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I. Match the comments with the cartoons below.

1. “I don’t mind getting overdrawn. If I need the money, I just take it out of the bank.”

2. “I never think twice before I buy something.”

3. “It’s better to enjoy yourself while you are young even if it means being broke when you’re older.”

4. “It’s too easy to borrow money from banks and stores.”

5. “Peoples who don’t pay their depts must expect an unwelcome visitor.”

6. “Our parents” generation had a different attitude to managing money than our generation.”

II. How far do you think everything has a fair price? Decide how you would react in the following situations. Work in pairs to compare your answers.

1. You haven’t been able to get a ticket for your favorite team's important match of the season. Ticket usually cost €50. An hour before the match a ticket tout says that he can sell you a ticket for €200. Do you:

a) pay and think, “It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity”?

b) refuse to pay and miss the match?

c) wait until the match is about to begin, and offer him €25?

2. There is a petrol shortage in your country. Your car is nearly empty when you arrive at a filling station which still has some petrol. You notice that the owner has doubled his usual prices. Do you:

a) pay and think, “That’s life”?

b) fill up your car and tell him that you will only pay the normal rate?

c) pay and say you’ll never use his filling station again?

3. A soft drinks company has introduced a new vending machine which increases the price of a can of drink the hotter it gets. It’s a hot day and you are extremely thirsty. Do you:

a) buy the drink anyway?

b) stay thirsty and refuse to buy the drink?

c) wait for the temperature to drop?

III. Read the dialogues with famous people and say what your opinion about the discussed questions.

A famous rock star Angelo Boggs (28 years old).

He is a very popular rock star. He is selfish. He has just published his album and got an amazing fee.

Journalist: - Hi, Angelo! Glad to see you. How are things?

Angelo Boggs (A.B.): Oh, everything is all right. I've just produced my next album. It's called “Crazy”. And I got an amazing fee. It's a crazy sum of money.

J.: Oh, we see you're so happy1 Is it money that makes you so happy?

A.B.: Yeah, I think it's the only thing that people need to have a really good life. I can buy everything I want, though I help my parents. By the way, hello, Dad and Mum!

J.: Are you sure that you can buy everything: things, health, love, devotion, and friendship?

A.B.: Yeah, if you have money you are something like a God.

Ben Brown (38 years old).

A prosperous businessman. His business is very profitable. He gives money for charity.

Ben Brown ( B.B.):. Good afternoon. My name is Ben Brown.

J.: Mr. Brown, we know that you are not poor, your business is very profitable. Can you call yourself a happy man?

B.B.: Well, you see I have enough money to live without problems. Besides I give money for the charity, but in fact I don't feel completely happy. The main problem is I have no wife and children. I spent so much time working that even never fell in love with somebody seriously. There were many beautiful women who wanted to marry me, but I was not sure they really loved me.

J.: Oh. Mr. Brown, we wish you to find your love and make a big and friendly family.

Michael Jones (40 years old).

He is a pessimist. He thinks that there is no happiness in our life. Nothing can make a man happy.

J.: Mr. Jones thinks that there is no happiness in our life. Nothing can make a man happy. Am I right, Mr. Jones?

Michael Jones (M.J.): Well, yes. In my opinion there is no means in the world to make me happy. I have no wife and no children, and I think no woman can make me happy.

J.: How do you earn your living?

M.J.: I have a job. I'm a forester. I don't get much money, but I'm not sure that a large sum of money would make me crazy.

J.: Then what happiness for you?

M.J.: Happiness? You know when I go out of my house and see all that beauty of nature I feel really excited. Why should you have money when you are so rich?

What do you think?

  • Who of them is really happy?

  • Does happiness depend on money?

  • What is happiness for you?

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