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WORKBOOK Part 4.doc
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Vocabulary and grammar

4 Underline the correct word.

a There was a great horror/terror film on last night.

b Don’t believe that old story; it’s just a myth/mythology.

c If aliens exist, it is unlikely that they look like humans/people.

d Sharon phoned while I was seeing/watching a film.

e Fred took up/over karate when he was six.

5 Choose the correct variant a, b, or c.

1 The Rolling Stones performed in front of thousands of excited ___.

A fans B presenters C researchers

2 A person who has no practice in something may be called an ___ expert.

A outdoor B armchair C indoor

3 ‘Devil’ was a ___ film and I was quite terrified, but Julia thought it was funny.

A science fiction B comedy C horror

4 Every weekend a lot of young Italians go to the ___ disco.

A plane B car C rail

5 Actually every fan wants to be a ___ of his/her idol.

A look-alike B brother C neighbour

6 Watching this film is just ___ your time.

A doing B wasting C planning


When we compare two things we use the comparative form of adjectives:

a adjectives of one syllable: adjective + er.

Example: nice – nicer (than)

b adjectives of two syllables ending in –y: adjective + ier.

Example: pretty – prettier (than)

c adjectives with two, three or more syllables: more + adjective.

Example: interesting – more interesting (than)


When we compare three or more things we use the superlative form of adjectives.

a adjectives of one syllable: adjective + est.

Example: slow – (the) slowest

b adjectives of two syllables ending in –y: adjective + iest.

Example: noisy – (the) noisiest

c adjectives with two, three or more syllables: most + adjective.

Example: beautiful – (the) most beautiful

NOTE: Irregular forms

Good – better - the best / bad – worse – the worst

Much – more - the most / little – less – the least

Far – farther/further – the farthest/the furthest

Many/lots – more – the most


When we make comparisons we can also use as + adjective + as (which means the same or equal) or not as + adjective + as (which means not the same or not equal).

Example: My hands are as cold as ice. (My hands are cold. Ice is cold. My hands are like ice.)

He’s not as strong as I am. (We are not equal. I am stronger. He is weaker.)

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