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Lesson V. Hobbies. Leisure


1. What type of character are you? How does a creative type of character spend his leisure time? What do passive people do during leisure hours?

2. What are common hobbies in your country?

3. Did (or will you) you choose your hobby by economic necessity?

4. Do you think that keeping pets is a good idea? Why do people keep pets nowadays?

Have you ever had a pet? What was it?

5. What games do people generally play in towns? What are the most unusual games you have heard of?

I. Fulfill the table below.

Things people play

Things people collect

Outdoor activities

Creative hobbies

Learning things

II. КонецформыначалоформыUnderline the word that doesn’t belong in the list:

a) stamps, coins, horse riding, postcards

b) fishing, photography, singing, dancing

c) collecting coins, swimming, diving

d) theatre, reading, skiing, computer games, music.

III. Read the text about the hobbies of well-known and famous people.

1. конецформыначалоформыIn the 16th century a favorite toy for children of all ages was body hobbyhorse. In appearance a hobbyhorse could be as simple as a stick or it could have a decorated wooden framework with an imitation shortened form of hobbyhorse. The word “ hobby” came from hobbyhorse. конецформыначалоформыSome famous people excelled in their hobbies more than in their profession and became famous due to their hobbies.

The hobbies of Victor Hugo were hiking and horseback riding. The hobby of Ivan Turgenev was hunting. The writer Anton Chekhov was a doctor. The founder of the rocket Constantine Tsiolkovski was a teacher. Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. President Bill Clinton, for example, plays the saxophone.

2. The psychologists assure that collecting stimulates the interest to life and raises the feeling of self-esteem.

It is known about John Travolta that before he has become a collector, he was a normal, cheerful lad that did all with appetite: ate, rescued and loved his wife Kelly Preston. But once upon a time Travolta has bought a plane – a small storm trooper, which initiated the hasty disease. Travolta liked the new toy so much, that he has decided to collect the flying machines. The storm trooper was followed by the reactive "Golfstrim", then "Boeing-707", all in all now he possesses 7 planes! Imagine how much space this collection occupies! And how much money it costs? Last year Travolta ordered to install the extremely sensitive cameras and the security system, the central board of which is set into the back of his bed.

3. Robert De Niro's collection is not so extravagant - it's just the collection of hats. But, first, there are plenty of them – approximately 1500. Secondly, they are thrown about in disturbance all over the house. De Niro says that it is done deliberately – it's easier for him to choose the hat, corresponding to his mood. De Niro's collection is "active" – now and then he puts on one of his hats and wears it. But the most interesting fact is that all of his wives and girlfriends assure that when De Niro puts on one of his hats, his image transforms thoroughly.

4. In 1955 the grounds of an old 3-acre chicken ranch were being cleared. On this land the DeArmond family built a growing city with the hobbyist in mind. Within a few years, 3 additional acres were added to the original location making room for more collector shops and expanded free parking. In 1994, an additional 4 acres were added, providing room for Adventure City, an amusement park built just for kids. Imagine a 10 acre little city filled with thousands of interesting collectibles. The hobby and art shops in Hobby City are housed in uniquely constructed theme buildings. Bear collectors will surely enjoy visiting the old tree trunk or visit the 1/2 scale replica of the White House, in which you can find some of the rarest dolls and toys.


to excel – отличаться, выделяться

self-esteem – чувство собственного достоинства

cheerful lad – жизнерадостный парень

to be thrown about in disturbance – быть разбросанным в беспорядке

deliberately - умышленно

acre – 0,405 hectare

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