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Пособие по англ. яз. (8-12) (мет).doc
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В сложно-сочиненном предложении границей между составляющими его простыми предложениями служат запятая и сочинительные союзы and, but, or (при этом запятая

обязательна, а союз не обязателен; см. примеры выше).

Однако и запятая и союз могут встречаться также внутри простого предложения, например при однородных членах. Вот почему надо еще убедиться, что и справа, и слева от предполагаемой границы есть пары "подлежащее-сказуемое". Сравните:

Wood is strong, but iron is much Дерево прочно, но железо намного

stronger (союз but соединяет два прочнее.

однородных определения).

Aluminium is a light but strong metal Алюминий – легкий, но прочный металл.

(союз but соединяет два однородных


I. Определите функцию подчеркнутых союзов; соединяют ли они однородные члены внутри

простого предложения или же они соединяют простые предложения внутри сложного.

Перевод не требуется:

  1. Oil seals must be set close to the shaft for the best results, but clearance should be provided for the rise and lateral movement of the shaft due to the oil film.

  2. There may be high spots on the journal or bearing bushing, or the journal may be out of the round.

  3. Metals of higher heat strength may be found, and more efficient blade sections and angles may be discovered, but developments already have been carried pretty far in these directions.

II. В данных сложно-сочиненных предложениях найдите границу между составляющими их простыми. В каждом из простых укажите подлежащее и сказуемое. Перевод не требуется:

  1. Bearing clearance is inadequate, or the oil is too coolб or too high in viscosity.

  2. The unit has been shut down for a few hours only, and the turbines are still warm.

  3. One position of the glasses or filters gives the picture on the rear tube, but reversing the position brings in the other picture.

III. Укажите, какие из предложений являются сложными какие простыми. Назовите подлежащие

и сказуемые. Установите функцию сочинительных союзов. Перевод не требуется:

  1. Hand-operated valves are usually provided on the feed-water lines to the boiler and to the steam main leaving the boiler.

  2. Some cooling occurs during compression, the heat is removed by the jacket water and by the air surrounding the cylinder walls and cylinder head.

  3. The use of peak load, stand-by and other new installations is increasing and will probably continue to increase.

  4. The oil floats and forms a blanket on the top of the refrigerant, it presents a serious problem of return.

  5. The vapour density of ammonia permits high vapour velocity through valves and piping, so streamlining of valve ports and manifolds is unnecessary.

  6. Carbon dioxide is not inflammable but has actually a tendency to smother and kind of combustion.

  7. The bearing may be misaligned or pinched in the housing, or may be loose in the housing.

IV. Определите функцию запятой:

а) разделяет однородные члены в простом предложении;

б) разделяет части сложного предложения;

в) выделяет обособленные и распространенные члены предложения.

Назовите простые и сложные предложения. Перевод не требуется:

  1. Low viscosities, solubility of refrigerant in oil, and high fluid velocities increase heat -----------

characteristics in actual operation.

  1. The ideal refrigerant, for reasons of economy, uninterrupted operation and safety, will show low escaping tendency.

  2. The angular position taken up by the serial will, of course, give the bearing and elevation, and in the Fig. 22 system this information is sent to the computer.

  3. The relative strength of the signals gives the position of the missile relative to the cone-centre in polar co-ordinates, and these values, after transformation into Cartesian co-ordinates, are used to apply the necessary correcting movements to the control surfaces.

  4. In the early machines this unit could add, subtract and multiply, but division was performed by means of a series of other operations.

  5. By means of the calculus of finite differences, we can solve ordinary and partial differential equations and integral equations.

  6. Digital machines, on the other hand, work directly with numbers in digital form and are capable of performing exactly the fundamental operations of arithmetic, addition and subtraction, and usually also multiplication and division.

V. Определите, является ли предложение простым или сложным. Затем переведите:

  1. The evening class students have lectures and practice hours, in the same manner as day students in the ordinary institutes.

  2. They do not attend the institute every day but only four evenings a week.

  3. In the electrically equipped factory there are no shafts and belts as in old factories, each machine is driven by its own motor.

  4. The last century was spoken of the age of steam, our century is called the age of the electricity.

  5. At the same time the transport will be more and more speeded by the application of electric power to railways.

  6. These forces are pushing upon an object or pulling upon it, so they change it from a state of rest to a state of motion or from motion to rest.

  7. In the language of science a few words among them force, work, energy and power, have definite meanings differing a little from their meanings in everyday life.