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WORKBOOK Part 4.doc
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5 Complete these sentences with the correct relative.

1 There are 12 students ___________ are big sports fans.

2 They wear T-shirts __________ advertise their favourite teams.

3 Tennis is the only game ______________ Paul likes.

4 The ‘wizards’ are students __________ like surfing the Internet.

5 The Internet is the place __________ they get their information.

6 Henry has black hair _____________ is starting to turn grey.

7 The car ____________ is parked outside is John’s.

8 That’s the man ___________ fixed my car.

9 There’s a concert on tonight ____________ I’d like to see.

10 There’s the house ____________ I was talking about.

6 Fill in: when, where, why.

a This is the town __________ I grew up.

b Do you know the reason __________ she was crying yesterday?

c There are several reasons __________ I can’t go to the party.

d I’ll never forget the day ____________ I first met Joan.

e The Star Bar, ____________ I worked for a while, has closed down.

7 Choose the correct variant a, b, or c.

1 A team is a group of sportsmen ___ play together.

A who B that C which

2 The Spice Girls were unusual ___ they became famous in the 1990s.

A whom B which C when

3 Halloween is a festival ___ takes place on October.

A who B that C where

4 One of the London designers, Mary Quant, is famous for inventing the mini skirt ___ caused a scandal at that time.

A which B when C whose

5 A dressing room is a place ___ actors put on their costumes and make-up.

A where B who C when

6 ___ are people who surf the Internet.

A fans B wizards C look-alikes

7 ___ is a type of creative hobbies.

A football B hang-gliding C DIY

8 Some people prefer playing board games such as ___ .

A gardening B backgammon С antiques

9 Collecting ___ may cost a lot of money (especially speaking about the Shakespeare’s one).

A autographs B books C stamps

10 My friend has a wonderful ___ of traditional music.

A bibliography B collection C library

11 When a person is ready to spend all his money for his hobby, it becomes a/an ___ .

A fitness B obsession C jealousy

12 He needs money to feed his ___ to gambling.

A addiction B inspiration C position

13 Today it is not very popular to ___ things such as stamps or coins.

A collect B take C make

8 Fill in the gaps with where, when or why.

1 This is the neighbourhood __________ I spent most of my childhood.

2 The reason ___________ Jill can’t come to your party is that she has to study for her exams.

3 I remember the day __________ Manchester United won the European Cup Final.

4 The little corner shop __________ I used to buy my groceries is now a huge supermarket.

5 What’s the reason __________ Joe didn’t come to school today?

6 Tracy didn’t realize that the restaurant __________ we ate last night was your father’s.

7 Rachel didn’t explain __________ she didn’t attend the meeting.

8 Do you remember the time __________ we got lost up in the mountains?

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