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1. State – is special political organization of public authority that has own territory, sovereignty, system of laws and legislation, financial monetary system, and it is a subject of international relations.

2. Grounds of deprivation of right of inheritance:

  1. At the request of the alienator due failing of acquirer its orders.

  2. At the request of purchaser in case of impossibility of executing the orders of alienator.

3. Absolute necessity – cases when a person to prevent damage to their personal interests and interests of others, society and the state, were forced to harm another interests.

4. Theological concept – all state exist as result of God will.

Patriarchal concept – theory that the state appeared from family.

Warrior concept – theory that the state appeared in result of wars.

Space concept – theory that the state appeared due space civilization.

Marksizmlaminist concept – theory that the state appeared in result of protection goods.

5. Ground of dissolution of labor contract on initiative of proprietor:

  1. Provided in the law mandates of termination of labor contract.

  2. Subject to dismissal on a specific grounds.

  3. Termination of labor contract due the act of third party (court , military).

6. Criminal punishment is the authoritative imposition of something negative or unpleasant on a person in response to behavior deemed wrong by an individual or group.

Aims of criminal punishment:

  1. Restoration of social justice.

  2. Correction of convict.

  3. Prevention of further crimes.

7. Civil society is the arena outside of the family, the state, and the market where people associate to advance common interests. It is considered to include the family and the private sphere and then referred to as the "third sector" of society, distinct from government and business.

8. The grounds of dissolution of labor contract on initiative of worker :

1. Changes of owner of organization.

2. Changes of condition of labor contract.

3. Transfer to another job due to health according to medical opinion.

4. Transfer to another job due moving organization in another location.

9. Criminal punishment is the authoritative imposition of something negative or unpleasant on a person in response to behavior deemed wrong by an individual or group.

Types of criminal punishment:

  1. Fines.

  2. The deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions .

  3. Deprivation of a special military or honorary rank and state awards.

  4. Mandatory work.

  5. Remedial work.

  6. Restriction on military service.

  7. Confiscation of property.

  8. Restriction of freedom

  9. Arrest.

  10. Send in disciplinary military unit.

  11. Imprisonment for a special period of time.

  12. Life imprisonment.

10. Legal State – is a state all activity of which is subject to rules and fundamental principles of law.

11. Non-property rights and duties of married couple

The persons who applied for registration of marriage shall inform each other about condition of health. Hiding of serious disease, as well as disease dangerous for the other spouse, their heirs may be the ground for recognition of marriage as invalid. A woman and a man shall have equal rights and duties in family relations, marriage and family. Family duties are tightly interrelated and therefore shall not be transferred to the other person. A wife and a husband shall be responsible before each other, before other family members for their behavior in the family; they shall jointly take care of material provision of a family.

12. The basic types of punishments in accordance with the Criminal Code of Ukraine

The following types of punishment can be applied to individuals who were found guilty of committing a crime by a court:

penalty; reduction in the military or special rank, title or a qualification class; depriving of the right to take certain positions or to perform certain activities; public works; correctional works; service restriction for military personnel; confiscation of property; arrest; personal restraint; retention in a disciplinary battalion for military personnel; imprisonment for a definite period; life imprisonment.

13. The notion, the subject and method of administrative law of Ukraine

Administrative law is the area of law that regulates the operation of the various levels of Ukrainian Government, including the process for people and legal entities to appeal decisions by the government. This code is referred to as the Administrative Code of Ukraine.

The subject of the branch of the administrative law of Ukraine is a system of broad social relations between the public administration and the objects of the public management, which arise in the sphere of authoritative and administrative activity, rendering of administrative services, with the purpose of public guaranteeing of rights and liberties of the person and the citizen and normal functioning of the civil society and the state, with the opportunity of applying of measures of administrative compulsion and administrative responsibility to disturbers of administrative-legal regulations

Administrative-legal methods is the complex of ways and modes of impact of the public administration on the objects of management as to providing of regulative impact of regulations of the administrative law on social relations, with aid of which the legally authoritative and legally dependent status of the parties in legal relations is established.

14. The circumstances, which mitigate criminal punishment

In law, mitigating circumstances in criminal cases are unusual or extreme facts leading up to or attending the commission of the offense which, though an offense has been committed without legal justification or excuse, mitigate or reduce its gravity from the point of view of punishment or moral opprobrium. 1) giving oneself, sincere repentance or actively promote the disclosure of the offense; 2) voluntary compensation for damage or eliminate the damage caused: 3) The juvenile offense; 4) committing a crime by a pregnant woman; 5) the offense as a result of a confluence of difficult personal, family or other circumstances; 6) a crime under the influence of threats, coercion, or by virtue of material, service or any other addiction; 7) a crime under the influence of strong emotion caused by the illegal or immoral actionsof the victim; 8) the offense in excess of the limits of extreme necessity; 9) to perform special tasks for the prevention or detection of criminal activities of an organized group or criminal organization, coupled with the commission of crimes in the cases stipulated by the Criminal Code.

15. The notion and the attributes of legal relations

Relationship - is regulated by rules of law social relation, whose members have reciprocal rights and obligations guaranteed by the state. The main features of relationship: Relationship is a form of social communication (legal relationship) of the subjects of social intercourse; Relationship arises on the basis of the law, it is a legal relationship - it is not any actual relationship, but only that which is regulated by the law; The subjects have interdependent relationship (mutual) legal rights and responsibilities; Bilateral relationship is a legal relationship, that is, through the mutual legal rights and responsibilities; Relationship exists to the extent that members are carriers of the respective rights and responsibilities; Relationship is strong-willed legal relationship, that is the result of the will of both sides of the relationship, or one of its sides; Types of relationships For example, a distinction is made between: By branch principle - the constitutional, civil, administrative, etc.; In terms of regulation - the material (civil, criminal) proceedings (civil procedure, criminal procedure); By the nature of legal obligation - active (performed certain actions in favor of the entitled), passive (not committed certain acts in favor of the entitled); For the number of participants - simple (there are between two subjects), complex (there are between three or more subjects); For the duration of action - short, long term (lasting);

16. The notion and the attributes of offence

A crime is committed by a public - a dangerous act, characterized by signs provided by the Criminal Code, and forbidden to them under the threat of punishment. Signs of commencing: - The social danger of the act - Wrongfulness - The guilt of the person who committed the act criminal liability,

Criminal inaction - a kind of passive behavior of the person, when it does not performactions that directly prescribed by law. For example, a crime committed in the form ofinaction, a failure to help the patient medical officer (Article 139 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

17. the mutual right and duties of parents and children

The rights and duties of parents and children based on the origin of the child's body which is confirmed by RAPA (simply on the basis of birth certificates or documents of adoption). In accordance with the laws of Ukraine are regulated by: 1) The moral rights and duties of parents and children; 2) The rights of parents and children on the property; 3) The duty of parents to support children; 4) The duty to provide parents of children; The main provisions of the intangible personal rights and responsibilities of parents is that both mother and father have equal rights and responsibilities in respect of the child, and children, in turn, have the same rights and obligations with respect to their parents. For personal intangible rights include: 1) pre-emptive right of parents to other persons in the private education of a child; 2) The duties of parents: - Respectively to raise a child; - Bake on the child's health, his physical and mental development; - Respect the child's 3) The duty of a child of age to take care of their parents, and smack them with assistance; 4) The rights of children include: - The right to oppose the execution inappropriately parents of their responsibilities with respect to them; - The right to a corresponding parent education; - The right to seek protection of their rights and interests of the child welfare authorities, or directly to the court (if they have reached 14 years of age);

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