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VII. Open the brackets using the right form of the verb in the Passive Voice:

1. Six public holidays (to celebrate) in Great Britain. 2. Song festivals (to hold) in Wales every year. 3. Many social customs (to connect) with the celebration of Christmas in Great Britain. 4. A big Christmas tree (to put up) in Trafalgar Square a week ago. 5. The Christmas tree (to decorate) brightly by children tonight. 6. On Boxing Day, children and other members of families (to give) presents. 7. The First of May (to celebrate) as the holiday for Labor in 1889 first. 8. Easter Peace Marches always (to organize) in many European countries.

VIII. Extend the statements following the example given in the pattern:

I like to cook dinner. I’ll cook it myself.

1. Henry likes to drive the car.

2. My sister likes to make cakes.

3. I like to pick flowers.

4. We want to repair the bicycle.

5. The children like to wash the dog.

6. You will ask anyone else to help them.

IX. Finish these sentences, using reflexive pronouns:

1. I never buy anything until I have seen it … .

2. Did the boys build this boat … ?

3. He made a mistake, then he corrected … .

4. The girl stood at the fire, warming … .

5. I hope, you didn’t hurt … .

6. How shall we entertain … ?

7. In our canteen we have to serve … .

8. They went swimming, but they didn’t enjoy … .

X. Choose and use the other, another, others, the others in the following situations:

1. Some London streets are crowded and noisy, but … are very quiet.

2. There were three short films in the cinema program. One was very interesting and … were boring.

3. When Tom came some guests were dancing in the hall, while … were playing cards.

4. I didn’t like the book the girl gave me and asked her to show me … .

5. Some English families have got their own houses and … live in blocks of flats.

6. Nick and Mary are received by the Warners,… are received by other families.

7. The family have two pets: one is a cat, …. is a dog.

8. They lived in …. age.

XI. Translate into English.

1. Я пригласил семь человек на свое день рождения. Только трое из них смогут прийти, остальные будут заняты. 2. Мой папа не читает других книг, кроме детективов. 3. Тебе налить еще чашку чая? 4. Я получил два письма: одно из них было от моих родителей, другое - с работы. 5. Одни люди предпочитают слушать классическую музыку, другие - современную популярную музыку. 6. Я скоро закончу свою работу, мне нужно еще 10 минут. 7. Он никогда не думает о других членах семьи. 8. Поблизости не было других ресторанов, и мы поужинали в китайском ресторане. 9. Мне нужна другая сумка. Эта мне не нравится.

XII. Write the marked words without negative suffixes. Translate the following sentences.

1. This equipment is inexpensive. 2. I dislike the appearance of this building. 3. Your design has two disadvantages. 4. He was unable to see the disadvantages of the device. 5. These are most unfavorable conditions for fruitful work. 6. It is in disagreement with the law. 7. It was impossible to use this kind of equipment. 8. Very soon they will be unable to make experiments in this laboratory. 9. His inability to solve the problem was clear to everybody. 10. The technician was inattentive during the experiment. 11. The unopened letter was still on the table.

XIII. Translate into English.

Восемь человек, пять дней, одиннадцать мужчин, первый урок, вторая книга, пятый вопрос, четвертая лекция, сто двадцать машин, седьмой текст.

XIV. Read the following words:

а) количественные числительные: 1, 4, 13, 28, 297, 458, 604, 1043, 18415;

б) порядковые числительные: 17-й, 21-й, 92-й,149-й, 206-й, 974-й, 1980-й;

в) хронологические даты: 1917, 1848, 1905, 2001, 1868, 1966,978, 1025.

XV. Read the following words, paying particular attention to the pronunciation of the letters and combinations of letters in bold type.

Din, lime, rite, trimmed, pie, tied, wright, sigh, tightly, sir, mirth, stir, birch, entire, admire, irresponsible, squirrel, child, wild, mild, kind, grind, hind.


XVI. Tell about your birthday celebration (New Year celebration) according the plan:

1. Preparation:

- Invitation of guests; making menu and shopping list; decoration of your apartment;

2. Entertainment program.

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