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WORKBOOK Part 4.doc
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13 Decide if the sentence is right or wrong. If it is wrong, correct it.

1 I’m busier than my little sister.

2 London is more old than New York.

3 It is the most sharp pencil I have.

4 Do you know the shortest way to the station?

5 This exercise is more difficult than that one.

6 Be activer at your lessons, please.

7 She is the most pretty girl I’ve ever known.

8 The boy is as taller as his father.

9 He makes more mistakes than you do.

10 Baseball is the popularest summer sport in America.

11 Yesterday he started to feel more bad.

12 Soon it began to get more darker and it was time to go back home.

13 He said that money was the most important for him.

14 I’ve got a headache. Be quieter, please.

15 Mary’s answer is correcter than yours.

16 Can you come more early next time?

17 You should be carefuler.

14 Cross out the unnecessary word.

  1. Mark’s voice is very much louder than Alan’s.

  2. Mrs. Garrison is the most oldest teacher in the school.

  3. This village is by far quieter than the one we live in.

  4. Playing golf isn’t as more tiring as playing football.

  5. As time went by, it got darker and the darker.

  6. The more you study, the better than your marks will be.

  7. This task is the less difficult than the others.

  8. He drives the far fastest of all.

  9. Jane is as much tall as Sarah.

  10. It was a quite an exciting film.

1 5 Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived from the words in bold.


16 Write a small paragraph (50 words) beginning I’m a fan of …….. .

The paragraph could be about a sport, art, or a political figure, a fashion

designer, etc. Describe this person, why you like him/her, follow him/her.

17 At home interview 5 people concerning their likes in reading and listening to music. Complete the following chart and then analyze it and in the class make the presentation (within 1 minute) of the information you have got. Note the genres of books, people’s age, music preferences.

Names of people


Names of books

Names of records







Unusual hobbies


1 Read the article. Seven sentences have been removed from it. Choose

from the sentences A-H the one which best fits each gap 1-6. There is one

sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

A I ended up with about 30 000 pounds, which is still a big windfall for me.

B Even Tony’s wildest dreams could not have prepared him for the truth, though.

C So, what kind of ‘treasure’ does Tony find on his expeditions to the local countryside?

D He spends every weekend searching for buried treasure, whatever the weather.

E Tony’s children used to wish that their dad would give up his strange hobby.

F I’d been searching all day, but the only things I’d managed to dig up were a few bits of rubbish.

G I just love finding things, no matter what their value might be.

H The experts who valued Tony’s find told him that it was a very precious 12th century statue that had great historical importance.

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