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7. Примеры контрольных заданий.

Очная форма обучения

1-ый семестр.

В первом семестре контрольное задание представляет собой перевод незнакомого текста общеюридической тематики объемом 1100-1200 печ. знаков со словарем за 2 акад. часа.

Образец контрольного задания

Контрольное задание № 1

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский)»

1. Письменно переведите следующий текст с английского языка на русский. Время на подготовку – 2 акад. часа. Разрешается пользоваться словарем на бумажном носителе.

The nobility in Athens had been making all the decisions for long enough. By 621 B.C. the people of Athens were no longer willing to accept arbitrary, oral rules of the aristocrats and judges. A severe ruler called Draco was chosen to draw up new laws and he made them so strict and cruel that the least sin was punished as if it had been a crime, and a man was sentenced to be hanged for stealing.

As a result of Draco's strict, unforgiving code, the adjective based on the name Draco - draconian - refers to penalties considered excessively severe. Through the laws of Draco, those in debt could be made slaves - but only if they were members of the lower class. Another result of the codification of laws by Draco was the introduction of the concept of "intention to murder." Murder could be manslaughter (either justifiable or accidental) or intentional homicide.

The Athenians had all promised to obey Draco's laws, so they were obliged to submit for a short time. Then, driven wild by their strictness, rich and poor rose up, drove the unhappy lawmaker out of the city, and forced him to go to the neighboring Island of Egina. Here Draco spent all the rest of his life.

2. Дополнительное задание.

Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым частям предложения.

1) The most detailed ancient legal code was drawn up by Hammurabi.

2) The aristocracy owned the best land in Greece.

3) Mrs. Robinson's story about treatment in prison caused an outcry.

4) The Revolution settlement provided a freedom from arbitrary government

5) Napoleon Bonaparte became emperor of France after the French Revolution.

2-ой семестр

Во втором семестре студенты выполняют контрольное задание в виде доклада или презентации по теме «Судебно-правовые системы зарубежных стран». Конкретные темы определяются преподавателем.

Очно-заочная форма обучения

Контрольное задание для студентов очно-заочной формы обучения включает в себя перевод текста по профессиональной тематике с иностранного языка на русский и выполнение текстовых заданий.

Образец контрольного задания

Контрольное задание № 1

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции (английский)»

1. Письменно переведите следующий текст с английского языка на русский.

The nobility in Athens had been making all the decisions for long enough. By 621 B.C. the people of Athens were no longer willing to accept arbitrary, oral rules of the aristocrats and judges. A severe ruler called Draco was chosen to draw up new laws and he made them so strict and cruel that the least sin was punished as if it had been a crime, and a man was sentenced to be hanged for stealing.

As a result of Draco's strict, unforgiving code, the adjective based on the name Draco - draconian - refers to penalties considered excessively severe. Through the laws of Draco, those in debt could be made slaves - but only if they were members of the lower class. Another result of the codification of laws by Draco was the introduction of the concept of "intention to murder." Murder could be manslaughter (either justifiable or accidental) or intentional homicide.

The Athenians had all promised to obey Draco's laws, so they were obliged to submit for a short time. Then, driven wild by their strictness, rich and poor rose up, drove the unhappy lawmaker out of the city, and forced him to go to the neighboring Island of Egina. Here Draco spent all the rest of his life.

2. Выполните следующие задания.

1) Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих выражений:

принимать решения; составлять законы; приговаривать к повешению; наказания; кодификация законов; непредумышленное убийство; подчиняться законам;

2) Составьте предложения со следующими выражениями:

to make decisions; arbitrary rules; to draw up laws; to sentence to death for smth.; severe penalties; to be in debt; to obey laws; to force to do smth.

3) Согласитесь или не согласитесь со следующими утверждениями:

a) Before 621 B.C. all the decisions in Athens had been made by the nobility.

b) Aristocrats and judges in Athens were no longer willing to accept arbitrary, oral rules.

c) Draco was chosen by Athenians to make their laws strict and cruel.

d) People were sentenced to be hanged even for stealing.

e) The adjective draconian - refers to penalties considered excessively severe.

f) Even aristocrats who were in debt could be made slaves.

g) People refused to obey Draco's laws and killed the lawgiver.

4) Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым частям предложений.

a) The nobility in Athens had been making all the decisions for long enough.

b) A severe ruler called Draco was chosen to draw up new laws.

c) The least sin was punished as if it had been a crime.

d) The adjective draconian refers to penalties considered excessively severe.

e) Another result of the codification of laws by Draco was the introduction of the concept of "intention to murder."

f) The Athenians had all promised to obey Draco's laws.

g) Rich and poor rose up and drove the unhappy lawmaker out of the city.

h) People forced Draco to go to the neighboring Island of Egina.

5) Составьте план текста.

6) Перескажите текст.