough oil may not get under the journal to maintain a complete oil film.

  6. The gas molecules have attraction for each other although the attraction is very small.

  7. The chief property which gases possess is their ability rapidly to occupy space.

  8. Wood is the richest source of cellulose for more than one half of its substance is cellulose fibber.

  9. As the piston moves up the pressure in the cylinder increases.

  10. Since copper was so scarce it was expensive and had to be used very carefully.

  11. Fast neutrons can penetrate any material and must be slowed down before they can be absorbed.

  12. The road must be laid out with a view to economy in original cost and maintenance for generally its life time may be limited.

VI. Подберите правильные переводы для союзов. Решение запишите в тетрадях шифром

(например, шифр _4 означает, что для which переводом является "который"):

1. which 2. why 3. where 4. whether 5. how 6. whose

7. while 8. although 9. for

1. хотя 2. в то время как 3. чей 4. который 5. что 6. где

7. почему 8. перед тем как 9. как 10. если 11. так как 12. чтобы 13. ли

VII. Установите простые и сложные предложения, определите в них главные члены. В каждом

из сложных выделите простые и установите характер связи между ними (сочинительная или

подчинительная). Переведите союзы, полный перевод не обязателен:

  1. Practical considerations limit the number of stages, and it is doubtful whether more than two stages will be used.

  2. Due to the considerable deposits of non-ferrous metals the requirements of the electromagnetic, automobile and many other branches of industry are largely provided for.

  3. The double rotation turbine is essentially a reaction turbine in principle but is distinctive in that the nozzles are permitted to rotate in the direction opposite to the blading.

  4. These valves are closed when the unit is shut down and isolate it from the remainder of the equipment.

  5. Any condition that causes metallic contact between the shaft and the bearing will lead to vibration.

VIII. Проанализируйте предложения (найдите подлежащие и сказуемые, выделите главное

предложение и придаточные). Установите характер придаточных бессоюзных –

дополнительное или определительное. Затем дайте перевод, после чего обязательно

прочтите предложения вслух, стараясь паузами и интонацией выделять придаточные


  1. Fuels are substances we burn in order to provide heat.

  2. The chief property gases possess is their ability rapidly to occupy space.

  3. The discovery of the radiation, radioactive substances emit was of the greatest importance.

  4. The Curie found polonium was many times more active than uranium.

  5. In 1898 they announced, they discovered the element radium.

  6. The number of electrons an atom loses or receives is called its valence.

  7. The properties of composite matter are always quite different from those of the elements it consists of.

  8. The application the radioactive isotopes are finding in different fields of life is of growing importance,

  9. In solidifying some metals liberate the same amount of heat they absorb in melting.

  10. Even at the lowest temperatures we can obtain the common gases do not liquefy and freeze if they are kept at low pressure.

Сложное предложение (заключение)

Тогда как при переводе простого предложения основная задача – найти подлежащее и сказуемое, специфическая трудность при переводе сложного предложения – разбиение его на простые. Поскольку в технических текстах сложные предложения составляют большинство, нам очень важно научиться этой операции.

Можно составить алгоритм, который подводил бы к разбиению сложного предложения на простые. Но такой алгоритм будет громоздким. В нем надо предусмотреть, что союзы могут соединять не только простые предложения, но и однородные члены внутри простого (and, but, or). Что некоторые союзы совпадают по форме с предлогами (for, after, before, because). Что придаточное может стоять и впереди главного, и внутри его, и позади его. Что оно бывает также бессоюзным, и многое другое.

Хотя такой общий алгоритм нами не составлялся, отдельные части его последовательно отрабатывались в уроках 11 и 12. Задача теперь в том, чтобы полученные навыки не забывались, а постоянно хранились в памяти. Встретив тот или иной опорный признак (союз, явное сказуемое, явное подлежащее), сопоставьте его с другими признаками, переберите различные возможности, пока не увидите, как данное сложное предложение разбивается на простые.

Чтобы научиться этому, надо сознательно и упорно тренироваться. Тогда с накоплением опыта вы обязательно разовьете и нужную интуицию.

IX. Выполните упражнения в анализе простого предложения. Даны семь предложений, зашифрованные так, что полнозначные слова (и части слов) обозначены с помощью тире, а сохранены только служебные слова и окончания. Найдите в каждом подлежащее и сказуемое, и свое решение запишите в тетради в виде таблички. Например запись:

№ предложения







означает, что в первом предложении подлежащим является слово 4, а сказуемое начинается словом 5:

№ предл.


























































































X. Переведите со словарем текст. После этого читайте вслух:


It was in the compass that magnetism first found a practical use. Many centuries ago the people of ancient China noticed the attracting properties of loadstones, that is, magnetic oxides of iron. (A loadstone, which means loading stone, is a name given to the natural magnet).

The property had helped them to discover that a freely suspended magnetized bar points North and South, and so1 it can be used to determine direction. Thus the compass was invented.

In ancient books we find a description of the compass of those days. It was shaped like a spoon mounted on a graduated plate. We know the spoon had to be rotated by hand and when it came to rest2, it was pointing North and South.

The Chinese not only invented the compass but as early as the eleventh century had discovered how to make magnetic needles. This was the first time such a thing had been done anywhere in the world. These needles made of fish-shaped pieces of iron which floated on water, were acted on by the earth's magnetic field.

About the end of the eleventh century the Chinese began to use the compass in navigation. In the twelfth century the compass of the floating needle type came into use3. Its iron-needle was fastened to a thin strip of cork or wood, so that it floated in a bowl of water. The needle was magnetized by contact with a natural magnet taken from the earth. This early seagoing4 compass was in use on Chinese ships up to the seventeenth century. It was probably the best type available if we consider the scientific an technical level of the time.

In Middle Ages there was a lively trade and a busy cultural exchange between China and the Arab countries.

It was from the Chinese that the Arabs first learnt to make compasses and to use them in navigation. The Arabs in their turn introduced the compass to Europe, where it began to appear over eight hundred years ago. We know it was used on Italian, Portuguese and Norwegian ships of the twelfth century.

The great invention of the ancient Chinese was further developed thanks to the skilled Arab an European scientists and thus reached its present perfection.


so1 - зд. таким образом

to come to rest2 - приходить в состояние покоя

to come into use3 - появиться в употреблении

seagoing4 - мореходный, морской

XI. Дополнительно перевести устно (без словаря):

Professor Neils Bohr, the well known Danish physicist delivered a lecture before the students of Moscow University. "Today, I shall tell you about the development of nuclear physics which was greatly enriched by the scientists of your great country", Neils Bohr said to the students. He gave the student many examples of contribution made by our scientists to world science.

"At the beginning of the 20th century the physicists came up against very great difficulties caused by the discovery of the micro-world", he continued. The scientists spoke in detail about the formation of the modern idea of the micro-world, the development of quantum physics and the discovery and use of the tremendous energy of atomic nuclei. Future physicists, mathematicians, chemists, philosophers who were present at the lecture delivered by professor Neils Bohr listened with great attention.