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3 Prepare the answers to the following questions.

  1. Why are many Europeans worried?

  2. What has made English important in youth culture?

  3. In what way is America like a policeman?

  4. What is the connection between McDonalds and Coca Cola?

  5. Does the author see American influence as good or bad? Give examples.

4 Find words/phrases in the article which mean the following.

  1. to underline

  2. to realize

  3. menace

  4. to communicate with

  5. to be generally accepted

  6. evident

  7. roughly



5 Listen to the recording about war on manners. Fill in the gaps (1-10) with the missing information. Use no more than 5 words.

It is claimed that doctors are losing the respect of their patients because of the growing trend to call patients by their first name. Doctors who were once (1) _________ members of the community are no longer seen (2) ________ and are now subject to the same abuse and aggression that is found elsewhere. On sport, the report said that the decline in organized games at school (3) ________ the development of good manners and (4) ___________. Cheating at sport from some of our best-known sportsmen was also (5) ___________ more widespread, again setting a poor example for the children who admire and worship them. Clothes are becoming outwardly aggressive and (6) ___________. The deliberate neglect of personal appearance, the wearing of work clothes on social occasions, the use of gym clothes in supermarkets, are all (7) __________ a contempt for society and for other people (8) _________ is on the increase. Leather (9) __________, guerrilla headbands, pierced noses, studded leather boots, are all declarations of war. War on (10) _________ where all spheres of our life are influenced.

6 You will hear five people talking about events which they attended. Match the statements (A-F) with the speaker (1-5). Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter you do not need to use.

A They are not accustomed to mixing with (to) other people. Speaker 1

B They are lively, outgoing and friendly. Speaker 2

C They are very jealous. Speaker 3

D They are normally a bit silent. Speaker 4

E They are very boring and ask only about weather. Speaker 5

F They enjoy silence and space around them.

7 Match the statements (1-5) with the people you’ve heard. There is one extra statement.


They are very interested in the news of other countries and so many people like reading newspapers, and magazines and seeing movies of other countries.

a Cassita


What we all have in common in Sweden is that we love the countryside very much.

b Rieko


We are very friendly, … every foreigner is welcome but we are very jealous about what is going to happen or what is our house, our home.

c Wolfmann


Although they have many problems, as you see in documentaries on TV coming from abroad, the poor people in the favellas, they seem happy.

d Maria Cristina


He’s not as loud as many people think and he doesn’t want to play an important role in the world as many people think as well but he keeps on old traditions.

e Yngve


They drink a lot of “nice cups of tea” every day and they really enjoy chatting about weather.