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Unit 2 the cell


Exercise 1. Look through the text and try to get the gist.

Exercise 2. Before reading the text memorize words and word combinations.

choice – вибір

significance – значення,важливість

tool – інструмент

cork slice – скибка корки

to appear – з’являтися

row – ряд

to remind – нагадувати

the tiers of monks’ cells – ряди (яруси) келій монахів

to survive – виживати

to convey – перевозити, передавати

feathers – пір’я

fish scales – луска риби

molds – пліснява, плісень

successors – аступник, спадкоємець

excretion – виділення

reproduction – відтворення, репродукція

tissue – тканина

advanced – передовий

dense – густий, щільний

nucleus – ядро

layer – шар

thread-like fibers – нитко-подібне волокно

abandoned – занедбаний, покинутий


Exercise 3. Write out from the text the international words and give their meanings.

Exercise 4. Translate the following words paying attention to the suffixes and prefixes. Memorize them.

  1. to signify (v), significance (n), significant (adj);

  2. to decompose (v), composer (n), composition (n), decomposition (n);

  3. to connect (v), connection (n), connective (adj);

  4. to orginize (v), orginezer (n), organization (n);

  5. to arrange (v), arrangement (n);

  6. to generalize (v), generalization (n), generality (n), general (adj);

  7. concept (n), conception (n);

  8. accurate (adj), accuracy (n), accurately (adv);

  9. to actualize (v), actuality (n), actual (adj), actually (adv);

  10. attention (n), attentive (adj), attentively (adv);

  11. to brief (v), brief (n), brief (adj), briefly (adv).

Exercise 5. Underline suffixes and prefixes which have negative meaning. Define part of speech. Translate the words.

Inconvenient, unfavourable, inorganic, invisible, countless, unpleasant, disintegration, helpless, deformation, useless, irregular, insoluble.

Exercise 6. Form verbs from the following nouns. Translate them.

Classification – to classify – класифікувати

Organization __________________________________________

Development __________________________________________

Division ______________________________________________

Change ______________________________________________

Use ________________________________________________

Appearance ___________________________________________

Usefulness ___________________________________________

Observation __________________________________________

Composer _____________________________________________

Exercise 7. Read and translate the text.

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